Lore:Books H
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Overview | Numeric A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | By Author | By Subject | Mentioned Texts
Title | Author | Description | Game(s) |
Hadolid Researcher's Journal | A researcher records known information on Hadolids before attempting to make contact with them. | ||
Hagrof the Righteous | A record of the third Champion of the Blessed Crucible | ||
Hags, Harpies, and Hagravens | The Unveiled Azadiyeh, Songbird of Satakalaam | A rebuttal against the argument of the inherent wickedness of womanhood | |
Hail to the Ancient Spirits | Varana Tappo, Imperial Scribe serving the Longhouse Emperors | Transcription of "Hail to the Ancient Spirits" | |
Haladan's Research Journal | Haladan | Research notes on Ostraekeratic Fever and using vampirism as a potential cure | |
Hallgerd's Tale | Tavi Dromio | Squabbling over the greatest warrior ever leads to a tale of heavy-armor-master Hlaalu Pasoroth | |
Hammer of Glass | Notes on an Orcish crystal artifact | ||
Handbill distributed in Ebonheart | An advertisement for stonemasons to help repair Ebonheart Pact keeps | ||
Handbill distributed in Firsthold | An advertisement supporting the Aldmeri Dominion | ||
Handbill distributed in Marbruk | A list of Thalmor rules for conduct | ||
Handbill found in Camlorn | A warning about werewolves | ||
Hand Indobar's Journal | Hand Kydren Indobar | A Hand of Almalexia makes a painful compromise | |
Hanging Gardens | A travel guide to the Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale, written in both Dwemeris and Aldmeris | ||
Hanin's Wake | A noxious and lethal drink allows for a mass sacrifice | ||
A Harrowing Sea Voyage | Brean Dufort | A survivor's encounter with a creature of the deep | |
Harvesting Frostbite Spider Venom | A brief guide to harvesting frostbite spider venom | ||
Havocrel: Strangers from Oblivion | Tricatrel, Cataloger of Creation's Mysteries | A treatise on a newly discovered variety of Daedra | |
Head of Brazzefk | Merethic Society | Notes on a renowned Dwemer alchemist and his experiments with immortality | |
Healer's Fieldbook | A guidebook to Hoarvors | ||
The Healer's Tale | Anonymous | An amusing anecdote from a healer of the Temple of Stendarr | |
Healing Herbs of Northwest Tamriel | Ulnil Tildarin | A guide to making healing poultices and medicinal broths | |
The Heartland of Cyrodiil | Phrastus of Elinhir | A description of the Heartlands | |
The Heart of Lorkhan, My Final Prize | Artisan Lenarmen | Someone attempts to recover the Heart of Lorkhan... to sell it to the highest bidder | |
The Heart of Love | A short text on the god Mara | ||
Heart of the Indrik | Professor Cinutalmo | An excerpt of a lecture on a crystalized indrik heart | |
Heart of Valenwood | Beredalmo the Signifier | A history of the Ayleid ruin of Hectahame and a plot to harness its immense power | |
Heart of Zandadunoz | Notes on a powerful titan phylactery | ||
Heart's Day Mass Wedding | A special reading from a Heart's Day event | ||
Heavy Armor: A Forge-Wife's Advice | Garshag gra-Sharkub | How to get started smithing | |
Heavy Armor Forging | Sven Two-Hammers | A guide to creating Heavy Armor | |
Heavy Armor Repair | Information on the best ways to repair various types of heavy armor | ||
Heita-Meen Answers Your Questions | Vicecanon Heita-Meen | Heita-Meen answers questions on lore | |
A Helpful, Steadfast Hand | Adandora, Chronicler-at-Large | A collection of testimonies regarding the Society of the Steadfast | |
Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim | Agneta Falia | A description of alchemy ingredients found in Tamriel's northernmost province, Skyrim | |
Herbane's Bestiary | Herbane | A guide to some of the creatures you may encounter while exploring Skyrim | |
Heretical Thoughts | The ideals and ways of the Heretic | ||
Heretic Dossier: Blacksmith's Confessional | A New Temple dossier with information on a potential heretic | ||
Herma-Mora: The Woodland Man? | Reginus Buca | A scholar's theory on the etymology of Herma-Mora in Atmoran culture | |
Heroes of the Sanctuary | the Emulator of Eldamar | The tale of how Seaside Sanctuary was founded | |
A Hero's Weapon | Lizabet Delrusc | A panegyric to the greatsword | |
Hidden Kindred Instructions | Blightcrown | Orders for a cultist plot in Necrom | |
Hidden Moon Teaching Stones | Tablets describing the Order of the Hidden Moon's tenets | ||
Hidden Tears | An ode to Kyne's tears | ||
The Hidden Tunnels of Orsinium | Grilbar the Architect | An excerpt from "Secrets of an Orc City" | |
Hiding with the Shadow | Concerning the nature of thieves and their relationship with Nocturnal | ||
High Astrologer Caecilus Bursio Answers Your Questions | High Astrologer Caecilus Bursio | The High Astrologer of the Star-Gazers answers questions on lore | |
High Chancellor's Papers: The Tagh Droiloch | Abnur Tharn | Abnur Tharn's notes on an infamous coven of Reach witch-men | |
High King Emeric Answers Your Questions | High King Emeric | High King Emeric answers questions on lore | |
Highmourn Dizi | Notes on an Akaviri flute played at Savirien-Chorak's funeral | ||
A History of Blackrose Prison | Tyrrya Len, The Wayrest Wanderer | An essay on the founding of an infamous jail | |
A History of Daggerfall | Odiva Gallwood | A relatively unbiased analysis of Daggerfall and the Iliac Bay | |
History of House Dufort | Kaera Metrick, House Historian and Chronicler | The history of High Isle's ruling house | |
History of House Mornard | Dorothea Errard | The history of High Isle's former ruling house | |
A History of Lilmoth | Tyrrya Len, The Wayrest Wanderer | An essay on the Festering Jewel of Black Marsh | |
History of Lock Picking | Chronicles the development of modern locks and lockpicking | ||
History of Markarth: A Story in Stone | Consul Cardea, the Ard's Administrator | A history of the city of Markarth | |
A History of Mor Khazgur | Carena Esmery, Chronicler | A chronicling of an Orc stronghold | |
History of Necrom: The City of the Dead | Meralyn Randas | An overview of Necrom's history | |
History of Pellitine: An Overview | Sulema, Initiate Scholar of the Pa'alatiin | An overview of the history of the kingdom of Pellitine | |
History of Raven Rock | Lyrin Telleno | The history of Solstheim's mining town | |
History of Senchal: An Overview | Sulema, Initiate Scholar of the Pa'alatiin | An overview of the history of the city of Senchal | |
A History of Shipbuilding, Vol. 1 of 27 | Edana Augier, Systres Historian | A short essay examining the origins of Dufort Shipyards | |
History of the Dreamstone | Researcher Marenia Colus | An overview of the morbid history of the Dreamstone | |
History of the Fighters Guild | Detailing the events leading up to the foundation of the Syffim, now known as the Fighters Guild | ||
History of the Handfast | A poem dedicated to the anointment ritual and wedding of the Silvenar to the Green Lady | ||
The History of Zaan the Scalecaller | Jorvuld Davaux, Dragon Priest Historian | The short biography of a minor Dragon Priest | |
The Hist's Fire | Pegareem | How two Argonians met | |
Hlaalu Construction Syndic | Manaran Renim, First Clerk of House Affairs, Vvardenfell | An audit of Redoran business decisions | |
Hlaalu Letter of Complaint | Tirnur Nalyn | A letter urging House Redoran to overlook minor infractions for the sake of interprovincial commerce | |
Holdings of Jarl Gjalund | Slafknir the Scribe | An ancient list of settlements within Whiterun Hold | |
The Holds of Skyrim | The official guide of the Imperial Legion to Skyrim and its holds | ||
Holidays of the Iliac Bay | Theth-i | An overview of Breton and Redguard holidays commonly celebrated in the Iliac Bay region | |
Holy Sweetroll Liturgy | A prayer-song dedicated to the Sweetroll | ||
Homesteads in the Black Marsh | the Imperial Council of Potentate Versidue-Shaie | A copy of the edict used for Imperial settlement in the Black Marsh | |
Homilies of Blessed Almalexia | Almalexia | A series of children's fables, each with its own moral | |
Honorable Writ of Execution | A generic Morag Tong execution writ | ||
Honorable Writs of Execution | Enar Dren | A treatise on the Morag Tong | |
Honor Among Thieves | Arnie the Scrib | A manual for those wishing to join the Thieves Guild | |
Honored Ancestors | Poems about famous Veloth family members | ||
Honor's Rest Monument Stone | A poem dedicated to the fallen warriors of Honor's Rest | ||
The Hope of the Redoran | Turiul Nirith | A tale of a child blessed by a prophecy and the interpretation thereof | |
Horker Attacks | Heidmir Starkad | The tale of a horker attack | |
Horn of Beasts | Notes on a magical Orcish war horn | ||
The Horror of Castle Xyr | Baloth-Kul | A One Act Play | |
Horrors of the Strid Basin | A warning regarding the Hoarvors of the Strid River | ||
The Horse-Folk of Silverhoof | Doctor Nabeth al-Gilane, Khefrem Academy of Yokudan Heritage | On the lost tribe of Yokuda, the Horsemen of High Rock | |
Hospitality Papers | Muthsera Master Angaredhel; Mage-Lord | A certification of hospitality for outlanders and out-house Dunmer to enter Sadrith Mora circa 3E 427 | |
Hourglass of Perceived Time | Ralam Falenn | Research notes on an artifact that alters perception of time | |
House Hlaalu Philosophy of Trade | The philosophy of House Hlaalu | ||
House of Reveries: The Audition | Quill, House of Reveries Archivist | A guidebook regarding the audition process for the House of Reveries | |
House of Reveries: The History | Quill, House of Reveries Archivist | A guidebook regarding the history of the House of Reveries | |
House of Reveries: The Troupe | Quill, House of Reveries Archivist | A guidebook regarding the troupe of the House of Reveries | |
The House of Troubles | Chronicle of the Daedra who decided not to submit to the Tribunal | ||
House Ravenwatch Proclamation | Count Verandis Ravenwatch | A House Ravenwatch pamphlet denouncing Baron Wylon Montclair and the Lightless Remnant | |
House Rayn of Silvenar | Beragon of Valenwood, Imperial Scribe | An overview of an old Bosmer noble family | |
House Tamrith: A Recent History | Chancellor Regina Troivois, the Department of Interior Affairs | A treatise on House Tamrith of Rivenspire | |
House Telvanni Song | Song lyrics about climbing the ranks of House Telvanni | ||
House Tharn of Nibenay | Count Opius Voteporix | A volume describing the noble Imperial family of House Tharn | |
How Hackwing Got Her Tail | Tsuleenkeesh | A traditional Argonian children's tale about the Hackwing | |
How Long Before the Echoes Fade? | A description of the decay of the Soul Shriven | ||
Howls in the Night | A Nord's musing on wolves | ||
How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs | Menyna Gsost | The story of how Gortwog won the land to the north of Wayrest | |
How Rajhin Stole the Book that Knows | Rajhin's exploits in the Library of Hermorah | ||
How the Kwama Lost His Shoes | A children's poem about a clumsy Kwama | ||
How the Yokudans Chased the Stars | The legend of the Star Man and his relationship to the Warrior constellation | ||
How To Prepare Slaughterfish | A recipe for Alder Plank Slaughterfish | ||
How to Pronounce Dwemer Words | Amadri Drevin, student | A not very helpful guide to the Dwemer language | |
How to Train Your Guar | A simple guide to teaching Guar commands | ||
How to Win a Fight | Caelius Imbrex | A concise, but primitive, guide on effective fighting techniques | |
How We Came to Coldharbour | A history of the Argonian village of Haj Uxith, and the Hist's pact with Molag Bal | ||
How We Came to Fly | A story about why Khenarthi carries True Cats to the Sands Behind the Stars | ||
Hrorvild Blackrock, Nord weaponsmith | Hrorvild Blackrock | A blacksmith's thoughts on working with ebony | |
The Humor of Wood Elves | Telenger the Artificer | A collection of Bosmer jokes | |
The Hunger of Sep | The Unveiled Azadiyeh, Songbird of Satakalaam | On the dangers of the Hunger of Sep | |
Hunger vs. Shambles | Relmyna Verenim | Testing whether a Hunger's hunger increases after being in proximity to potential prey | |
A Hunter's Journey II: The Imperial Reserve | Viola Fulcinius, Professional Hunter | A hunter's recollections of the Imperial Reserve | |
A Hunter's Journey VI: Fauns | Viola Fulcinius, Professional Hunter | A hunter's stories about the Fauns of High Isle | |
The Huntsman Prince | Hanu of the Zainab Tribe | Details on Hircine | |
Hurricane Assistance and Salvage | An official request for aid from the Dominion navy | ||
Husks and Bones | Sorexius Lentulus | The journal of an enterprising merchant and his experiences in Valenwood | |
Hydrik Deep-Delve's Wit and Wisdom | Hydrik Deep-Delve | A Guildmember's guide to the delves in Western Skyrim | |
Hymn of Zenithar | A song extolling Zenithar | ||
Hymn to Kyne | A song to Kyne | ||
A Hypothetical Treachery | Anthil Morvir | A One Act Play |