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Morrowind talk:Faras Thirano

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Faras Thirano also sells temple items from other level lists. She also has for sale helm of wounding and shield of wounds. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 21 June 2010

Umm... no she doesn't. Just double-checked in the CS and tried a couple of times in game. rpeh •TCE 07:46, 21 June 2010 (UTC)


dont know how to reply to reponses, so added this. I purchased helm of wounding and shield of wounding from her in goty for xbox. I dont know if its from leveled list or she sells those two items permanently. Went to older save, to see if it was from random list, but she had both items for sale again.

Faras' Wares[edit]

"She is the only merchant in the game who sells Indoril Helmets or Pauldrons."

I think this may be worth looking into with the Morrowind Patch Project. Someone accidentally gave ownership of everything in the Lower Level to Faras, including Vault items and what I suspect was intended to be Ulmiso Maloren's supply chest. This explains why she sells Indoril gear. As she doesn't deal in potions or ingredients, those are the only items not on sale.

Of course, this is far from the only NPC in the game who will sell you nearly everything in their cell. This is just the first occurrence i've come across where it hinders another merchant's wares (poor Ulmiso can't sell you what isn't hers). The fact that Faras will sell you inventory from their Vault is somewhat ridiculous, too. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:04 on September 18, 2011