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Morrowind:Draramu Hloran

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Draramu Hloran (draramu hloran)
Location Abanabi
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 20 Class Sorcerer
Other Information
Health 180 Magicka 192
Alarm 0 Fight 90
Draramu Hloran

Draramu Hloran is a Dark Elf sorceress sequestered in Abanabi, a cave located on an island southwest of Sadrith Mora. Draramu is in possession of the legendary blade Chrysamere, and you will need to take it from her during an Imperial Legion quest.

She is wearing common robe with matching shoes and a leveled amulet. Apart from Chrysamere, she is carrying a leveled potion, a key to a nearby chest, and up to 50 drakes. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Weary, Bound Longbow, Summon Greater Bonewalker, Summon Least Bonewalker, Commanding Touch, Reflect, Weak Spelldrinker, and Summon Skeletal Minion.


  • Chrysamere:
"You seek the Sword of the Paladins? And what makes you think you deserve it? Because you wear the Imperial crest? Bah! Take it from me then, if you dare." Goodbye.

Related Quests[edit]

Imperial Legion[edit]