Morrowind talk:Ald Redaynia
So I just played through this. When you come in, there is a door to your left with a corpse and some random loot. The lower level is partially submerged, there are two skeleton warriors and two slaughterfish. You have to go through the water to get across the room. When you come up on the other side, follow the corridor to another corpse and some crates. The key to the chest and doors is on those crates, along with two lockpicks and some random loot. There is a submerged chest in this room that the key opens, not special but better loot than kwama eggs. Go back out (you have to walk along the ledge), to the door where you came in. Now you can open the door to the upper level. In here are four skeleton warriors, a bone lord, and the skeleton war-wizard, which I'm still trying to defeat. I went in with amulet of shadows and the frost sword, didn't stand a chance. I got the cup while I was hidden, but the drain health messed me up.
--Robert.Labrie (talk) 02:02, 17 December 2014 (GMT)
There, I trapped it behind a door and took it out with stormblade. Kind of a glitchy victory but w/e I wanted the vampire ring. --Robert.Labrie (talk) 02:05, 17 December 2014 (GMT)