Lore:The Lover
This one smells roses and lavender, hears laughter, quiet and demure.
Ah, you bear the kiss of the Lover! All fall prey to your sleek charms, yes? Use this gift wisely, walker. To be loved and to be feared are different phases of the same moon.
—Baandari fortune-telling for those born under the Lover[1]
The Lover is a constellation of twelve stars which is in the night sky during Sun's Dawn.[UOL 1] It is one of the Thief's charges. Those born under the sign of the Lover are thought to be graceful and passionate.[2]
Nedes who followed the Cult of the Stars modeled their weapons and armor after the constellations. Each part of their armaments was crafted in honor of a different constellation. Gloves and gauntlets were linked to the Lover, "who draweth off her gloves when the season of safety is nigh" and "covers all till Sun's Dawn, then covers none". Their gloves were meant to emulate the Lover and crafted them "for thy hands clingsome and supple, protection in peril, yet lovely when undonned".[3]
The constellations are present in ancient Yokudan and Redguard poetry.[4] In one of their songs The Lover is "sighing through the night."[5]
The Dwemer associate the Lover with the letter d.[6]
According to the Reachfolk the charges, or the Lesser Stars (the Lover among them) are protected by the Guardians in the Sky who stand together against the Snake in the Stars.[7]
According to the Baandari fortune tellers, the Lover is associated with being charming, fear and love.[1] The Lover was also believed to "sweeten ones journey as one confronts their fate".[8]
The Lover Standing Stone (Skyrim)
- ^ a b Hanubina-ko's dialogue in ESO
- ^ The Firmament — Ffoulke
- ^ Crafting Motif 41: Celestial Style — the Guardian of Stars
- ^ The Warrior's Charge
- ^ Coyle's dialogue in Redguard
- ^ The Observatory in Redguard
- ^ Arana's dialogue during Blood of the Reach in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Emperor Uriel Septim's dialogue in Oblivion
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.