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Oblivion:Blade of Woe

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Leveled Item: Blade of Woe (00091905)
(All statistics are for level 30+ version)
(lore page)
Type Blade; One Hand
Editor ID DarkBladeWoe30
Damage Damage 7
Damage Damage 7 Health Health 400
Speed 1.4
Speed 1.4 Reach 0.6
Weight Weight 4 Value Value 13511
Demoralize up to level 10
Damage Willpower 35 pts
Damage Health 35 pts
Damage Magicka 35 pts
Charge/Cost = Uses 32640/1088=30
The Blade of Woe

The Blade of Woe is first given to you by Lucien Lachance when you are invited to join the Dark Brotherhood, but it does not become enchanted until the conclusion of the Honor Thy Mother Dark Brotherhood quest. Its appearance is identical to an ebony dagger. The Blade of Woe can also damage ghosts, wraiths, Will-o-the-Wisps, and other similar enemies even before it is enchanted.


  • The statistics of the enchanted Blade of Woe are determined at the start of Honor Thy Mother, not when you first receive it.

Leveled Statistics[edit]

Level Weight Health Value Damage Charge / Cost = Uses Effects
0 (1) 400 0 (20) 7 N/A This is the unenchanted version that you first receive, at any level. It is a quest item, and therefore it is usually weightless and has no value.
If, however, you kill Lucien Lachance immediately (thus preventing yourself from ever joining the Dark Brotherhood), the quest is completed and the Blade of Woe ceases to be a quest item. In this case, the weapon's weight and value will be those shown in parentheses.
4 400 1111 7 2640/88=29 Demoralize up to level 2
Damage Willpower 5 pts
Damage Health 5 pts
Damage Magicka 5 pts
4 400 2710 7 6510/217=30 Demoralize up to level 3
Damage Willpower 10 pts
Damage Health 10 pts
Damage Magicka 10 pts
4 400 4484 7 10800/360=29 Demoralize up to level 5
Damage Willpower 15 pts
Damage Health 15 pts
Fortify Magicka 15 pts
4 400 6604 7 15930/531=30 Demoralize up to level 6
Damage Willpower 20 pts
Damage Health 20 pts
Damage Magicka 20 pts
4 400 8774 7 21180/706=30 Demoralize up to level 7
Damage Willpower 25 pts
Damage Health 25 pts
Damage Magicka 25 pts
4 400 11093 7 26790/893=30 Demoralize up to level 8
Damage Willpower 30 pts
Damage Health 30 pts
Damage Magicka 30 pts
4 400 13511 7 32640/1088=30 Demoralize up to level 10
Damage Willpower 35 pts
Damage Health 35 pts
Damage Magicka 35 pts
