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Oblivion talk:Hero Hill

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Recent edit: "This area can also be used as a store-room for lower level characters, as items left here do not disappear".

Umm... Isn't that the case for every area in the game (except containers you don't own)? Drop an item on the ground and it will stay indefinately (except in places that reconfigure, such as Benirus Manor or Bruma Mages guild).

Or does the message refer specifically to the "hollowed-out-rock"? Wouldn't it act the same as all dead-drop locations? — Unsigned comment by Vlad the Imperial (talkcontribs) at 11:20 on 12 October 2007

Items usually don't disappear if they lie on the ground, this counts for all areas in the game. However glitches are rumoured to occur where items would fall through the ground, personally I've never seen an item disappear. Some areas are not safe because you will never be able to visit them again. For example the Bruma Mages Guild Interior prior to the attack is a different area than the area after the attack. They just have the same design.
I think the message doesn't refer to the "Hollowed Out Rock" container, but it could be changed to do so. Most of the containers in Oblivion are not safe, so it wouldn't hurt mentioning the containers that are safe. This note could be added to all Dead Drop containers. --Timenn 09:41, 12 October 2007 (EDT)
I deleted the tip. It's really not clear what is supposed to be the "store room"; if someone wants to investigate the dead drops and add more specific information about safe storage (including confirmation of what happens during the quest), then perhaps the tip would be useful. I'm also somewhat skeptical about the usefulness of storage that's in the middle of nowhere, so IMO the recommendation was overly strong. --NepheleTalk 03:15, 16 October 2007 (EDT)


I'm not sure why this hill's region was recently changed from Valus Mountains to Nibenay Basin, but as far as I can tell it's in the Valus Mountains, so I've changed it back. Not only does the description itself say it's in the Valus Mountains ("it is only a foothill of the Valus Mountains"), but the cell's region is part of the mountains, and on the map there is a clear transition from the green, forested basin to the gray, rocky mountains, and Hero Hill is on the mountain side of that transition. --NepheleTalk 14:20, 8 February 2009 (EST)

What's odd is that when I saw both the previous edit and yours I went back into the game to check my original statement that the hill was in the Valus Mountains. Both times... I agreed with the most recent post. I obviously found the place to be in the VMs and then for whatever reason, after Dead Drop On Hero Hill's edit, I found to be in the NB. Now I check again I agree with you that it's in the mountains again. Certainly there are parts of the HeroHill cell that are in both reasons, but the map marker is clearly in the mountains. –RpehTCE 14:29, 8 February 2009 (EST)
Unfortunately, I'm starting to think that some of these regions may have to decided by judgment calls.
Part of the problem is that I still have no idea where in the .esm file the region that appears on-screen in the game is specified. What I can find in the .esm file is that each cell has one or more REGN codes associated with it. In the case of the cell containing Hero Hill, the REGN edid is JerallValusMountainsSubRegion06, which is what I was referring to above when I said that the cell's region is part of the mountains. However, I don't think those REGN codes are directly related to the in-game region. For example, the region code here says "JerallValusMountains", not just ValusMountains. And each cell can have more than one REGN code. So from the construction set side, I don't think we can get a definitive answer.
From the in-game side, it's also not always possible, as I found out the last time I tried to track down one of these regions in-game (this time, I didn't even go to the trouble of booting up windows just to check in-game, given my previous inconclusive attempts). For example, Roxey Inn is in a named exterior cell, so in-game you are only told that you're at Roxey Inn -- as far as I know, there's no way to find out the region's name when the exterior cell is named. All you can figure out in-game is what the regions are for the four surrounding cells.
So the upshot is that I think some of these decisions will need to be based on other factors, such as where the location is situated relative to visible landscape divisions -- for example, the steep hill separating mountains from valley, or the landscape difference between mountains and valley, or the Red Ring Road that divides the Heartlands from the Great Forest north of the Imperial City. --NepheleTalk 20:58, 8 February 2009 (EST)