Online:Anchorborn Welwa

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Born in the blasted wastes of Coldharbour, Molag Bal's ferocious welwa pursue their prey with terrifying tenacity. It is said that only the chains of the Dark Anchors themselves can hold the beasts back once they've scented their quarry.
ON-icon-mount-Anchorborn Welwa.png
Anchorborn Welwa
Type Heavyweight
Default Name Chainbreaker
Acquired From Evolving a Molag Bal Illusion Imp with Fragments obtained during Events
Category Mounts (Heavyweights)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Anchorborn Welwa is a heavyweight mount. It will be available in Q3 of 2024 by combining event fragments with a Molag Bal Illusion Imp. Its default name is "Chainbreaker".


This mount is the Molag Bal Illusion Imp's third upgrade, released in Q3 and obtained by combining three different upgrade fragments with the pet. When combined, the pet will morph into the Anchorborn Welwa mount.

Item Description Price First Available
ON-icon-fragment-Bizarre Daedric Meat.png Bizarre Daedric Meat The flesh of Oblivion creatures is often unusually colored, highly toxic, and strangely pungent. The perfect fodder to entice a Daedric steed into your service. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount. 000001010Event Tickets TBA
ON-icon-fragment-Fine Ebonsteel Chain.png Fine Ebonsteel Chain A lead capable of holding a gnashing Daedric beast without snapping. Strong materials won't help if it decides to turn on you, though. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount. 000001010Event Tickets TBA
ON-icon-fragment-Strengthened Welwa Muzzle.png Strengthened Welwa Muzzle The jaws of a welwa are uniquely equipped to both tear flesh and crush bone. Requires a muzzle strong enough to keep its jaws closed tight, lest it devour its trainer. A component required to morph a Molag Bal Illusion Imp into the Anchorborn Welwa mount 000001010Event Tickets TBA

See Also[edit]