Morrowind Rebirth:Bloodstained Journal
Book Information Bloodstained Journal |
Added by | Morrowind Rebirth | ||
ID | MR_Book_Old_Journal | ||
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Found in the following locations:
Arkngthand Expedition
Log book
This logbook in part or in its entirity remains the property of the East Empire Company of Vvardenfell.
Expedition leader: Luc Amedee
Day 1 First Light
We have arrived at Arkngthand after a brief stop for provisions from Fort Moonmoth, where we purchased several potions of restore strength, fatigue and health if needed during the planned digs and exploration of the lower caverns.
Day 1 Night Fall
Camp has been set up in the Hall of Centrifuge after finding a suitable flat surface and some old Dwemer furniture has been employed to aid as a storage facility.
Day 2 First Light
I will not return again to my log until the day is over. We intend to inspect and explore the whole of the Hall of Centrifuge and any findings will be logged before supper.
Day 2 Night Fall
Much as expected the Hall of Centrifuge has been ravaged by smugglers and looters and all we found in the past 12 hours is dust and debris and items dropped by beings that were certainly not of Dwemer origin. We shall have to go deeper tomorrow.
Day 3 Middle Night
Some strange sounds from below awoke the crew and what can only be explained as a breeze put out our night candles. Quite odd but Roberte Genis, the science leader of the team, assures us it is only the result of the warm air we have generated meeting the cold of the lower levels. Still I shall sleep with one eye open to be on the safe side.
Day 3 Noon
Roberte's explanation for the breeze is now skating on thin ice. Xavier Ence was sent deeper into the Cells of Hallowed Hand where he came back shaking telling me he had heard the same sounds and felt the "breeze" we had felt the night before. We are sure his description of something he saw was just his Nordic imagination running away with itself, or at least we hope so.
Day 3 Night Fall
There has been no repeat of Ence's hysterics for the rest of today and a haul of early Dwemer schematics have been found and carefully wrapped and logged for shipment back to the company. We will now settle down to supper and plan for tomorrows deeper excavations.
Day 4 First Light
We are not alone in here. It may be simple looters hiding down in the lower caverns trying to scare us off or it could be something else in here with us that seems to be offended by our presence?
Last night our senses had grown more accustomed to the lighting down here than the previous night and we are all sure we saw....something, not sure what it was but there was certainly "something" in here with us.
Never the less, we shall continue into Weepingbell Hall later today.
Day 4 Night Fall
Three of my men have entered Weepingbell Hall at noon today. The report I recieved earlier this evening suggests a lot of Dwemer items are still down there and that there are traces of looters, possibly smugglers there also.
The confusing part is, why would smugglers and looters leave such valuable items?
My people will return tomorrow to collect, identify and pack every artefact they can find but for now we shall eat and retire for the night to ensure a bright and early start in the morning.
Day 5 Middle Night
We have been woken again but this time not a breeze but more of a howl. It almost seems like a creature of some kind but it has a lingering creaking sound like metal grinding against metal. Roberte insists it is probably the old machinery twitching because of our careless team touching handles and levers but I am not sure about his explanation at all.
Day 5 First Light
We have had a restless night to say the least. Odette Bienne started screaming uncontrollably and ran off into Weepingbell. I organised a search party but ordered them not to travel any deeper than the Weepingbell corridors until we had explored them further. Odette will just have to take her chances with the cold and the dark until we find her.
Day 5 Night Fall
Again I have had no time to write up my noon log and nor have we found either artefacts or Odette Bienne. By noon I split the party up in two's and we combed the entire ruins and mapped it out completely. One of the teams have returned reporting what appears to be a hidden cavern entrance hardly noticeable in the light of Deep ore passage but it seems it veers off in a westerly direction. We may have to use explosive charges to remove the rocks covering it tomorrow.
Day 6 First Light
We have found Odette Bienne, or more she has found us. As we woke this morning her body was aside the camp in the corridor leading to Weepingbell. A strange round hole was found, seemingly piercing her heart with precision.
None of the team heard any noise or indeed woke during the night as we were tired out from the lack of sleep the previous night. I can not rule out foul play from one of our team but it is highly unlikely given the nature of the wound. Odette has been wrapped as required to avoid rat gnawings. She will be sadly missed.
Day 6 Noon
We have blown away a section of Deep ore passage and indeed there is another corridor down here flowing westerly as my team at first indicated. We are taking some sustenance before returning to explore the corridor with a fully armed team and I intend to get to the bottom of this mystery before the end of the day and resume our original plans.
Day 6 Nightfall
It will be some time before we can resume plans. We all saw it. Without doubt it was some sort of experimental Dwemer construct. The Dwemer may have vanished but this was their legacy and it certainly lives on..