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Home City Brass Fortress
Location Reactor District
Race Factotum Gender No Gender
Health 133,844 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Bolin in his Factotum form

Bolin is a factotum located in the Reactor District of the Brass Fortress.

In life, he was a Wood Elf with a wild creative mind and the lover of apostle Terari Heladren, but was mortally wounded in an accident. Terari transferred his soul into the body of a factotum, and while it was successful, Bolin constantly suffered from being in the cold robotic body and went insane.

Terari sends you to fight him and collect the black soul gem from his factotum form. At the end of the quest, Bolin is briefly transferred into the body of Sovor Saryoni, where he has a peaceful final moment with Terari before perishing

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Bolin uses a mix of knight and ravager class abilities, as well as one unique ability:

Bolin lowers his hands towards the ground, releasing waves of fire outwards from him in all directions, indicated by small traveling circular AoEs, dealing moderate flame damage each.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

As he attacks, he'll express his anquish:

Bolin: "I want to go home! I want to go home!"
Bolin: "Go away! Go! Go!"
Bolin: "I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe."
Bolin: "Terari? Are you there...? Is anyone? It's so empty here."
Bolin: "It doesn't hurt. Do you still hurt?"
Bolin: "Is it over...?"
Bolin: "A—ah … quiet …."

Return to the Derelict Laboratory with the soul gem and you'll find that Proctor Sovor Saryoni has come to the laboratory and is lying on an exam table on one side of the room, and a factotum "body" on the other. Speak to Terari and she'll tell you her plan for putting Sovor's soul into the soul gem and hopefully releasing Bolin's soul at the same time. She instructs you to start the machine for the transfer.

Go to the switch and throw it:

Terari Heladren: "It's begun. Now would be the time to pray."

Sovor begins to pray:

Proctor Sovor Saryoni: "I have faith in Lord Seht's tenets: observe, learn, apply. Trust in his grand design."

Both Sovor and the factotum begin to spark. After a few seconds, the factotum gets up from the table… with Sovor's voice:

Sovor Saryoni: "Yes … it's sublime, this … order."
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Home City Brass Fortress
Location Reactor District, Derelict Laboratory
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly

Meanwhile, you hear a different voice from Sovor's dunmer body:

Bolin: "Y'ffre, I can feel! Thank you, I can feel …."
Terari Heladren: "I—I think it worked! Please, please, let it have worked …."

If you speak to him, he'll tell you:

"I … I don't feel myself, but … I don't care."

Terari turns to Bolin:

Terari Heladren: "Bolin! Is it you? Speak to me! I need to know it's still you. Please!"
Bolin: "Terari …? When did we get so old? It's time now, isn't it?"
Terari Heladren: "It is … you're free now. I'm sorry for all the pain I caused."
Bolin: "Enough tears, love. We're liable to rust. There, that's the smile …."

Bolin passes.