Oblivion:Topal Bay
Topal Bay is a large, placid body of water south of Tamriel. It is enclosed by the provinces of Elsweyr, Black Marsh, and Cyrodiil. In Cyrodiil, the city of Leyawiin and the Blackwood region lie on Topal Bay, at the delta of the Niben River. The bay is named after Leyawiin's patron saint, Topal the Pilot, the Altmer explorer who discovered the Niben River and charted Tamriel's sea lanes.
For more information, see the main lore article.
Tidewater Cave is on the shore of the bay, and Deepscorn Hollow lies on a small island just off the coast. The Bogwater Camp is located north of the hollow, with the Serpent Stone northwest of the camp. A total of eighteen Nirnroot Plants can be found on the coasts and on the islands of the bay.
Places of Interest[edit]
The following are places of interest along the coast of the bay, from west to east:
Forsaken Mine — A medium-sized mine south of Leyawiin containing trolls (quest-related). (map)
- Leyawiin — The main city in the Blackwood region in far southern Cyrodiil, dedicated to Zenithar. (map)
Tidewater Cave — A small cave southeast of Leyawiin containing trolls (quest-related). (map)
Deepscorn HollowVL — An underground lair southeast of Leyawiin catered to infamous characters (download-specific). (map)
- A Gate to Oblivion (map)