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Morrowind:Vacant Tower

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Walkthrough: written by Yagutzal (already written), checked by Yagutzal

Interior Images: added by Yagutzal, not checked

Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by Forfeit
Notes: Added interior image, but needs map image.
Dwemer Ruin:
Vacant Tower
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
Dagon Fel, Vacant Tower
Dagon Fel, [7,22]
The Vacant Tower near Dagon Fel

Vacant Tower is one of two Dwemer towers located just north of Dagon Fel.

As the name implies, the lower level is predominately vacant aside from a few rats. However, you can find an Amulet of Spell Absorption and a Blind Ring on the bench in the corner.

Meanwhile, the top half of the tower is occupied by Khargol gro-Boguk, an Orc barbarian. He is the master trainer in Unarmored and also the highest level trainer of Medium Armor (82) in the game. The top half can be accessed through a trapdoor located in the central room of the lower ruins, across the lava pit from the entrance.

The items and bedroll here are all unowned, and you may take and use them all without consequences. Of particular note are the Dwemer Scarab Plans on the table in Khargol's room. These may be used for the Scarab Plans in Mzuleft quest for Edwinna Elbert of the Mages Guild (and they're a lot easier to get than the ones she sends you to find).



Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Comments
Khargol gro-Boguk Male Orc Barbarian 26 217 100 0 30 Master Trainer of Unarmored