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Online:Blacksmith Zifri

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Blacksmith Zifri
Location Shada's Tear, City District
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 1,285,075 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Blacksmith Zifri

Blacksmith Zifri is a crazed Wood Elf warrior and blacksmith found inside the city at Shada's Tear. She was part of the excavation team before she drank the poisoned water and went mad. She is accompanied by two apprentices.

Blacksmith Zifri
Location Shada's Tear, City District
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 52,800
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Spirit
Blacksmith Zifri's spirit

After she is slain, her spirit is freed and she regrets her action, and thanks you for freeing her from the water's curse.

Related Quests[edit]

  • Repeatable ON-qico-Group Area.pngWaters Run Foul: Release the researchers from the Nereid Queen's influence.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

She uses eviscerator class abilities, as well as some additional abilities.

Basic melee attack dealing moderate physical damage.
Power Bash
Blacksmith Zifri winds up before slamming you with her shield, dealing very high physical damage and stunning you. This attack can be blocked.
Blacksmith Zifri briefly blocks with their shield, reducing damage taken greatly. Targets who attempt melee heavy attacks on the enemy while they are blocking will be set off-balance.
Dragonknight Standard
Blacksmith Zifri calls down a fiery banner that plants down into the ground, with a large circular AoE, and causes persistent minor flame damage and applies Major Defile.
Steaming Room
Blacksmith Zifri activates the forges in the room, making the room appear more red and applying an effect that causes low continuous flame damage over time that cannot be avoided until the move concludes after 15 seconds.
Summon Sparks
Blacksmith Zifri rushes over to the anvil and starts preparing to perform Cooled Off. During that time, she will not attack you directly, and Fiery Sparks will be summoned and float towards the anvil. They must be killed to offer a zone of protection for Cooled Off.
Cooled Off
After finishing her work at the anvil, Blacksmith Zifri raises her arm as an arena-wide AoE grows. The only way to survive this one-shot ability to stand in a small circle of protection that is created if you killed Fiery Sparks. If not, you will die with no way of avoiding the attack.
Flame Wall
A wall of fire blocks the exit way, dealing continuous 3,000 flame damage per tick to targets inside.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Performing Steaming Room:

Blacksmith Zifri: "One must use fire to forge the blade and destroy their enemies!"

Summoning Fiery Sparks:

Blacksmith Zifri: "To forge a fine weapon, one needs heat!"

Performing Cooled Off:

Blacksmith Zifri: "And finally, one must purge the weapon in the water's frost!"

After her defeat, her spirit appears.

Blacksmith Zifri: "What have I become? There can be no forgiveness for what I've done, but speak to me before you leave this chamber and I will try to right the wrongs I've committed."

Speak with her spirit.

"It's over. Thank you.
We took Nahlia. You have to save her. I hope it's not too late."
Where is Nahlia?
"I can't. There's no time. Look to the pillars. You have to look to the pillars for the key."
What pillars?
"No time. My spirit fades. Look for the faces on the stone pillars. When you reach Nahlia's prison, you will see. You will understand."


  • Despite being a Wood Elf, she is as tall as a High Elf.