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Lore talk:Psijic Order

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"Psijic Endeavor" redirects here, and all this article says about it is that it is unrelated to the Order. It is not mentioned in Veloth's or Vivek's article. What is it? Chintzy 15:11, 30 November 2011 (UTC)

I'm not sure about sources, but you can read a bit about it at the imperial library ([1] [2]). --Alfwyn 16:10, 30 November 2011 (UTC)


....That's right. Joining the Psijic order...can you????? HOW??? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:22 on 1 December 2011


At the bottom it says that one of the order helped Dovakiin to secure the Eye of Magnus. I think that that line is very badly worded because it was not only him who tried to secure the Eye, it was most of the order, and also the other 2 members of the Psijic order that come to the College to take the eye away. JackTurbo95 08:59, 29 January 2012 (UTC)

Wars against the Thalmor?[edit]

I'm not sure if I heard this correctly from somewhere in Skyrim, but wasn't there some sort of war that went on between the Psijics and the Thalmor? Something like Forsworn Rebellion, but I think there was a character that mentioned that the Psijics resisted the Thalmor but were defeated at some battle and because of them, the Thalmor practically burned up the entire city they fought in. Can someone verify this? I'm sure one of the staff members in the College of Winterhold said this. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:38 on 28 February 2012

Source? This type of information is very useful, but we need a source for it in order to verify the information. ?• JATalk 05:39, 28 February 2012 (UTC)
I'm not sure where I've heard it. I think it was Tolfdir from the College of Winterhold, but I'm can't verify anyway — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:13 on 2 March 2012‎

() You're not getting confused with the Night of the Green Fire mentioned by Legate Fasendil are you? --Gaebrial 10:45, 2 March 2012 (UTC)

Wait, I found it, Ancano, the Thalmor advisor at the College of Winterhold during Good Intentions; he doesn't explain it into details, but he does mention that the order did get into conflicts with the Thalmor and the dominion and explains that it is considered a "rogue organization" (yes, I am aware that this really doesn't prove anything about wars and such). Apparently, I did get it mixed up with with the night of the green fire. But I'm sure there was another person that mentioned more into detail about their conflicts, but I don't recall whom; I will look more into it to be sure. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:16 on 3 March 2012

The Last Two Years[edit]

There's a line in the article that mentions 30 new members have joined in the "last two years." What two years? Someone should probably try to make it clear exactly what "present" that's talking about. The two years before Skyrim? Or the two years before Oblivion? Varus2319 08:05, 23 April 2012 (UTC)

It has since been reworded. This is another tiresome example of copy/pasting texts from books, the source of this being the pocket guide, printed in 4E 432, meaning that the "last two years" in question would be 3E 430 to 3E 432. As described in the article. -- kertaw48 16:46, 21 May 2012 (UTC)

Disappearance Prior to Skyrim[edit]

The article mentions the disappearance and reappearance of the Isle of Artaeum, some time in the past, but doesn't refer to its later disappearance again prior to the events of Skyrim (from NPCs it seems the island is currently missing again?). I presume the second disappearance was to escape Umbriel, but no-one in Skyrim really mentions this. Anyway, I just wanted to mention this so someone better informed could clarify what happened and possibly add to the article if required, as it seems like the island's second disappearance would be significant? -- Haravikk 12:08, 17 June 2012 (UTC)

This is clearly stated by tolfdir when first contacted by Quaranir : "The Isle of Artaeum disappeared over a hundred years ago, and no one has seen them since. And yet now, suddenly, they have chosen to contact you? Why, it's intriguing! If nothing else, I'd take it as a compliment. The Psijics have only ever dealt with those they feel worthy." this has been bugging me that no one added this to this page. I have some free time now and will be doing now. Pizza boy (talk) 16:25, 26 February 2013 (GMT)

Divayth Fyr[edit]

During Clockwork City dialogue, Sotha Sil refers to Divayth as a member of this order. (Right at the end)Timeoin (talk) 03:13, 14 November 2017 (UTC)


What does PSJJJJ stand for? -- 14:28, 30 March 2018 (UTC)

Nothing, it's just a nonsensical term in the same vein as CHIM, etc. See this text from Michael Kirkbride for more info. It's intended to be unpronounceable. —Legoless (talk) 17:51, 30 March 2018 (UTC)