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Oblivion:Trenus Duronius' House

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Summary: not written

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Description: written by Kiz

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Trenus Duronius' House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
ICTempleDistrictTrenusDuroniusHouse, ICTempleDistrictTrenusDuroniusBasement, ICTempleDistrictTrenusDuroniusHouseUpstairs
Imperial City, Temple District
Trenus Duronius' House

Trenus Duronius' House is located in the southwestern quarter of the Temple District, next to Hastrel Ottus' House and on the street around the Temple of the One.

The main level of his house holds 35 bottles of Tamika's West Weald Wine; five on the dining table, two on a smaller table, and fourteen each on two wine racks. His basement contains only clutter and food, but his private quarters hide four retorts, an alembic, and a calcinator, as well as five chests, each containing three bottles of skooma, and more wine: four bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine, seven bottles of cheap wine, and another eleven bottles of Tamika's.