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Oblivion Mod:Fremleyan

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Mod Information
Author(s) Morgano
Current Version 1.1
Last updated 25 Jul 2008
Links Wiwiland
Language French
Translations English: Nexus Mods
Requirements N/A
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests) 1


Southeast of Anvil is a ruin, Fremleyan in the ancient tongue, over which a mystery has hovered for centuries. It is said in the old manuscripts that the ruin was, in its time, one of the main Ayleid capitals and, one beautiful day, it fell into complete ruin. Indeed the king of Fremleyan, Huldhir the Magnificent, began to show symptoms of lesser concern following the death of his wife.

"At the height of his madness, Huldhir asked the entire population of Fremleyan, guards, merchants, scholars ... to accompany him in the depth of his empire. Nobody ever came back ....."

No one saw them again thereafter. The only one who returned from his trip to the ruins was a filthy Nord explorer, who committed suicide a few days later. Today, the mystery remains unsolved. What hides in the depths of Fremleyan? Perhaps, one day, a seasoned explorer will have the courage to risk the dangers of Fremleyan......



  • This mod might conflict with OOO, as both mods place ruins in the same area.