Lore:Divayth Fyr

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Divayth Fyr
LG-cardart-Divayth Fyr 02.jpg
Divayth Fyr
Race Dunmer (formerly Chimer) Gender Male
Born 1st Era
Tel Aruhn
Resided in Vvardenfell
Appears in Morrowind, ESO, Legends

Divayth Fyr is a 4,000-year-old Dunmer sorcerer of immense power, so great that his presence can be sensed in Mournhold from as far away as Dranil Kir near the Summerset Isles.[1][2][3] He is a member of Great House Telvanni, though he generally stays out of House politics.[4] Fyr isn't an active member of the Telvanni Council, acting more as a consultant or advisor to them. However, he respects their command and will carry out most requests laid down by them.[UOL 1] As a Master of Secrets and a neutral overseer of the Old Ways, he was also once a member of the Psijic Order and seeks balance.[5][UOL 2]

Divayth Fyr is compared to the likes of Vanus Galerion and Shalidor. He finds the former to be an insult, seeing Vanus as a talent who foolishly wasted his potential with his focus on the Mages Guild. The latter comparison he finds more accurate but still flawed, in that he agrees with Shalidor's viewpoint on mages in civilized society, but believes him to be a "victim of short-sighted sentimentality". Shalidor has racked up a significant debt to Fyr which he plans to one day collect.[6]

In the Second Era he was at least sometimes present at and around the Arcane University in the Imperial City, where he was associated with Professor Morian Zenas and Doctor Alfidia Lupus and may have intended and arranged the demise of both.[7] He was also known to be a generous patron to the University of Gwylim.[6] Fyr has a great respect for the Imperial Throne, even though he may not believe in it. His personal connection to the throne gives him access to Imperial facilities which house documents, and as such are of great interest. In all, the Telvanni Council and the Imperial Throne are treated quite the same in Fyr's eyes, giving him the nickname of Flower Child of Tamriel.[UOL 1] In the Third Era, Fyr lived in his tower of Tel Fyr in the Azura's Coast region of Vvardenfell along with his four "daughters" (female clones of himself), Alfe, Beyte, Delte and Uupse Fyr.[1][8]

Divayth Fyr regularly wears a set of Daedric armor reminiscent of armor used by other members of House Telvanni. The Dremora Lyranth once speculated that it was a pale imitation of Daedric craftsmanship put together using inferior materials,[9] but his true power, in any case, lies elsewhere.[10]


First Era[edit]

"It is a fact, that my life is somewhat shrouded in a Fog of Unknowing. My Towers stand in isolation, and I am pleased to remain as such. All that can be learned of me is little to the minds of the short lived. Do however, be my guest sometime, if you are ever in the vicinity of Tel Fyr. Learn from me what you may, but be thoughtful of your subject."
Divayth Fyr when asked about his past

Divayth Fyr was born as a Chimer in Tel Aruhn[11] in the early First Era, who lived until at least the end of the Third Era, at the age of 4000, and may still be alive today.[1] Divayth Fyr once studied on the isle of Artaeum, but is said to have left as a "sharp-elbowed upstart".[5]

Fyr studied with the Psijics on the isle of Artaeum, and later left as a "sharp-elbowed upstart".[5][UOL 2] He also spent some time at the University of Gwylim.[6][UOL 3] In his youth, he dabbled in the forbidden art of necromancy, but he would eventually turn away from it to focus on other subsections of conjuration.[11] He is mentioned in the book The Doors of Oblivion, as well as Varieties of Daedra (written by a former apprentice), which assert that, before his interest in Corprus, Fyr traveled to the Daedric planes of Oblivion. He is also the author of at least two books. One of them he wrote because he would grow tired of conjurers being generalized as necromancers and would write a book to educate the uninformed.[11] Although he once displayed great skill with necromancy, he did not wish to utilize it to attain immortality.[12]

Divayth Fyr was a friend of Sotha Sil and enjoyed contemplating his riddles, as well as the contemplation of pain.[3][13] After the Battle of Red Mountain, the Daedric Prince Azura cursed the Chimer, turning them all into the Dunmer (Fyr included). Sotha Sil was one of the few who could resist Azura's curse, but chose to remain with his Dunmeri appearance,[14] seemingly to aid in the transition of his people into the Dunmer, and getting them to accept that it was not a curse but a blessing.[15] Divayth Fyr criticized him for this.[14] Sotha Sil would later take his place among the living gods known as the Tribunal,[15] yet Fyr let his friend know that he would refrain from worshipping him as such.[14]

Second Era[edit]

Morian Zenas in Apocrypha (ESO)

Sometime during the reign of Potentate Savirien-Chorak, Fyr attempted to win the heart of Doctor Alfidia Lupus, who was the Imperial Ethnographer for Potentate Savirien-Chorak from 2E 418 to 2E 431[16], but the enigmatic Morian Zenas, Professor of Transliminal Arts at the Arcane University, was also flirting with her at the same time. Although Fyr was reputed to be popular among some women and had been called a philanderer,[17] Dr. Lupus ultimately chose Zenas over Fyr.

Later, Fyr helped Zenas enter Moonshadow, from which the human wizard journeyed to various other planes of Oblivion until he became lost in Apocrypha. Dr. Lupus came to believe that Fyr was responsible for Zenas's fate when she discovered that Fyr had summoned Hermaeus Mora from a ritual contained in the Fragmentae Abyssum Hermaeus Morus. Doctor Lupus went missing shortly afterwards. [7]

During this time, Fyr was reportedly derisive toward Argonians, or, at least one Argonian in particular - Seif-ij Hidja, Professor Zenas's pupil and assistant. By Hidja's testimony, Fyr would refer to him as "the scaleskin help" when Professor Morian wasn't around. Seif-ij Hidja's account further implies Fyr left sometime around the disappearance of Dr. Alfidia Lupus, and that Seif-ij Hidja would not miss him.[7]

The Interregnum[edit]

Yagrum Bagarn (Legends)

The last living dwarf, Yagrum Bagarn, at one point befriended Divayth Fyr.[18] At Fyr's behest, Yagrum Bagarn wrote a book that would later be known as Tamrielic Lore[19]:241 from the notes that he gathered over the centuries, listing artifacts such as Chrysamere, the Bow of Shadows, and the Staff of Hasedoki among various items of "unimaginable significance".[20] By the Interregnum, copies of this book circulated throughout Tamriel, providing some general information on the artifacts to its readers.[21]

Circa 2E 582, Divayth Fyr planned to extend his tower of Tel Fyr into the Abanabi Caves until a portal to his friend's Clockwork City inexplicably opened up inside, spilling out Refabricants and Fabricants from the Halls of Fabrication. The Fabricant threat was neutralized when a large group of Undaunted accompanied him into the cave and then entered the Clockwork City portal, defeated the Assembly General, and disabled their production. Divayth then studied the portal.[22]

Fyr's interest in investigating the status of Sotha Sil was kindled and he would make preparations to re-enter the City. He traveled to the island of Dranil Kir‎‎ to perform a Daedric ritual to open a rift to the Clockwork City using a Dwarven device. He was also trying to locate the Skeleton Key but was met with the opposition of a Psijic monk named Lilatha, who was responsible for guarding the island. She interrupted his ritual, declined to provide any information, and urged him to leave Dranil Kir.[5]

Divayth Fyr and Proctor Luciana Pullo defend Sotha Sil

Soon after the events that transpired on the island, he enlisted the aid of the Vestige to journey there, where they would become involved in a plot with the Daedric Triad. Nocturnal, one of the princes of the triad, tried to take control of the Clockwork City. She summoned Sotha Sil's Shadow, who replaced him as ruler of the Clockwork City. Using the Skeleton Key, they attempted to unseat the real Sotha Sil from his Throne Aligned, and have the shadow take control of the Throne. The Vestige and the Clockwork Apostle Luciana Pullo intervened and defeated the shadow in combat, but Nocturnal had her shadows envelop the area as a countermeasure, in an attempt to consume the heroes. Luciana used her shadow-banishing light to keep Nocturnal's shadows at bay, and Divayth Fyr arrived during the battle and kept Sotha Sil alive and constrained the shadow. They bought the Vestige enough time to be able to remove the Skeleton Key from the Throne Aligned and awaken Sotha Sil. Sotha Sil would then reunite with his shadow and banish Nocturnal from his realm. Sotha Sil gave the Skeleton Key to Divayth Fyr for safekeeping and returned to the Cogitum Centralis to make preparations for the Daedric Triad.[23]

In the same year, Divayth Fyr ventured to the Oblivion plane of Fargrave. He discovered that someone intended to auction the Ebony Blade. Fyr, with the assistance of the Vestige, discovered that the item that was intended to be sold was a replica of the real artifact and punished the person responsible for the forgery.[24]

Although Fyr played no significant role in the defeat of Valkynaz Nokvroz and Mehrunes Dagon, he attended the celebrations of those events that were hosted in Fargrave and Leyawiin.[25][26]

Third Era[edit]

Divayth Fyr, circa 3E 427
Aryon, Fyr's Former Apprentice (Legends)

Divayth Fyr had maintained a tenuous contact with the Council House of Sadrith Mora in the Second Era, albeit through a proxy - he did not send a personal Mouth to the Council, but shared the services of Master Firuth's Mouth, Vaelin Oren, at least for such mundane affairs as the delivery of alchemical supplies; however, by the end of the Third Era he had completely withdrawn from Council affairs, despite the fact that his age and power would have made a place on the Council his for the asking. His one-time protege, Aryon of Tel Vos, tried to persuade him to return,[27] but was met with a polite refusal by the reclusive Fyr.[4]

Among other things, Divayth Fyr spent his time researching the Divine Disease, Corprus, and his Corprusarium was a refuge for anyone infected, including his oldest friend, Yagrum Bagarn, the last living Dwemer.[1][8] He took a deep interest in Dwemer history and collected many Dwemer artifacts.[1] By the Third Era, Divayth Fyr has also been in possession of several Daedric artifacts, among them were Scourge, Savior's Hide, and Volendrung.[1] He was willing to employ ruthless tactics, such as kidnapping, to achieve his ends, but did not seem to mind adventurers looting his dungeons as long as they did not harm the corprus victims under his care.[1] Divayth was also at one point a slaveowner. One of his last slaves was Vistha-Kai, an argonian who refused to leave after he was set free. He became Fyr's hireling and taught himself how to fight, later becoming the warden of the Corprusarium. Vistha-Kai became a trusted partner to Divayth, and he was even trusted to accompany and train the sorcerer's daughters in martial arts.[28]

Prior to the ascent of the Nerevarine in 3E 427, Fyr believed that the Nerevarine Prophecy was impossible to fulfill, but the Nerevarine contracted Corprus from an agent of the Sixth House and sought out Fyr for the cure. The "cure" did not actually cure the disease but rather removed the negative effects, such as crippling physical deformities and insanity, while retaining the positive effects, including immunity to all diseases, increased strength and endurance, and possibly also immortality.[1]

Divayth Fyr allegedly kidnapped Delyna Mandas, the daughter of Arethan Mandas, a Redoran noble. Struck with grief, Arethan Mandas fell into madness, and became the self-proclaimed Lord of West Gash, demanding tribute from travelers in the region. A Lawman of House Redoran was tasked with dealing with the issue, either by slaying the noble, or soothing him by rescuing the daughter from Fyr's clutches. The veracity of the claims is unknown, though Divayth Fyr himself has no recollection of her, nor gave any resistance in her retrieval.[29]

Divayth Fyr was quite acquainted with the Blades, with them guarding him to the Morrowind border after he had met with Uriel Septim VII.[UOL 4] He also received a letter from a Master Blades member that had spoken to Baurus, explaining the situation after Uriel had been killed by the Mythic Dawn, and requested that Fyr come to Cyrodiil to assist however he could; however the Elder Council overruled this requesting that Fyr stay in Morrowind to help prevent any unrest that might occur.[UOL 5]

Fourth Era[edit]

It is uncertain if the old wizard survived the cataclysms of the Red Year,[30] but some sources suggest that Divayth Fyr did in fact live on.[UOL 1] In addition, Divayth's daughter Alfe Fyr survived and moved to Skyrim, where the Forgotten Hero met her to negotiate for passage into the Clockwork City.[31]



  • Before his total seclusion, it is believed that Sotha Sil had one of his final conversations with his peer Divayth Fyr, during which they discussed the disappearance of the Dwemer, his divine nature, and the location of his city among other things.[UOL 6] However, this contradicts Sil's prediction that they would not meet again following Fyr's departure from his realm circa 2E 582.[32]

See Also[edit]



Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.