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Lore:Spells B

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Baleful Glower[edit]


Balyna's Antidote[edit]

Balyna's Balm[edit]


Banish is a spell of Conjuration school. It is used to damage, repel and send conjured entities back to Oblivion.[2][3] Some sources attribute banishing spells to the school of Mysticism as well.[4] Known variants of this spell include:

Found in:
Spell schools: Conjuration, Mysticism

Baronoff's Bloody Icicle[edit]


Barenziah's Fire[edit]

Queen Barenziah, user of the Barenziah's Fire spell

Barenziah's Fire is a Destruction fire spell known by Queen Mother Barenziah.[1][6]

Found in:
Spell schools: Destruction

Beggar's Nose[edit]

The Tower

Beggar's Nose is a Mysticism spell used to detect animals, keys and enchantment simultaneously. It is associated with those born under the Tower.[1]

Found in:
Spell schools: Mysticism

Blood Spirit[edit]

Blood Spirit is a Conjuration spell used to summon a blood spirit attacking enemies of the caster.[7]

Found in:
Spell schools: Conjuration

Black Winter[edit]

Black Winter is an Illusion spell used to paralyze and inflict frost damage.[5]

Found in:
Spell schools: Illusion

Blessed Touch[edit]


Blessed Word[edit]


Blessings of the First Corner[edit]


Blessings of the Second Corner[edit]


Blessings of the Third Corner[edit]



Symbol of Blind

Blind is an Illusion spell that causes the target's vision to be obscured, making it harder for them to see.[8] It reduces opponent's ability to hit their foes and reduces their combat effectiveness.[9] Some variants of the spell also involve ball of venom.[10]

Spell schools: Illusion

Blood Rage[edit]


Blood Spirit[edit]

Blood Spirit is a Conjuration spell used to summon a blood spirit attacking enemies of the caster.[7]

Found in:
Spell schools: Conjuration

Body To Mind[edit]

Body To Mind is a spell used to convert caster's fatigue into magicka.[11]

Found in:
Spell schools: Unknown

Bound Weapons and Armor[edit]

A Breton wielding Bound Weapon
MW-icon-effect-Bound Battle Axe.jpg

Bound Items, predominantly bound armors, and bound weapons, also known as bound armaments, are conjured ephemeral objects created from daedric entities. The practice of conjuring bound items falls within the domain of the Conjuration school of magic, specifically referred to as Armamancy. Practitioners of this art were known as armamancers, and sometimes as arcane warriors. Swords formed through this method are sometimes called summoned blades. Axes, on the other hand, were referred to as conjured axes.

Spell schools: Conjuration


Brittlewind is a Destruction spell


Buoyancy is an Alteration spell that causes target to weigh less and allows them to breathe underwater.[5] Some variations of this spell increased target's speed in water, and were associated with the element of the frost and the school of Thaumaturgy.[12] Buoyancy was sometimes considered a variant of the Swift Swim spell.[13]

Spell schools: Alteration, Thaumaturgy


Symbol of Burden

Burden is an Alteration spell that amplifies the target's encumbrance, often rendering them immobile and preventing movement.[14][15]

Known variants of this spell include:

  • Burden[16]
  • Burdening Touch[5]
  • Burden of Sin[16]
  • Crushing Burden[16]
  • Crushing Burden of Sin[16]
  • Crushing Burden Touch[16]
  • Cruel Weary[16]
  • Dire Weary[16]
  • Encumbering Touch[5]
  • Great Burden of Sin[16]
  • Heavy Burden[16]
  • Heavy Burden Touch[16]
  • Hindering Touch[5]
  • Oppressing Grasp[5]
  • Weary[16]
  • Weight of the World[5]

There are other, more complex spells incorporating the Burden effect such as Harthoon's Heavy Eyes, Trespasser's Bane, Hand of Odros, and Wrath of Odros.[1]

Found in:
Spell schools: Alteration
