Oblivion:The Elven Garden Sewers
# of Zones | 3 | |
Occupants | ||
Goblins Mythic Dawn Guards Raven Camoran |
Important Treasure | ||
Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3 1 boss-level Chest 01 |
Console Location Code(s) | ||
ImperialSewersElvenGardens01, ImperialSewersElvenGardens02, ImperialSewersElvenGardens03 | ||
Location | ||
The sewer under the Imperial City Elven Gardens District |
The Elven Garden Sewers are a medium-sized sewer under the Imperial City containing goblins (quest-related). It contains three zones: The Elven Garden Sewers, Sunken Sewers, and Sewer Waterworks.
Related Quests[edit]
- The Path of Dawn: You must return to Baurus in the Imperial City to try to track down the stolen Amulet of Kings.
- This sewer connects to the Talos Plaza Sewers (under the Talos Plaza District). However, the connection to the Talos Plaza Sewers initially is not available, as until the related quest has been started, the two gates in the Sunken Sewers (I and J) leading to the Talos Plaza Sewers cannot be opened.
- There is a surface-level manhole entrance to the sewer in the Elven Gardens District, in the courtyard behind Ra'Jhan's House in the southeast quadrant of the district.
- Basement entrances to Othrelos' House, Irene Metrick's House, and Fathis Ules' House (all in the Elven Gardens District) can be opened without fear of being noticed by the guards; however, entering the basements is considered trespassing.
- You will travel through the sewer during The Path of Dawn. Until that quest, you will be unable to pass beyond the first room in the Sunken Sewers. The other two zones of the sewer can be fully explored at any time.
- The Mythic Dawn Guards and Raven Camoran are only found in the Sunken Sewers, and are only accessible after the related quest has been started, along with all of the valuable treasure in the sewer. The goblins are only found in the Sewer Waterworks.
- One minor bug with the sewer is that two of the zones are not oriented properly. The Elven Garden Sewers appears to be aligned correctly, as the basement doors in the zone are in the correct locations relative to the house locations on the surface. However, the other two zones are not properly rotated. Therefore, the doors between those two zones and the corresponding doors on the surface would not align correctly.
- Despite its name, there is no water in the Sunken Sewers.
Zone 1: The Elven Garden Sewers[edit]
This zone consists of two disconnected sections. The section to the north and east is entered through door Out from the Elven Gardens District. The exit (door F) leads to the Sewer Waterworks, which serves as the connector between the two sections of The Elven Garden Sewers. From that connector, you re-emerge into the southwest section of the zone through door E. There are two exits from the southwest section, doors C and D, both of which lead to the same room in the Sunken Sewers.
From the main entrance (Out), the main path forward is to head southeast, opening sewer door L using the adjacent turn wheel (cyan dot on map) on your way to door F. Treasure seekers may wish to explore north of the entrance, where three minor loot chests can be accessed once the two slough gates (I and J) are opened using the nearby turn wheel (cyan dot); thieves may also want to take advantage of the doors to the basements of Othrelos' House and Irene Metrick's House (doors G and H). On the related quest, Baurus will not head into the northern area. However, if you choose to explore, he will wait for you before proceeding.
The second section of the zone, from entrance E to doors C or D, is straightforward. It is easy to overlook the two minor loot chests in the final room. Thieves may also want to take a detour to the basement of Fathis Ules' House (door K), although Fathis is a Thieves Guild member.
Doors and Gates:
- There are eight doors in/out of this zone
- 1 door (at Out) leads outside to the Elven Gardens District
- 2 doors (at C and D) lead to the zone Sunken Sewers (both doors lead to the same room, with C at a lower level and D at an upper level; during the related quest, Baurus suggests that he should use door C while you use door D)
- 2 doors (at E and F) lead to the zone Sewer Waterworks (the doors connect to opposite ends of the zone)
- 3 doors (at G, H, and K) lead to the basements of Othrelos' House, Irene Metrick's House, and Fathis Ules' House, respectively
- 2 Slough Gates at I and J (opened by the turn wheel between the gates (cyan dot))
- 1 Sewer Door at L (opened by the turn wheel west of the door (cyan dot); the wheel only works once, after which the gate remains permanently open, and activating the wheel does nothing)
Zone 2: Sunken Sewers[edit]

This zone is entered through doors C or D. However, until the related quest has been started, the two gates (I and J) leading to the rest of the zone cannot be opened, as the key to open the gates can only be obtained from the enemies located on the other side. Therefore, everything of interest in the zone (including the only valuable treasure and the most difficult enemies of this sewer) are inaccessible.
Once the gates have been opened, it is possible to travel through the zone to the exit (door H), leading to the Talos Plaza Sewers. The shortest route back to the surface is through the Talos Plaza Sewers.
- Raven Camoran (non-respawning, carries a Sunken Sewers Key; other details are provided on Raven's article)
- 2 Mythic Dawn Guards (non-respawning; one of the guards carries a Sunken Sewers Key)
- 1 Illusion Skill Book: Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3 at location G on map
- 1 boss-level Chest 01 (Bandit variety) at B
- A Battered Crate (contains: 25% chance potions, 10% scroll)
- 1 Chest 01 (locked)
- 1 Chest 04
- 1 Crate (contains: 10% chance enchanted jewelry, 25% potion, 10% scroll)
- 1 Small Crate (contains: 25% chance enchanted jewelry, 25% scroll, gold)
The Sunken Sewers serves as a Mythic Dawn hideout
- The other following items will always be found: 2 Lockpicks, 1 Mythic Dawn Commentaries 1, and 1 Mythic Dawn Commentaries 2
Doors and Gates:
- There are three doors in/out of this zone
- 2 doors (at C and D) lead to the zone The Elven Garden Sewers
- 1 door (at H) leads to the adjacent sewer, the Talos Plaza Sewers (locked, key required, opened by the Sunken Sewers Key)
- 2 Gates at I and J (both locked, key required, opened by the Sunken Sewers Key)
- 2 beds at locations b on map
Zone 3: Sewer Waterworks[edit]
This zone serves as a connector between the two sections of The Elven Garden Sewers, to which both the entry (F) and exit (E) doors lead. The only obstacle in the zone comes from the presence of two vertical levels: door E is at an upper level, so you need to loop through a couple extra rooms to reach the stairs from the lower level to the upper level.
- 1 Goblin (always best possible level)
- 2 archer Goblins
- 2 melee Goblins
- 2 Nuisance Animals
- 3 Mud Crabs
Doors and Gates:
- There are two doors (at E and F) in/out of this zone, both leading to the zone The Elven Garden Sewers
Sewer entrance in the Elven Gardens District
Sewer entrance in Fathis Ules' Basement
Sewer entrance in Othrelos' Basement
Sewer entrance in Irene Metrick's Basement