- 1 Aegrotat
- 2 Alcoholic Beverages
- 3 Ayleid Nose-hash
- 4 Bugsmoke
- 5 Daril
- 6 Daze
- 7 Felldew
- 8 Giant Armpit Fungus
- 9 Golden Panacea
- 10 Greenmote
- 11 Hag's Breath
- 12 Hist Sap
- 13 Incense of Mara
- 14 Indulcet
- 15 Joy-Snow
- 16 Moon Sugar
- 17 Quaesto Vil
- 18 Redmaiden
- 19 Skooma
- 20 Sleeping Tree Sap
- 21 Somnalius
- 22 Sursum
- 23 Tobacco
- 24 Wasabi
- 25 See Also
- 26 References
Drugs are addictive, illicit, and often illegal substances with hallucinogenic or mood-altering effects which are ingested for recreational or ritualistic purposes. Many different drugs exist in Tamriel and beyond, and abusing them is generally disapproved of, with some exceptions.[citation needed]
Many of these drugs are just variants of moon sugar, such as skooma[1] and the rarer potion known as Balmora Blue.[2] Other notable drugs are greenmote and felldew. Of course, Tamriel is also filled with many popular alcoholic beverages, such as Jagga, fermented pig's milk which is popular in Valenwood.[3] Various alchemical ingredients could be construed to have drug-like effects, but most are covered separately in the Alchemy section.
Moon sugar and skooma can be found throughout Tamriel due to widespread smuggling out of Elsweyr. Moon sugar has been commonly ingested in Elsweyr since before written history.[4] In the Third Era, rumors surfaced of gangs smuggling powerful drugs out of Black Marsh.[5] They could be referring to Hist sap, a powerful drug, although it's known that entire Hist trees have been smuggled out of Black Marsh.[6] Sleeping Tree Sap also produces hallucinogenic effects.[7] There are mentions of drug use in Cyrodiil legends dating back to before the Alessian Slave Rebellion. Apparently, slaves in the realm of the Fire King Hadhuul were forced to consume "drugs drawn from the admixture of daedrons into living hosts".[8]
Illicit substances were known to be frequently trafficked in the Iliac Bay region in the late Third Era. These include Aegrotat, Indulcet, Quaesto Vil, and Sursum,[9] though the exact preparations are unknown. It was also known for nobles in the region to be involved in these smuggling operations.[10]

Aegrotat is a drug used throughout the Iliac Bay region. It is widely smuggled, from common villages to high-ranking nobles.[10][11]
Alcoholic Beverages[edit]
Ayleid Nose-hash[edit]
A type of drug known to be used in the Classical Period of the First Era.[12]
Due to the rules of the Green Pact, Bosmer are forbidden from smoking plant matter.[13] Instead, they partake of various kinds of bugsmoke.[14] Caterpillars and tree grubs are commonly smoked in bone pipes.[13] Small bugs such as sweetgnats and torchbugs are dried out and smoked in pipes carved from meerschaum.[15][16]
Daril, literally meaning "seeing everything in ecstasy" in Jel, is a dangerous substance[17] derived from moon adder venom. The aforementioned venom is instantaneously fatal to all but Argonians, and is transformed by an agent in Argonian blood. Those who use daril can see sounds, hear tastes, and smell sights. Daril unfolds in stages, each unlike the last, and confuses the senses.[18]:131 It cannot be safely taken by non-Argonians.[17][19][20] Daril is very difficult to acquire, as its extraction requires the use of specialized tools.[21] The venom is usually fermented in a swamp jelly gas bladder.[22] Some Argonian users coat tiny quills in daril and insert them into the skin around their eyes for an intense sensory experience.[23]
The use of daril dates back thousands of years. In ancient times, stone mortars were used in the process of fabricating the drug.[24]
The poison of a mantikora named Taupezu Azzida was used as a supplement in an illegal narcotic known as Daze in Fargrave.[25] While Daedra could survive it, it was devastating to mortals. Though, regular mantikora venom is devasting to even Daedra.[26][27]
Felldew, a poisonous bright green ichor, is a highly addictive narcotic substance used by the mortal inhabitants of the Shivering Isles. It is produced in the bodies of a unique variety of Elytra native to Dunroot Burrow that emit a green glow. Upon consumption, Felldew creates a powerful euphoria that boosts the strength, intelligence and agility of the imbiber. This euphoria is short-lived, and after several minutes the imbiber begins to suffer from crippling withdrawal symptoms, damaging strength, intelligence, agility, speed, willpower, endurance, luck and health. These symptoms persist indefinitely until another dose is taken to restore the euphoria. Long-term use of the drug seems to cause facial deformations and aggressiveness.
The entrance to Dunroot Burrow is sealed by barrier membranes, which only open after having taken Felldew. Deep within the root tunnels is a man-made chamber inhabited by addicts called the Sanctum of Decadence. Duke Thadon of Mania created an artifact known as the Chalice of Reversal. Drinking from the Chalice permanently cures Felldew addiction and inhibits withdrawal symptoms, as well as creating a stronger euphoria which boosts health and magicka. Thadon used the Chalice to indulge heavily in Felldew, but after his affair with Duchess Syl of Dementia ended badly circa 3E 433, Syl brought the Chalice to the Sanctum in Dunroot Burrow. In order to gain the Duke's favor, the Hero of Kvatch recovered the Chalice for Thadon. It was later put on display in Sheogorath's throne room.
Giant Armpit Fungus[edit]
A fungus that grows in the armpits of giants is sometimes used as a narcotic. Its full effects are unknown, but those who take it are unable stand up for days. Nobles who partake in drugs will pay large sums of gold to acquire it.[28]
Golden Panacea[edit]
Golden Panacea is tonic capable of making ones organs shine. It is manufactured by the Golden Saint Nzerru, who claims it is a prized substance from the most valuable of sources and provides no free samples, though Hezehk refers to his concoctions as "ridiculous potions". Golden Panacea commences a "cleanse" within the body and must be left to writhe within to work out its euphoria. Taking too much can result in a fatal overdose. Daedra and Mortals alike can imbibe it for its organ shining effects; mortals who drink it will vomit and pass out for a short time, but it is unknown if this also happens to Daedra.[29][30]
Greenmote, a light green powder, is a powerful narcotic substance created by the mortal inhabitants of the Shivering Isles. Unrefined greenmote can be taken from mushroom tree saplings found in Mania, but has few practical applications, even to alchemists. Only the Duke of Mania has access to a refined version of the substance. A hidden silo of greenmote was stored in a secret tunnel system beneath the Palace of Sheogorath in New Sheoth. The drug is very potent, and overdosing causes the heart to explode, resulting in immediate blood loss death. Taken in small doses, the substance causes rapture, as well as gifting the imbiber with improved night vision, speed, endurance and personality. However, it also results in temporary blurred vision, as well as a decrease in strength, intelligence and agility. Greenmote can be added to food, turned into a potion, or eaten straight.
The Manics believe that Arden-Sul died during "a night of absolute indulgence", when he and his guests overdosed on greenmote. It is tradition for an exiting Duke of Mania to invite his successor to a great feast, where the Duke will imbibe three portions of greenmote, causing an overdose. To become the new Duke, the successor must then pour his predecessor's lifeblood onto the altar in the Sacellum Arden-Sul, where it will be consumed by flame. It was rumored that Duke Thadon was poisoned in 3E 433, when a usurper added too much greenmote to his food, resulting in the Duke's unintended death. Others claim that the Duke defected following the death of Syl, and joined Jyggalag as a Priest of Order.
Hag's Breath[edit]
Hag's Breath, the literal breath of a hag, is an aphrodisiac.[31]
Hist Sap[edit]
Hist Sap is a substance made out of the Hist's very spirit. When Hist Sap is licked by an Argonian, the Hist is capable of communicating with the Argonian through visions. The sap of the Hist seems to increase the combat prowess of those who drink it. Hist sap has the ability to 'alter' living organisms, which may explain the origin of the Argonians. Ingesting large quantities of Hist-Sap is often dangerous, even for Argonians. The Sap-Speakers of the Miredancer Tribe, known for communing with their Hist and ingesting large amounts of sap in the process, often suffer the effects of sap-poisoning, including "gold tongue" (permanent change of mouth pigmentation to a golden hue), "bark scale" (thickening and darkening of surface scales), and unwanted hallucinations among other symptoms. The Blackwood Company smuggled a Hist tree from Black Marsh to their headquarters in Leyawiin, and extracted the sap to exploit this. However, when consumed by non-Argonian species, the Hist sap had strong hallucinogenic properties that sent them into dangerous bloodlust, though the poor treatment of this particular tree affected the sap causing similar effects on Argonians, as well. At the end of the Third Era, a recruit of the Fighters Guild sabotaged the Hist extraction mechanism, destroying the tree in the process.
A similar substance known as Amber Plasm is also produced by certain Hist trees. Despite its appearance, it is not Hist Sap and is instead a form of chaotic creatia from Oblivion which leaks into Mundus through the Hist like blood from a wound.
Incense of Mara[edit]
Incense of Mara is an expensive fragrance used to enhance romantic activity in the bedchambers of wealthy Bretons and Nords. The more potent varieties are illegal.[32][33]

Indulcet is an herb used as a highly addictive drug. It has the effect of draining stamina while increasing one's luck.[35] It was smuggled by dealers throughout the Iliac Bay region in the late Third Era, who were sometimes robbed by the Thieves Guild.[34]
Joy-Snow (or joy powder) is a narcotic substance alleged to be expelled from the blowholes of snow whales.[UOL 1] It has an effect on humans by giving them great feelings of ecstasy and making them forgetful, and hunters caught in the "fog of joy" forget that they were hunting the whales in the first place. The Nords would be helpless to the drug's potent effects and laugh at constantly crude jokes.[UOL 1]
Moon Sugar[edit]
Moon Sugar is a grainy powder of small white crystals refined from cane grasses of Elsweyr's coasts and estuaries. It is similar in appearance to salt crystals albeit with a silver sheen. However, when light hits the substance it will appear to glow from within. Used as a spice in Elsweyr, it has modest magical properties, and is also a potent narcotic—illegal in Third Era Morrowind and the rest of the Empire. It is commonly refined into a more potent and addictive form known as Skooma. Humans, it seems, are even more susceptible to the effects of moon-sugar than the catmen themselves, and travelers to Elsweyr are thus cautioned against partaking of any of the sugar-loaded native food.
Quaesto Vil[edit]

Quaesto Vil is a drug that has the effect of draining one's willpower while increasing one's stamina.[36][35] It was frequently trafficked by extensive smuggling operations in the Iliac Bay region in the late Third Era, some of which were targeted by sting operations carried out by regional knights and rulers.[9]
The Redmaiden is a drug enabling mortal residents of Fargrave to protect themselves from the Drain, an ailment afflicting those who dwell in Fargrave for extended periods without entering a pact with a Daedra. Redmaiden serves to mitigate the effects of the Drain, yet ceasing its usage results in the exacerbation of Drain symptoms. The healers of Fargrave considered street medicine as subpar, but Redmaiden proved effective for the pactless. Its effects are transient, as it temporarily wards off the effects of the Drain, ensuring the sanity of mortals only for a brief period. Redmaiden exhibits various other side effects, notably causing redness in the eyes of its users. To alleviate this symptom among those affected by Redmaiden's adverse effects, a solution known as redeye fading agent is applied to clear the eyes of the notorious redness. It was believed that returning to Nirn might aid in managing the symptoms of the Drain, although it is uncertain whether this is indeed true.
To produce Redmaiden, one requires the following ingredients: volcanic ash mixed with daedrat entrails, usually with a small addition of Skooma to mask the taste; pulverized tum-tho tree seed; and the death blood fluid of a Drain-crazed mortal, all combined in a small vessel. Some daedra were known to stockpile it for multiple cycles. It is sometimes served to mortals in a small vial to ensure their return within a fortnight. In appearance Redmaiden is a luminescent red substance, sometimes stored in cylindrical containers.
Redmaiden functions as a drug that, when consumed regularly, can tether a mortal to Fargrave much like entering into a pact with a Daedra would accomplish. It is a scarce commodity, challenging to manufacture. The Grasp of the Stricture was recognized for strictly controlling its distribution.
In 2E 582, a group of mortal inhabitants from Fargrave coordinated the theft of Redmaiden from the Grasp in order to assist those among them afflicted by the Drain. An investigation ensued regarding the incident, yet it remains uncertain whether the case was ultimately resolved.
Skooma is a hallucinatory narcotic refined from moon sugar. Extremely addictive, its victims are left in constant, alternating states of delusional euphoria and lethargy. Sustained use of the drug seemingly results in permanent confusion and mental deterioration,
Sleeping Tree Sap[edit]
Sleeping Tree Sap is highly valued for its ability to make people feel much healthier for a time, although side effects include temporary slowness and blurry purple vision. A spigot was installed on the Sleeping Tree in Whiterun Hold to harvest the sap, and the Khajiit trading caravans have been known to pay highly for samples.
Somnalius is a product of the Somnalius fern. The scent of its fronds can be used to put people to sleep and drain their stamina.[35][37] It can also be synthesized into a poison by combining white poppy, white rose, and Nymph hair together.[38]:177

Sursum (sometimes spelled Sursam)[36] is a drug that has the effect of draining one's intelligence while increasing one's strength.[35] It was frequently trafficked by extensive smuggling operations in the Iliac Bay region in the late Third Era, some of which were targeted by sting operations carried out by regional knights and rulers.[9]
Tobacco is a product of the Tobacco plant. The smell of tobacco and flin could be found in the Blue Palace during Potema's reign.[39] Snuffboxes are sometimes filled with finely ground tobacco.[40]
Wasabi is an illicit substance that has been popular in Skyrim since ancient times,[UOL 2][UOL 1] said to be as lucrative a trade there as skooma is in Elsweyr.[UOL 3]
See Also[edit]
- For game-related information, see the article for Skyrim's Drugged effect.
- Intoxicants of the Shambles by Bahraxa — A Daedra's guide to creating certain drugs in Fargrave
- ^ The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Elsweyr — Flaccus Terentius, 2E 581
- ^ Erikur's dialogue during The Dainty Sload
- ^ A Dance in Fire — Waughin Jarth
- ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: The Elsweyr Confederacy — Imperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
- ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The War with the Trees: Argonia and the Black Marsh — Imperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
- ^ Events of Oblivion
- ^ Effects of Sleeping Tree Sap in Skyrim
- ^ The Adabal-a — Morihaus
- ^ a b c Smuggling quest in Daggerfall
- ^ a b c d e Smuggled Goods quest in Daggerfall
- ^ Daggerfall character background history
- ^ Baloth Bloodtusk's dialogue in ESO: Orsinium
- ^ a b Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: Aldmeri Dominion — Imperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
- ^ Crafting Motif 3: Wood Elf Style — Doctor Alfidia Lupus
- ^ Meerschaum Sweetgnat Kiseru item description in ESO
- ^ Devoted Torchbug pet description in ESO
- ^ a b Laughs-at-Danger's dialogue during Bath Time in ESO
- ^ The Infernal City — Greg Keyes
- ^ Argonian bandit dialogue in ESO
- ^ Grida's Note to Dralof — Grida Meadmoon
- ^ Adder-Tap Extractor item description in ESO
- ^ Loremaster's Archive: Murkmire Q&A Part 2 — Jee-Lar
- ^ Daril Spines item description in ESO
- ^ Ancient Daril Mortar item description in ESO
- ^ A Paralyzing Lesson quest in ESO: The Deadlands
- ^ Vaveli Indavel's dialogue in ESO: The Deadlands
- ^ Verdam Sedri's dialogue in ESO: The Deadlands
- ^ Nobleman's dialogue in Dawnguard
- ^ Nzerru's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Hezehk's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Uncle Thalh gro-Ram's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Amorous Incense of Mara item description in ESO
- ^ Intense Incense of Mara item description in ESO
- ^ a b A Prized Herb quest in Daggerfall
- ^ a b c d Spell/poison indices in Daggerfall
- ^ a b Drug/poison item codes in Daggerfall
- ^ Special Flora of Tamriel — Hardin the Herbalist
- ^ The Daggerfall Chronicles — Ronald Wartow
- ^ The Wolf Queen, v4 — Waughin Jarth
- ^ Opal Snuffbox item description in ESO
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.