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Quests: written by Maroonroar

Services: written by Maroonroar (none)

Personal Inventory: written by Maroonroar

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none), checked by Maroonroar

Unique Dialogue: written by Maroonroar

Spells: written by Maroonroar
Manwe (manwe)
Location Punabi
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 11 Class Sorcerer
Other Information
Health 103 Magicka 148
Alarm 0 Fight 50

Manwe is a Dark Elf sorceress located in Punabi. She claims she left the Mages Guild to study the adaptive responses of quaternary variations in Oblivion streams. She failed to pay her guild dues, however, and it's up to you to resolve the situation.

She wears a common robe with matching shoes, a leveled amulet, and a leveled ring. She carries a leveled short blade and around 200 drakes. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Sixth Barrier, Bound Dagger, Summon Least Bonewalker, Dread Curse: Strength, Dread Curse: Agility, Fire Storm, and Greater Fireball.

Related Quests[edit]

  • Manwe's Dues: Retrieve guild dues from a Mages Guild member in Punabi.


  • Guild Dues:
  • "I left the Mages Guild and dedicated my life to studying the adaptive responses of quaternary variations in Oblivion streams. If Ranis Athrys wants the dues that much, why don't you just pay them yourself? I am unconcerned with such petty financial matters."
  • "Will you leave me alone if I give you the 2000 septims? I cannot leave my research unattended." (Disposition must be at least 60)
  • Yes. "Here. Take the gold and leave me to my work. I would advise that you leave here now. We are engaged in very serious research here and if you disturb my colleagues, they may not be very understanding."
  • No.
  • "Your lack of civility is astonishing. Are you sure your ancestors have no Cyrodiil blood?" (If you are a Dunmer)
  • "I should have expected such discourteous behavior from one of the lower races." (If you aren't a Dunmer)
  • "I have already given you the dues you claim I owe. What more do you want of me?"