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Online:A Dastardly Duo

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by MolagBallet, checked by Oath2order

Walkthrough: written by Oath2order, not checked

Quest Stages: written by MolagBallet, not checked
Kill a notorious bandit duo and destroy their cache of contraband goods.
Zone: Northern Elsweyr
Quest Giver: Ri'hirr
Location(s): Rimmen, Red Hands Run
Prerequisite Quest: In Defense of Elsweyr
Reward: Elsweyr Daily Merit Coffer
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
ID: 6381
RepeatableRepeatable: Daily
"Take these two: Zav'i and Akumjhargo. They lead a pride of bandits out of Red Hands Run. Muskarsed villains, both of them!"—Ri'hirr
According to Ri'hirr, a pair of Khajiiti criminals named Akumjhargo and Zav'i bleed Northern Elsweyr dry through a combination of theft, murder, and extortion. Honest trade cannot flourish as long as these lawbreakers remain alive.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Kill Akumjhargo and Zav'i.
  2. Destroy the bandits' hidden cache.
  3. Talk to Ri'hirr.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Speak to Ri'hirr in Rimmen to start the quest.

"Many Khajiit have a … loose definition of what is legal and what is not. Old Ri'hirr included! But some take it too far.
Take these two: Zav'i and Akumjhargo. They lead a pride of bandits out of Red Hands Run. Muskarsed villains, both of them!"
You want me to take care of them for you?
"Yes! Believe me, all of Northern Elsweyr will sing your praises. Those two have nearly choked the life out of honest trade.
Also, you'll probably find a pile of contraband in their lair. Skooma packed in crates, and such. Smash it to splinters!"
All right, I'll kill this pair of criminals and smash their contraband.

You need to go to Red Hands Run and defeat Akumjhargo and Zav'i. You will also need to destroy the bandits' hidden cache of contraband crates, of which there are three scattered around the area.

When you are done, return to Ri'hirr for your reward.

Quest Stages[edit]

A Dastardly Duo
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I need to kill Akumjhargo and Za'vi, and destroy their hidden cache of contraband goods.
Objective: Kill Akumjhargo and Zav'i
Objective: Destroy Contraband Crates: 0/3
Finishes quest☑ I destroyed the contraband and its owners. I should share the good news with Ri'hirr and claim my reward.
Objective: Talk to Ri'hirr
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.