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General:Orsinium Guide: Areas

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Originally published October 14, 2015. The original article can be found here.

The Wrothgarian Mountains have been home to northern Tamriel's Orcs since the beginning of recorded history. Invading armies have marched into these peaks countless times to suppress the fractious Orcs, but the clans always rise again. Our Areas guide will help you find your way through these hostile territories where a lovely overlook might only be few steps away from a deadly encounter.

Here are just a few examples what to expect when you are wandering through Wrothgar:

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  1. Frozen Fleet
  2. Fharun
  3. Old Orsinium
  4. Graystone Quarry
  1. Sorrow
  2. Exile's Barrow
  3. Rkindaleft

Frozen Fleet[edit]

A stretch of rugged seaside on the icy shores of Wrothgar's northwestern coast, this area is known for harsh weather, unpredictable storms, and frequent shipwrecks as ice can form without warning on even the calmest of days. A fleet of Breton ships from the Daggerfall Covenant were thrown off course by a powerful storm and have been captured in the frozen bay. Now, bands of Riekrs and wandering ogres have flocked to the wreckage in search of spoils—even as the survivors struggle to band together and get out of the ice. As you explore the area, keep an eye out for the Breton ambassador: she's been missing since the storm struck and the ships smashed into the ice.

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The stronghold of Clan Fharun, an Orc settlement in the northernmost reaches of Wrothgar, prides itself on remaining true to the teachings and traditions of Malacath. This, of course, pits its chief against King Kurog, who wants to set aside the restrictions of tradition and lead the Orsimer into a new age rich with opportunities and newfound prestige. Of course, the clan's dedication to Malacath makes it a prime target for the fanatical Vosh Rakh and their harsh methods for spreading the word of Trinimac throughout the land of the Orcs.


Old Orsinium[edit]

The ruins of Old Orsinium serve as a tempting target for adventurers and treasure hunters from all across the land. Within the extensive ruins, you can uncover the history of the Orcs, explore Malacath's religion of grudges and curses, and contend with Winterborn savages from the Reach. As you explore this historic site, make note of the architecture—the original Orc city was able to withstand a siege that lasted thirty years before finally falling to the combined might of the Bretons and Redguards!

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Graystone Quarry[edit]

The Orcs of Tumnosh Stronghold control and operate Graystone Quarry, a site famous for supplying the massive amounts of stone necessary for rebuilding the city of Orsinium. The Tumnosh Clan is proud of the quarry and the stone they provide, even as King Kurog's demands for more and more stone stretch their workers to the breaking point. If you happen to find yourself in the wilderness southwest of Orsinium and come upon the quarry in your travels, check on the Tumnosh Orcs: the current order of stone hasn't reached Orsinium yet, and Borab, the city's master mason, is worried.

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The tallest peak in the Wrothgarian Mountains, Sorrow has a reputation as both a sacred site and one of the most dangerous locations in all of Tamriel. In ages past, the Orcs used the mountain as a burial ground. The higher up the mountain an Orc's body was entombed, the more powerful and respected that Orc was. Legend has it that the greatest hero of Wrothgar and founder of Old Orsinium, King Torug himself, is buried at Sorrow's highest peak. Even now, a brave band of explorers hopes to challenge the dangers of the mountain to reach Torug's tomb. It wouldn't surprise anyone if they could use some help in this deadly endeavor.

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Exile's Barrow[edit]

Chief Gloorot's small and isolated clan, camped near the mysterious Exile's Barrow, has been dealing with one crisis after another of late. And it all seems to tie back to the ancient Nord barrow that's as out of place in central Wrothgar as an Orc berserker at a fancy Breton ball. Something has stirred in the labyrinthine depths of the barrow, and it seems that the dead no longer rest easily within its dark interior.

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Trapped in the ice of Wrothgar's frozen northern reaches, the Dwarven ruins of Rkindaleft have been lost to time for many generations. Recent rumors say the retreating glacier to the northeast of Orsinium has revealed a portion of the legendary ruins. Even now, scholars and other explorers rush to learn as much as they can of the place before the ice once more buries the ancient site. Not all of the rumors revolving around Rkindaleft are benign, however, and dark tales of ancient horrors wandering the ruins abound. If you dare to explore the area, keep an eye out for the missing group of researchers sent by Orsinium to discover the truth behind the rumors.

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