Lore:Reman Purges
The Reman Purges (ca. 2E 4 - 2E 320)[1] was a period in the early Second Era of Tamriel's history after the assassination of Reman III and the fall of the Reman Dynasty of the Second Empire. After the Second Empire's conquest of the entire continent, the Akaviri Potentate Versidue-Shaie began persecuting people who opposed his rule and were loyal to the Reman Dynasty, even after Reman III's death, across all conquered lands.
In order to suppress armies remaining loyal to the Remans, as well as the armies belonging to individual kingdoms seeking greater autonomy, Versidue-Shaie was forced to engage in a relentless series of campaigns that, by the year 2E 320, finally resulted in victory for his forces.[1] The cost of the campaigns was immense, resulting in the impoverishment of both the empire and its constituent kingdoms and in an effort to maintain order without the expense of a standing army, in 2E 321 Versidue-Shaie agreed to a proposal from his kinsman Dinieras-Ves that established what was to become known as the Fighters Guild.[2] Numerous dubious tales of his campaigns have been told over the years, most involving various cavalries.
In 2E 4 the newly elected Potentate established wolf riders of High Rock to start killing and hunting Reman loyalists.[3] At one point they caused a panic in Shornhelm.[4] Next year, 2E 5, various companies across the continent got the same orders to hunt loyalists.[5][6] Skyrim was visited by the Potentate sabre cat mounted regiment in 2E 7.[7] The sabre cats were, however, brought in from another province.[8]
In 2E 11, the Potentate converted the isle of Amenos into a prison colony for Reman Dynasty loyalists. The prisoners were sent to the island's larimar and ammonite mines.[9] Black Marsh under the Reman Dynasty was treated as a prison state, and the Potentate continued in this treatment.[10] In addition to Amenos, the Potentate ordered the construction of the infamous Blackrose Prison for everyone accused of treason, by his mage advisor Pelladil Direnni, specifically chosen for its location.[11][9]
The Imperial Bear Cavalry was established in 2E 23 in and around the Leyawiin region.[12] According to some sources, they performed weekly parades around the city and were used by the 10th Legion.[13] In 2E 25 the Reman desert pursuit occured in Hammerfell, where several herds of camels were used in loyalist hunting activities.[14] To hunt Reman loyalists in Morrowind, the Potentate hired Dunmer assassins on trained guars in 2E 27.[15] The guar army was deployed on Vvardenfell, but the guars themselves were allegedly trained in Mournhold.[16]
In the year 2E 30 the first seemingly-spectral Cloudracer steeds were deployed, presumably named so for their speed.[17] The ephemeral and ghostly Halcyon Senche was first ridden in either 2E 29 or 2E 35.[18] 2E 42 was the first year that stealth rituals were noted to be used to track down traitors of the state.[19] The Akaviri Potentates might have invented guillotines during the Purges to cut off the heads of loyalists.[20]
- ^ a b History of the Fighters Guild
- ^ Fighters Guild Charter
- ^ Akaviri Potentate Wolf Cub pet description in ESO
- ^ Akaviri Potentate Wolf mount description in ESO
- ^ Akaviri Potentate Pony pet description in ESO
- ^ Akaviri Potentate Charger mount description in ESO
- ^ Akaviri Potentate Sabre Cat mount description in ESO
- ^ Akaviri Potentate Sabre Cat Cub pet description in ESO
- ^ a b Systres History: Volume 6 — Trilam Heladren, Associate Dean of Eltheric History, University of Gwylim
- ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The War with the Trees: Argonia and the Black Marsh — Imperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
- ^ A History of Blackrose Prison — Tyrrya Len, The Wayrest Wanderer
- ^ Akaviri Potentate Bear Cub pet description in ESO
- ^ Akaviri Potentate Bear mount description in ESO
- ^ Akaviri Potentate Camel mount description in ESO
- ^ Akaviri Potentate Guar mount description in ESO
- ^ Akaviri Potentate Guar Calf pet description in ESO
- ^ Potentate Cloudracer Courser mount description in ESO
- ^ Potentate Halcyon Senche mount description in ESO
- ^ Potentate Aphotic Wolf mount description in ESO
- ^ Blackmarrow Harvester's dialogue in ESO: Dragon Bones