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Online:Archdruid Rahval

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Archdruid Rahval
Home Settlement Glimmertarn
Race Breton Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Stonelore Circle
Archdruid Rahval

Archdruid Rahval is a Breton and archdruid of the Stonelore Circle in Galen. He taught both Druid Laurel and Sir Stefan Mornard when they were younger.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

A Sea of Troubles[edit]

After reporting evidence about a possible alliance between the Firesong and Dreadsails to Sir Stefan Mornard, you accompany him and Druid Laurel to the Draoife, a meeting of the archdruids of all three druidic circles. When you arrive, Archdruid Orlaith will be speaking with both Archdruid Rahval and Archdruid Ellic:

Archdruid Orlaith: "The day is upon us. The Draoife must crown a new Druid King!"
Archdruid Rahval: "Perhaps, but you have no right to claim the sacred seeds by force."
Archdruid Orlaith: "You hide your seeds and keep the Sower of Kasorayn's Dream for yourself. You declared this war, not the Firesong."
Archdruid Ellic: "No Druid King can be crowned until the circles are united! The Telling Stone is quite clear …."
Archdruid Orlaith: "This Draoife is a sham! If I must burn away the old to reveal the new, so be it!"
<Firesong druids and Dreadsails will teleport in and slay most of the attending druids.>
Druid Laurel: "Orlaith killed most of the Draoife! She's getting away!"
<Druid Laurel runs down a tunnel.>
Sir Stefan Mornard: "Laurel, wait! Damn. I'll go after her. Friend, protect the remaining archdruids!"
Dhulef: "Teach these sea-snakes a lesson, mate! I'll keep Rahval and Ellic safe."

In the meantime, Dhulef will shield the surviving Rahval and Ellic while you fight off the attackers. Once you have defeated them all, Rahval will ask you to give chase:

Archdruid Rahval: "Thank you, mainlander. Now go help Laurel and Stefan!"

You have the option of speaking with Archdruid Rahval before giving chase:

"This is a sacred place! What madness grips the Firesong?
I am unharmed, stranger. Please, go after Laurel. In her anger she pursued Orlaith farther into the dell. And Stefan ran after her."

When you catch up to Druid Laurel and Sir Stefan, you find things have gone wrong. Sir Stefan has been captured by both Sealord Nalos and Archdruid Orlaith. You will then need to fight Druid Branagh and his ursauk companion. Once you have won, Archdruid Orlaith will give an ultimatum:

Druid Branagh: "I fall, but the Firesong burn on …."
Archdruid Orlaith: "You defeated my champion? No matter."
Archdruid Orlaith: "Tell Count Mornard to stay out of this or his son's life is forfeit!"
<Archdruid Orlaith, Sealord Nalos and Sir Stefan then leave, the survivors then catch up to you.>
Archdruid Ellic: "The Eldertide will make Orlaith answer for this outrage!"
Archdruid Rahval: "She has young Stefan. We must tread carefully. Yet thanks to this mainlander, we still live."
Dhulef: "We must inform Count Mornard. I won't tell archdruids what to do, but you're welcome in Vastyr."

Speaking with Rahval before you leave the Draoife Dell:

"Archdruid Orlaith never planned to discuss peace this day. She let the Draoife gather so that she could eliminate us with one swift blow. Treachery indeed.
War has come to Galen, whether we wanted it or not."

Tides of Ruin[edit]

After speaking with Count Leonard Mornard about what happened at the Draoife, he will ask you to handle the rescue of Stefan while he publicly does nothing. He will also ask you to speak with Archdruids Rahval and Ellic. They can be found east of Vastyr, Laurel will be with them, and you can hear the end of their conversation as you approach:

Archdruid Rahval: "No, Laurel. Archdruid Orlaith demanded the nature spirit, too. You must find Frii and keep them safe."
Druid Laurel: "But Stefan is in danger! I have to—what's that?"
<There is a grumble and the ground shakes, ash pours out of the nearby Mount Firesong.>
Archdruid Rahval: "Mount Firesong stirs. Archdruid Orlaith and her circle ignore their duties."

You can then speak with Archdruid Rahval about Count Leonard's plan. The dialogue may differ slightly depending on if you spoke with Archdruid Ellic first:

Spoke with Archdruid Rahval first:
Spoke with Archdruid Ellic first:
"Laurel blames herself for Stefan's capture. He is dear to her. And to me. I tutored them both when they were young.
Thank you again for defending us at the Draoife. I just wish we had been able to save all of the archdruids and not just Ellic and I."
Count Mornard sent me to ask if you have any idea where the Firesong might be holding Sir Stefan.
"Hmm. An intriguing question. Unfortunately, as far as I know, the Firesong don't have any strongholds on Galen … unless …. Perhaps they've occupied one of the ancient druidic sites?
Maybe Archdruid Ellic of the Eldertide can tell you more."
How are you after the attack at Draoife Dell?
"Laurel blames herself for Stefan's capture. He is dear to her. And to me. I tutored them both when they were young.
Thank you again for defending us at the Draoife. I just wish we had been able to save all of the archdruids and not just Ellic and I."
Archdruid Ellic thinks Sir Stefan is at Castle Tonnere. And the Eldertide seed is there, too.
"The trust of the Eldertide isn't easy to earn. Ellic would not reveal the hiding place of their seed unless he truly thought you might find Stefan in the castle.
So, will you truly attempt to rescue Sir Stefan and recover the Eldertide seed?"
How are you after the attack at Draoife Dell?
"Thanks to you and Dhulef, I wasn't harmed. My fellow archdruids … weren't so fortunate.
Still, we moved our sacred seed to a new location, known only to a few of the Stonelore. And I'm sending Laurel to keep Frii safe. I pray it's enough."

You can also ask Archdruid Rahval some questions about the prophecy and Mount Firesong:

"Sir Stefan is more than the scion of House Mornard. He's a bridge between two worlds. Few Bretons have his understanding of both the old druidic traditions and the ways of so-called modern society.
Do whatever you can to save him, druid-kin."
Why is Archdruid Orlaith doing all this?
"Archdruid Orlaith believes in a literal interpretation of the Dream of Kasorayn. She sees the signs of the season as proof that the prophecy is upon us.
That's why she seeks to gather all three sacred seeds. And why she wants Frii."
And you don't believe in that interpretation?
"Mount Firesong has certainly grown more active recently. But Frii only awakened due to the actions of the Firesong. Can one force a prophecy to come to pass?
Still, I have a terrible feeling that Orlaith knows something we don't. That concerns me."
Tell me more about Mount Firesong.
"Mount Firesong rises above Y'ffelon, but its roots extend throughout the archipelago. It gives the islands their hot springs and steam vents. Usually these are curiosities, not particularly dangerous. But this recent activity is concerning."
Y'ffelon is the Firesong island, right?
"The island is sacred to all druids, but yes, the Firesong call it home.
The circle's ancient duty is to calm the spirit of the volcano when it grows restless. Yet the mountain grows angrier. I wonder if the Firesong can contain it—or want to."
Will Mount Firesong erupt?
"The volcano is erupting already. Lava vents long dormant on Galen and High Isle now flow with molten magma. The last time the volcano erupted, it caused terrible damage to the islands. Thousands of lives were lost. I pray it doesn't reach that level."

Seeds of Destruction[edit]

After you rescue Sir Stefan and Druid Niraya and retrieve the Eldertide Seed, you return to Vastyr with the knowledge that it will be attacked by the Dreadsails soon. Sir Stefan asks you to speak with Archdruid Rahval to enlist the Circle's help in defending the city. Archdruid Rahval can be found in the Vine District, and he calls out to you once he sees you:

Archdruid Rahval: "Ah, I was wondering if I'd see you again, adventurer."

Speak with Archdruid Rahval to pass on Sir Stefan's request:

"Ah, druid-kin. I heard what you did. How you secured the Eldertide seed and returned it to the care of Archdruid Ellic. Once again, you prove to be a true friend of the druids.
But what's this I hear of an impending attack on the city?"
That's why I'm here. Sir Stefan requests that the druids help defend Vastyr from the coming attack.
"Hmm. Stefan needs to bolster his army and wants to do so with the Stonelore and the Eldertide? I suppose that makes some sense. We can defend ourselves, and it is our third circle that has gone rogue.
I can pledge the Stonelore to this cause."
What about the Eldertide? I should speak to Archdruid Ellic, too.
"Let me talk to Ellic. If anyone can convince him to bring his people to the city to help defend its walls, it's another archdruid.
Instead, I want to send you to Glimmertarn."
All right, but what's in Glimmertarn?

He will explain that is main location for Galen's Stonelore druids. You can continue speaking with him to ask further questions:

"Laurel and most of Galen's Stonelore druids are in Glimmertarn. Inform her of the plan and tell her to prepare our circle for war. I'll meet you there after I convince Archdruid Ellic to do the same.
The village lies directly north of Vastyr."
Is the Stonelore seed still safe, archdruid?
"Perfectly. I gave it to Frii for safekeeping. As a spirit forged from Y'ffre's will, who better to protect something so sacred? They've been quite curious about it. Said they felt a connection and wanted to study the seed."
Has Frii learned anything from studying the seed?
"You'll have to ask Frii yourself. I returned to Vastyr right after delivering the seed.
The way Frii communicates is still … perplexing. I believe we learn more about one another with every passing day, but many mysteries remain."
Will the Stonelore agree to help defend Vastyr?
"The request came from Stefan, and my circle loves him as one of our own. Plus, the Firesong attacked us, as well, and we feel a responsibility for our misguided brethren. Besides, I am their archdruid and I have already agreed. The matter is settled."

When you arrive in Glimmertarn, Druid Laurel will be tending to the injured Eldertide druids who had made their way to the village. She further explains Dreadsails and Firesong had been lurking nearby and attacking people. Druid Laurel then gets you to retrieve the Everflame Torch and light the beacon on Veil's Bluff. When you arrive back in Glimmertarn, many more Stonelore druids will have arrived, including Archdruid Rahval:

Archdruid Rahval: "You lit the beacon. Good work, Laurel."

Speak with Archdruid Rahval:

"Ah, druid-kin. Thank you for assisting Laurel. I spoke to Ellic and he agreed to bring his Eldertide to help defend Vastyr. So I made my way here to lead my own people to the city.
But first, we must attend to the matter of the sacred seed."
What about the sacred seed?
"I'd like you and Druid Laurel to make sure the seed and Frii are all right. Laurel believes Frii took it to Clohaigh—an old cave they've visited often since coming here. We had mostly forgotten about the cave, but Frii seems drawn to the place."
What about the druids? Don't you need help getting them to Vastyr?
"By Y'ffre and the Green, I can rally my people and the Eldertide who seek refuge here. I need you and Laurel to check on Frii and the seed. With the Dreadsails and Firesong scouring the area, it's only a matter of time before they're discovered."
I'll go to Clohaigh and check on Frii.

He will then address the crowd:

Archdruid Rahval: "Laurel, go with our friend. Make sure Frii is all right."
Archdruid Rahval: "Begin gathering your belongings. We'll make for Vastyr once everyone has arrived."

You can talk with Archdruid Rahval again and ask some more questions:

"Clohaigh is just to the east. Please, hurry. If the Firesong find that cave, they'll stop at nothing to capture Frii and our sacred seed,"
What else can you tell me about Clohaigh?
"Not a great deal, unfortunately. It may have had some significance in the past, but now it's just an abandoned, overgrown cave. No one paid it much mind until Frii arrived at the village."
Why was Frii so interested in the cave?
"You know, I never had the opportunity to ask. Frii did love to explore the place though. Took Druid Laurel along a few times, I believe. Perhaps she can tell you more."
How long before you're ready to lead the druids to Vastyr?
"The beacon has been ignited. I must give our druids time to make the trek from all points on the island. Plus, we have weapons to gather, supplies to pack.
Don't worry. We'll get to the city before the attack begins in earnest."
What about the Firesong and Dreadsails surrounding Glimmertarn?
"This is Stonelore territory. My people know paths and trails that should allow them to avoid most of our enemies. And if all else fails, they know how to fight. That's why Stefan asked for our assistance in the coming battle."

You and Druid Laurel find Frii in Clohaigh and you take the Sacred Stonelore Seed to bring back to Glimmertarn. Archdruid Rahval will be waiting for you:

Archdruid Rahval: "The Stonelore have pledged themselves to the defense of Vastyr. We leave shortly."

Speak with Archdruid Rahval and hand over the seed:

"Our brothers and sisters have arrived, summoned by the beacon. We're just about ready to make the trip to Vastyr. We will help defend the walls, and in turn, the walls will defend our injured.
Now, Frii tells me you carry our sacred seed?"
Yes. Here's the sacred seed.
"Despite the efforts of the Firesong and their Sea Elf allies, we still possess our sacred seed. I fear this means that the assault on Vastyr will begin soon.
Now—oh, Sir Stefan. Here? That bodes ill. Perhaps you should speak to him, druid-kin?"
I'll speak to Sir Stefan.
"Good. Once we hear Stefan's news, I'll order our druids to head for the city. I think Druid Laurel and Frii should remain here, however. To guide any stragglers. And to keep the nature spirit hidden from Archdruid Orlaith.
Thank you again, friend."

After you have spoken with Archdruid Rahval, Sir Stefan will arrive with some knights:

"Talk to Sir Stefan and find out what brings him here. He should be back in Vastyr, waiting for us and shoring up his defenses."

If you exit out of the conversation with Sir Stefan before turning in the quest, he will alternatively say:

"Sir Stefan still wants to talk to you, druid-kin. And I have a few last preparations to make before we're ready to head to the city."

The Siege of Vastyr[edit]

Once you have spoke with Sir Stefan, Archdruid Rahval will decide to travel with him to Vastyr:

"Don't worry, I'll take the seed to Vastyr. I will feel much better knowing both myself and Archdruid Ellic have our circles' seeds safely tucked away within the walls of the city.
I'll be quick as the wind, druid-kin, I swear to you."
Will you and Stefan be able to get back to the city safely?
"Certainly. The two of us can handle anything that crosses our path. I doubt either the Firesong or the Dreadsails know the seed exchanged hands yet, so we shouldn't attract too much attention. Regardless, I have no fear with Stefan by my side."

Once you finished speaking with Stefan at Glimmertarn, the archdruid will be ready to leave and will give Laurel instructions to hide with Frii in the wilderness:

Sir Stefan Mornard: "Archdruid Rahval, are you and the Stonelore ready to depart for Vastyr?"
Archdruid Rahval: "We are. Laurel, take Frii and hide in the wilderness. They cannot fall into Orlaith's hands."
Druid Laruel: "But I—yes, archdruid. I understand."

Once the siege begins, You will need to find Archdruid Rahval and evacuate him to the cathedral. However, you will eventually reach the courtyard where he is held captive by Archdruid Orlaith. She has all the seeds of the druid circles and Rahval is asking her to return the sacred seeds. She refuses and kills off Rahval to let the prophecy happen, and to add insult to injury she blows up the cathedral where Count Leonard Mornard and several civilians are taking refuge. She will then teleport out of the courtyard.

Archdruid Rahval: "Archdruid Orlaith, return the sacred seeds."
Sir Stefan Mornard: "Let Rahval and the seeds go, Orlaith!"
Archdruid Orlaith: "You have lost, Rahval! Today your blood allows the Dream to come to pass."
Archdruid Rahval: "Druid-kin! You must protect Frii!"
Archdruid Orlaith: "Silence!"

<Archdruid Orlaith slits the throat of Archdruid Rahval.>

Sir Stefan Mornard: "Not Rahval, damn you!"
Archdruid Orlaith: "A new age of Green begins here!"

<The cathedral gets blown up>

Sir Stefan Mornard: "The cathedral! Father, no!"
Archdruid Orlaith: "When next we meet, you will bow to me. The new Druid King!"

<Archdruid Orlaith teleports out and Sir Stefan rushes to the cathedral>

Captain Siravaen: "I'm no help with things like this. Find me when you're finished."

<Captain Siravaen also runs off.>

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