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Lore:Sunken One

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Sunken One
LG-cardart-Sunken One.png
The Sunken One
Race Storm Atronach Gender Male
Resided in Cyrodiil
Appears in Oblivion, Legends

The Sunken One, also known as He Who Shakes The Ground, is a Storm Atronach that dwells in the depths of Sandstone Cavern, a system of natural caverns located in Cyrodiil's West Weald, northeast of Kvatch and west of Miscarcand.[1][2]

In the late Third Era, the Sunken One was worshipped as an all-powerful god by the Seringi family, local Dunmer farmers who lived at the nearby Shetcombe Farm. The atronach supposedly revealed His teachings to these farmers, demanding that they spread His word and follow His laws in return.[1][3] The farmers believed that he sat below the surface and passed sentence upon the mortal world without pity or mercy. The only way to appease the Sunken One was by braving the depths of Sandstone Cavern to leave him "the Offering", consisting of gold and gems.[1]

By the time of the Oblivion Crisis in 3E 433, Shetcombe Farm's sole inhabitant was Slythe Seringi, a Dunmer man who was devoted to the teachings of the Sunken One, as was his father before him. Following the sacking of Kvatch by the forces of Mehrunes Dagon, Slythe flew into a panic, believing the burning of the nearby city to have been the work of the Sunken One, angered by the growing corruption of the world of man. He believed that the atronach in His hunger would destroy more Cyrodilic cities if he did not enter Sandstone Cavern and deliver the Offering to appease Him, as his father once had.[1] Slythe entered the caverns without weapons or armor, relying only on his faith, and managed to descend to the Sandstone Big Rooms, the lowest depths of the cave network. However, the caverns were home to dangerous monsters and wild animals,[4] one of which attacked Slythe and mortally wounded him. He died within the caverns without ever delivering his offering.[5]

The Hero of Kvatch subsequently came upon Slythe's recently abandoned farmhouse at Shetcombe and followed him into the depths of Sandstone Cavern. Upon discovering Slythe's corpse in the cave's depths, the Sunken One appeared and attacked the Hero.[6] Although defeated by the Hero, the Sunken One was not permanently banished to Oblivion, and would always eventually reappear within the caverns.[2]


See Also[edit]

  • Deep Ones, a race of subterranean beings worshipped by the locals of Hackdirt
