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Many words in The Elder Scrolls have their origins outside the world of the game. This list attempts to describe possible origins for words. Please note that these etymologies are speculative. Entries should not be placed on individual pages unless there is a clear link between the subject and the etymology.

Arena Etymology[edit]

Word Etymology Object Type Seen
Khajiit 剣術 Kenjutsu, "sword art" (Japanese), according to Vijay Lakshman Race All games
Argonian Ἀργοναῦται Argonauts (Greek), "Argo sailors", according to Vijay Lakshman Race All games
Chrysamere χρυσός (khrusós, chrysos) gold, and μέρος (méros) part, possibly inspired by the intelligent Holy Avenger sword Chrysomer in R-4 Doc's Island adventure module for AD&D2. Artifact All games

Daggerfall Etymology[edit]

Word Etymology Object Type Seen
Dreugh dreg -sediment in a liquid, bad person from Icelandic dregg Creature DF MW OB

Morrowind Etymology[edit]

Word Etymology Object Type Seen
Inanius Egg Mine Lat. inanis -void, empty, hollow Place MW
Skooma skum -dark, shady, immoral (Swedish) Item MW
Ano Andaram andare -to go (Italian) NPC MW OB
Arvama Rathri Sanskrit अर्व (arva), अर्वन् (arvan) -quick, रात्रि (ratri) -night NPC MW
Mevil Molor Lat. molor from molere -to grind NPC MW
Ascadian Isles Lat. ascendo -to rise, to spring, grow up (ad -[up] to + scandō -climb) Region MW
Frinnius Posuceius frinire -to chirp (Italian) NPC MW
Arano Plantation arano from arare -to plough, plow (Italian) Place MW
Durus Marius Lat. durus -hard, harsh, rough, cruel NPC MW
Lake Amaya Sanskrit अमाय (amāya) -free from deceit, guileless, sincerity (अ (a) -not + माया (māyā) -illusion, deception, trick) Place MW
Morrowind morrow -morning (archaic) + wind (remains in word tomorrow which literally means till morning)
Arvyn Llerayn from Indian name Arvind from Aravind from अरविन्द (aravinda) -lotus (Sanskrit) NPC MW
Nirn νιρνος (nirnos) -seed of a kind of pine (Achaean) [hinting both on shape of planet and life]
Audenian Valius audeo, audere -be prepared, dare, act boldly, venture + valere, valitus -be strong, powerful NPC MW
Ajira अजिर (ajira) -agile, quick, rapid (Sanskrit) NPC MW
Vivec विवेक (viveka) -distinction, discussion, true knowledge, right judgment, faculty of distinguishing and classifying things according to their real properties, power of separating the invisible spirit from the visible world (Sanskrit) NPC MW
Almalexia Lat. alma, almus -nourishing, providing nurture + Lat. lex -law NPC MW
Endul Rothandus Lat. rotundus -round, circular NPC MW
Femer Veralor Lat. veralis -of truth (verum -truth + al -of a, pertaining to) and -or in Latin makes nouns from verbs NPC MW
Kalorter Lat. calor -heat NPC MW
Deras Girando girando Gerund of girare -to turn, stir, to travel, to spin, revolve (Italian) NPC MW
Balmora 森 [もり] (mori) -forest (Japanese) Place MW
Vivyne Andrano andranno 3 plural future tense of andare -to go (Italian) NPC MW
Arvela Falas falas from falar -to speak (Galician) NPC MW
Faulgor Lat. fulgor -brightness, splendor, glory NPC MW
Nalosi Alari Lat. alarius -auxiliary troops posted on the wings of army (ala -wing) NPC MW
Elam Andas andas (informal 2 person singular present) from andar -to walk, to travel (Spanish) NPC MW
Mehra Milo mehra -of the sun from mehr -sun (Middle Persian) NPC MW
Angoril Lat. angor -choking, anxiety, anguish + il -of NPC MW
Marandus mirando -admirable (Italian) Place MW
Hortator Lat. hortator -inciter, encourager, exhorter from hortari -encourage, cheer, incite
Vorar Helas Lat. vorare -swallow, devour hélas -alas (French) NPC MW
Conoon Chodala canon -law or rule from κανων (kanon) -rod, bar, rule chode -old imp. of chide -to scold, to blame NPC MW
Apographa απο (apo) -off, away from + γραφειν (graphein) -to write
Sithis Lat. sitis -thirst God MW OB
Menta Na menta -mint (plant) (Italian) Creature MW
Odibaal Lat. odi, odisse -hate, dislike baal -master (Semitic) Place MW
Mount Kand Lat. candere -shine, gleam, be hot, glow, sparkle Place MW
Sirollus Saccus Lat. sirolus (sirus -corn pit, underground granary + ol -little, small) saccus -sack, bag NPC MW
Asciene Rane Lat. ascius -shadowless rana, ranae -frog NPC TR
Apelles Matius Lat. appelles (subjunctive present 2 singular) from appellare -call upon, address, appeal to NPC TR
Nebia Amphia nebbia -fog, mist (Italian) αμφι (amphi) -on both sides NPC MW
Pelagiad πελαγιος (pelagios) -of the sea, near the sea (appears in names of Byzantine Emperors) Place MW
Manat's Farmhouse Lat. manare, manatus -flow, pour, be wet Place MW
Velanda Omani Lat. velanda Gerund from velare -veil, cover, hide, conceal Omani -person from Oman (country in middle east) NPC MW
Nevena Ules Nevena from neven -marigold (South Slavic) Lat. ulex -a shrub resembling rosemary NPC MW
Lake Hairan Lat. haereo -stick, cleave, be fixed Place MW
Dahrk Mezalf dark mezzo -half, middle (Italian) alf from alfr -elf, supernatural being (Old Norse) (because is specter and not elf anymore) Creature MW
Adanumuran Lat. ad -to, towards anum -ring, circle muran from murar -to surround with a wall (Spanish) Place MW
Ansi ansio -anxious, anguished (Italian) Place MW
Unjara un + जर (jara) -becoming old NPC MW
Dirara Drom δρομος (dromos) -road NPC MW
Galos Farethi γαλοως (galoōs) -husband's sister NPC MW
Orvas Dren Lat. orbas, orbus -bereft, deprived, childless drenar -to drain (Spanish) or dren -pulp (Czech) NPC MW
Velsa Salaron salaron from salar -to salt (Spanish) NPC MW
Lunia Menanius Lat. luna -moon maenanus from maena -small sea-fish Hostile NPC MW
Audania Afronia Lat. audax -bold, daring Hostile NPC MW
Selvia Famalius Lat. fama -rumor, reputation, fame Hostile NPC MW
Punammu Nammu -Sumerian godess of the primeval sea that gave birth to An (heaven) and Ki (earth) and the first gods later in Babylon is known as Tiamat Place MW
Mudan Grotto mudan from mudar -to change, to vary (Spanish) Place MW
Idonea Munia Lat. idoneus, idonea -suitable, proper, fit, apt, convenient Lat. munia, munium -duties, functions NPC MW
Taros Dral Lat. taro, tarare -to tare, calibrate NPC MW
Maesa Gabinia mesa -table (Spanish) NPC MW
Manara Othan manar -gush forth (Spanish) NPC MW
Salora Salobar Lat. salor from salere -to salt salebaris (Imperfect passive 2 S) from salere -to salt NPC MW
Lalatia Varian Latia -of Latium (central Italy including Rome) Lat. varianus -diverse colored, variegated NPC MW
Sauleius Cullian saule -willow, willow tree (French) Lat. cullianus from cullus -type of windlass using leather NPC MW
Shargon Odin-Ahhe Sargon (Šarru-kin -true king or king is legitimate) ahhē -brother (Akkadian, Assyrian) NPC MW
Kagrenac χαος (chaos) -infinite space, unformed matter, nether abyss γραω (graō) -gnaw, eat
Dwemer δυη (duē) -misery μερος (meros) -part, share, destiny Race MW
Daedra δαιος (daios) -hostile, destructive, enemy, unhappy, wretched (αι (ai) becomes in Latin ae) δραω (draō) -do, accomplish, perform mystical rites
Pania Cadiusus Lat. pane -bread cadium -small jar cadus -jar usus -use NPC MW
Aedra αιος (aios), αιων (aiōn) -perpetually, forever, eternity (αι (ai) becomes in Latin ae) δραω (draō) -do, accomplish, perform mystical rites
Bacola Closcius Lat. baca -berry + ol -little, small clodere, closus -shut, close, block NPC MW
Ald'ruhn ald -old (Old English, Anglian form of West Saxon eald) rūn -secret, writing, rune (Old Norse) or Lat. ruina, ruinae -ruins, fall, catastrophe, collapse Place MW
Dandera Selaro dander -passion, temper, anger (slang) sellar -to stamp, to seal (Spanish) NPC MW
Pellecia Aurrus pelliccia -fur (of an animal), fur coat (Italian) Lat. aurum -gold NPC MW
Ano Vando ano -member (of a society or group) (Esperanto) vando -wall (Esperanto) NPC MW
Codus Callonus Lat. coda -tail callosus -tough, hard NPC MW
Arobar Manor arrobar -to enrapture (Spanish) Place MW
Vala Catraso vala -ditch, trench (Portuguese) NPC MW
Vevul Alver Lat. vevulis (ve -not + vis -strength + ul -little) NPC MW
Viatrix Petilia Lat. viatrix -a female traveller, viator -traveler from via -way, road petilius -thin, slender (archaic) NPC MW
Aldaril Lat. altare -to raise, make high, elevate + il -of NPC MW
Raesa Pullia Lat. res -thing, event, affair, buisiness pullia from pullus -blackish, dark colored NPC MW
Sul-Matuul Lat. sultis -be willing, wish matula -a vessel, pot, simpleton NPC MW
Kogoruhn Lat. cogo, cogere -collect, gather, restrict, confine, force, compel ruina, ruinae -ruins, fall, catastrophe, collapse Place MW
Valenvaryon Lat. valens -strong, powerful + varius -changing, various Place MW
Bthuand Lat. tuando from tuari -to see, look, protect, watch Place MW
Assurdirapal Aššur, Ashur, Assur -god, head of Assyrian pantheon, name of Assyria (an -god + šar -all) pal -heir (Akkadian, Assyrian) Place MW
Igna Lat. ignis -fire, brightness, passion NPC MW
Kjeld Danish form of Kjell from Old Norse ketill -(sacrificial) cauldron, helmet, Kjell -kettle (Norwegian) NPC MW
Dangor Lat. tangor from tangere -to touch, strike, border on NPC MW
Halit Mine 'αλς (hals), 'αλος (halos) -salt λιθος (lithos) -stone Place MW
Undil Lat. unda -wave + il -of a, pertaining to NPC MW
Tel Naga नाग (nāga) -snake, cobra, class of beings associated with waters, rivers, lakes, seas, wells and are generally regarded as guardians of treasure (Sanskrit) Place MW
Divayth Fyr Lat. divinus -divine fyr -guy (Danish) or fyr -fire (Norwegian) NPC MW
Yagrum Bagarn bagarre -heated discussion, turmoil, bustle (Italian) NPC MW
Tel Aruhn अरुण (aruNa) -dawn, ruddy Place MW
Vos Lat. vos -you plural Place MW
Telvanni vanni -(poetic) wing feathers (Italian) Dunmer House MW
Ranis Athrys Lat. ranis (dative, ablative) rana -frog NPC MW
Ashu-Ahhe Aššur, Ashur, Assur -god, head of Assyrian pantheon, name of Assyria (an -god + šar -all) ahhē -brother (Akkadian, Assyrian) NPC MW
Erabenimsun erība -replace (Akkadian, Assyrian) + sun Ashlander Tribe MW
Lake Nabia Nabia -Celtic goddess of rivers and water on territory of modern Galicia (Spain) and Portugal Place MW
Fields of Kummu κυμινον (kuminon) -cumin, written also cummin Place MW
Coda Flower Lat. coda -tail Plant MW
Pyroil Tar πυρ (pyr) -fire + oil Potion TR
Norenen-dur dur -fortress (Akkadian, Assyrian) Place TR
Lloramor Spines llorar -to cry (Spanish) (it is cactus) Ingredient TR
Trama Root Lat. trama, tramae -warp (it was coiled plant) Ingredient MW
Staff of Magnus Lat. magnus -large, great, big, powerful Artifact MW
Zainab زينب‎ (zainab) -fragrant flowering plant, female given name (Arabic) People MW
Volendrung vollendung -achievement, perfection (German) Artifact MW OB
Anumidium Anu -sky god, king of gods (Sumerian) + medium (in sense through which an effect is transmitted from one thing to another as air is medium of sound) MW
Sujamma sujam (third person plural present indicative) of sujar -to make dirty (Portuguese) Beverage MW
Fabricant Lat. fabricatus -forged, constructed Creature TR
Riekling riek (first person singular present indicative) of rieken -to stink, to smell (Dutch) + -ling -noun suffix which is diminutive or depreciatory, can indicate possession of or connection with a quality, follower or resident Creature BM
Hircine Lat. hircinus -of a goat, goatlike God BM OB
Castle Karstaag karst -a type of land formation, usually with many caves formed through the dissolving of limestone by underground drainage (geology) Place BM
Udyrfrykte dýr -animal, beast (Old Norse) + frygte -fear, dread (Danish) Creature BM
Blatta Hateria Lat. blatta -cockroach + hate NPC MW
Crazy Batou 馬頭 [バトウ] (batou) -horse head (馬 -horse + 頭 -head) (Japanese) NPC MW
Malacath Lat. mala, malus -bad, evil, wicked + cath -battle (Scottish Gaelic) God MW OB
Mundus Lat. mundus -world, heavens, universe Realm MW OB
Vvardenfell warden, to ward + fell -hill (Old Norse) Place MW
Dunmer dun -of dark color, of color partaking of a brown and black derived from donn -brown (Irish) + Lat. maritus -married man, mêr -man (Kurdish) Race MW OB
Veloth velo, velar -to watch, to guard (Spanish) Saint MW
Zafirbel Bay zephyr -light wind from the west from Greek Ζεφυρος (zephyros) -westerly wind + bello -beautiful (Italian) Place MW
Tarvyn Faren fahren -to go, to travel, to drive (German) NPC MW
Itermerel Lat. iter -journey, road, path + merel -blackbird (Dutch) NPC MW
Suran صوران (sūrān) -town in Syria Place MW
Alof's Farmhouse aloof -at or from a distance but within view, apart, away, reserved, remote Place MW
Fruscia Abitius fruscia from frusciare -to rustle (Italian) Lat. abitus -going away, departure from abire -depart, go away, disappear (ab -from, away from + ire, itus -to go) NPC MW
Ama Nin Lat. ama from amare -to love 您 (nín) -honorific for you (Chinese) (she is apparition of Mara goddess of love) NPC MW
Baan Dar baan -road, way, path (Dutch) dar -to give, to hand over (Spanish) God
Akulakhan 悪辣 (アクラ) (akula) -crafty, vicious, unscrupulous (悪 -evil, bad + 辣 -bitter) (Japanese), Lat. acula -small amount of water, small stream (steam was created by him which made blight storms) + khān -lord (Turkic, borrowed into Arabic, Persian, Mongolian, also appears in Genghis Khan) MW
Jode jode (second person singular present) of joder -to damage, break, annoy, bother, to put in a difficult situation (Spanish) MW OB
Lorkhan lor -dirty (Breton) + khān -lord (Turkic) God MW
Malak ملك (malik) -king (Arabic) (he is known as God-King of the Orcs) God
Sheogorath שאול (sheol) -abode of the dead, hell (Hebrew) + Gör -brat (German) God MW SI
Jone jone form of juene -young (Old French) MW OB
Thartaag thar -across, through, beyond (Irish) + tag -stroke (Swedish) BM
Diagna di- -prefix signifying twofold + Lat. agna -blade (known as Orichalc God of the Sideways Blade (orichalcum -valuable metal sometimes treated as mythical substance derived from ορος (oros) -mountain + χαλκος (chalkos) -copper) God
Skygge skygge -shadow (Norwegian) Place BM
Fryse Hag fryse -freeze (Norwegian) Hostile NPC BM
Pallia Ceno Lat. pallia, pallio -disguise, cloak, palliate Lat. ceno, cenare -dine, eat dinner NPC MW
Odirniran Lat. odio, odire -hate, dislike + نيران (nirān) -fires (Arabic) Place MW
Sulipund Lat. suli, sulum -everything + Lat. pundo from punire -punish Place MW
Jolgeirr Barrow geirr -spear (Old Norse) Place BM
Solvjord sølv -silver (Norwegian) + jord -earth (Norwegian, Swedish) Place BM
Isild River is -ice (Norwegian) + ild -fire (Norwegian) Place BM
Dome of Serlyn ser, se -see (Swedish) + lyn -lightning (Norwegian) Place TR
Plaza Brindisi Dorom brindisi -toast, salute (Italian), also name of province and town δωρον (dōron) -gift, present Place TR
Optio Bologra Lat. optio, optionis -adjutant, assistant, helper NPC MW
Ancola Lat. ancula -maid NPC MW
Attelivupis Catius Lat. catius from catus -knowing, clever NPC MW
Dura gra-Bol Lat. dura, durus -hard, harsh, rough NPC MW
Fara fara -to go, to travel (Swedish) NPC MW
Fjol Fjol could be a play-on-words with Fjols, which means Fool in the Scandinavian languages, or Fjolla which means Sissy in Swedish. NPC MW
Fjorgeir fjör -vigor, vitality (Icelandic) + geirr -spear (Old Norse) NPC MW
Galbedir gelbe, gelb -yellow (German) + dir -yourself (German) (had yellow clothes) NPC MW
Solstheim sollst (2 person singular present) from sollen -should, to be recommended, to be obliged, to be intended (German) heim -home (Old Norse, German) Island BM
Skaal skal -shell, skull (Danish)
Lake Fjalding fjall -mountain (Old Norse), Fjäll, fjell in Swedish and Norwegian Place BM
Stalhrim stål -steel (Swedish) from Old Norse stál, in German stahl -steel hrím -frost (Old Norse) Material BM
Felsaad Coast fels -rock (German) Region BM
Himmelhost Barrow himmel -sky, heaven (Swedish, German) höst -autumn, figuratively time towards the end of life (Swedish) Place BM
Kolbjorn Barrow Kolbjørn -Norwegian name from Old Norse kol -coal and bjorn -bear Place BM
Skogsdrake Barrow skog -forest (Swedish) skógr -wood, forest (Old Norse) drake -dragon (Norwegian) Place BM
Korst Wind-Eye korst -crust, scab (Dutch) NPC BM
Lukesturm Barrow luke -hatch, porthole (German) sturm -storm, gustiness (German) Place BM
Valbrandr Barrow valr -dead (Old Norse) brandr -sword (Old Norse) Place BM
Bjorn bjorn -bear (Old Norse), björn -bear (Swedish) Place BM
Hvitkald Peak hvítr -white (Old Norse) kaldr -cold (Old Norse) Place BM
Grahl gräl -quarrel (Swedish) Creature BM
Brynjolfr brynja -coat of mail, armor, protection (Old Norse) -olfr from ulfr -wolf (Old Norse) NPC BM
Skjoldr Wolf-Runner skjoldr -shield (Old Norse) NPC BM
Vigunn vig -battle, fight (Old Norse) unna -to love (Old Norse) NPC BM
Procyon Nigilius Procyon -before the dog (Greek) NPC MW

Oblivion Etymology[edit]

Word Etymology Object Type Seen
Raminus Polus Lat. raminus -of branch from ramus -branch polus -little, small or polus -pole, heaven, sky NPC OB
Corvus Umbranox Lat. corvus -raven umbra -shade, shadow nox -night NPC OB
Kvatch quetschen -crush, press (German) from which is also derived kvetch -person who endlessly whines or complains, person who finds fault with anything from. 'Quatsch' (spoken: Kvatch) is also german for 'nonsense' Place OB
Carahil Lat. cara, carus -dear, beloved + hilaris -cheerful, lively NPC OB
Cyrodiil κυρος (kyros) -supreme power, authority (Greek κυ is transcribed in Latin and English as cy Κυπρος Cyprus) + il -of Province OB
Thaurron ταυρος (tauros) -bull NPC OB
Velwyn Benirus velvet beni -bless (Esperanto) + Lat. rus -country, estate NPC OB
Calindil Lat. calando Gerund of calo, calare -announce, proclaim, loosen, slacken + il -of NPC OB
Varla Stone varla -hardly, barely (Icelandic).In sense hard to find, get again, there was only set amount of Varla stones Item OB
Angalmo Lat. angor -anxiety + almo Dative and Ablative of almus, alma -nourishing, cherishing NPC OB
Skyrim ský -cloud (Old Norse) + rim -hoarfrost (Danish) from Old Norse hrím for frosty and cloudy climate Province OB
Brena River breña -scrub, rough ground (Spanish) River OB
Corbolo River corbolo -small basket (corbis -basket + -ol -little, small) in Italian corbello -basket River OB
Fanacasecul Lat. fanacum from fanum -sanctuary, temple and ac -ing, having a tendency seculis -secular, earthly, worldly, pagan Place OB
Nagastani नाग (nāga) -snake, cobra, class of beings associated with waters, rivers, lakes, seas, wells and are generally regarded as guardians of treasure (Sanskrit) + -stan -home (suffix) from Persian stān -place of Place OB
Vilverin Lat. villa -a country house, villa + verinus -of truth, verum -truth Place OB
Valus Mountains Lat. vallus -palisade, point, post (mountain on border, like palisade between two countries) Place OB
Cingor Lat. cingor from cingere -surround, encircle, ring, accompany NPC OB
Shuravi शूर (shūra) -brave + विर (vira) -hero (Sanskrit) NPC OB
Agata Latinized form of Greek name Αγαθη (Agathē) derived from αγαθος -good NPC OB
Kalthar Lat. caltha -marigold NPC OB
Lerexus Callidus Lat. callidus -crafty, sly, cunning, wise NPC OB
Augusta Calidia Lat. augustus, augusta -venerable, majestic, dignified, worthy of honor calidia from calidus -warm, hot, fiery, eager, rash NPC OB
Faelian Lat. faelianus from faeles -cat NPC OB
Gemellus Axius Lat. gemellus -twin Axius -Roman nomen NPC OB
Ra'jiradh जीर (jīra) -quick, speedy, active (Sanskrit) NPC OB
Urjabhi ऊर्ज (ūrja) -power, strength, vigor, life (Sanskrit) NPC OB
Selene name from σεληνη (selēnē) -moon NPC OB
Rana Lat. rana -frog NPC OB
Varondo varando Gerund of varare -to launch, to pass, to approve (Italian) Place OB
Usheeja उशिज् (ushij) -wishing, desiring, striving earnestly, zealous (Sanskrit) NPC OB
Fort Ontus οντως (ontōs) -really, actually Place OB
Fort Dirich dìrich -to climb (Scottish Gaelic) Place OB
Orrin orere -to burn (later Latin) [was blacksmith] NPC OB
Contumeliorus Florius Lat. contumēlia -insult, humiliation flos, floris -flower NPC OB
Anga Lat. angaria -service of angarius -public courier, messenger, service to a lord from αγγαρος (angaros) -mounted courier for carrying royal dispatches (γγ in Greek is read as ng) Place OB
Lindai λιγδος (lindos) -mortar, clay mold (γδ in Greek is read as nd) Place OB
Moranda Lat. moranda Gerund of morari -delay, stay, devote attention to Place OB
Wendir Lat. vendere -to sell (one of Ayleid statues is there) Place OB
High Chancellor Ocato Lat. occato from occo, occare -to harrow NPC OB
Servatius Quintilius Lat. servatius from servo, servare -watch over, protect, keep, guard Quintilius -Roman gens name or quintus -fifth from quinque -five NPC OB
Caranya करण (karaNa) -clever, skillful, doing, making (Sanskrit) NPC OB
Herminia Cinna Lat. cinnus -a mixed drink of spelt-grain and wine NPC OB
Tertius Favonius Lat. tertius -third from tres -three favonius -west wind NPC OB
Delos Fandas Lat. fandus, fanda -that may be spoken, proper, lawful NPC OB
Velus Hosidius Lat. vellus -fleece Hosidius or Hosidia -nomen from Ancient Rome NPC OB
Vinicia Melissaeia Lat. melissa, melissae -balm NPC OB
Agarmir Agar -Norwegian name variant of Hagar -flight + mir -peace (Slavic) NPC OB
Collatinus Vedius Lat. collatus -bring together, discuss, debate, oppose Vedius -name of Roman gens NPC OB
Astinia Atius Lat. astina from astus -craft, cunning, guile, trick Atius -name of Roman gens NPC OB
Puny Ancus ancus -group of musical notes (Medieval Latin) NPC OB
Trenus Duronius Lat. threnus -song of mourning, lamentation, dirge, elegy from θρηνος (thrēnos) -dirge, lament, complaint durus -hard, stern, harsh, rough, cruel NPC OB
Narina Carvain Lat. narina -of nose from naris -nostril, nose NPC OB
Carius Runellius Lat. carius from carus -dear, beloved NPC OB
Selena Orania σεληνη (selēnē) -moon oranis from os, oris -mouth, speech, expression ora, orae -shore, coast NPC OB
Arentus Falvius Lat. arens, arentis -dry parched, waterless, dried, parching (thirst) NPC OB
Skjorta skjorta -shirt (Swedish) NPC OB
Arnora Auria Lat. arno Dative and Ablative of arnus -lamb aurum -gold NPC OB
Novaroma Lat. nova, novus -new, fresh, unusual, extraordinary Roma -Rome or from aroma Place OB
Sedor Lat. sedor from sedo, sedare -settle, allay, restrain, calm down Place OB
Sancre Tor Lat. sancire, sanxi, sanctum -to make or appoint as sacred, devote, dedicate tor -tower (Old French) from Lat. turris -tower Place OB
Anaxes αναξ (anax) -master, lord Creature OB
Mankar Camoran Lat. manceps -owner, master, chief (manus -hand + capere -take hold, seize, grasp) camur, camura, camurum -curved, bent, crocked (in sense corrupted, immoral) NPC OB
Miscarcand Lat. miscere -mix, mingle, embroil, confound, stir up candeo, candere -be of brilliant whiteness, shine, gleam, glow, sparkle (probably because of white exterior reflecting sunlight) Place OB
Deetsan दित्सा (ditsā) -desire or intention of giving (Sanskrit) NPC OB
Falcar Lat. falcar from falx, falcis -sickle, scythe + -ar suffix for instrument, place for special purpose NPC OB
Malada Lat. mala, malus -bad, evil, wicked + da (Imperative 2 person singular) from dare -to give or from मल (mala) -filth, dirt, dust, sin, impurity + द (da) -giving, granting, producing (Sanskrit) Place OB
Fort Aurus Lat. aurum -gold Place OB
Ayleid αυλη (aylē) -chamber, hall, any dwelling, courtyard ειδος (eidos) -form, shape, to be or become like Race OB
Fort Facian Lat. facianus from facies -shape, face. look, appearance, beauty, achievement Place OB
Fort Sejanus Seianus from Seius -Roman gens name NPC OB
Bravil Lat. bravilis -of gamble from bravere -gamble + il -able to, having the passive quality NPC OB
Fanacas Lat. fanacum from fanum -sanctuary, temple + -ac -ing, having tendency Place OB
Gaiar Alata γαια (gaia) -earth, land, country alata, alatus -winged, furnished with wings, ala -wing (name of Mankar Camoran's Paradise)
Kemen kemen -earth (Quenya) Place OB
Roscrea Ros Cré -Crea's wood (Irish) Place OB
Uriel Septim אוּרִיאֵל ('Uri'el) -god is my light, also Hebrew name (Hebrew).Uriel was one of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition. He is mentioned only in the Apocrypha Lat. septimus -seventh NPC OB
Regulus Terentius Lat. regulus -petty king, prince (rex, regis -king + ul -little, small) NPC OB
Viera Lerus Lat. vis -strength, force, power, might + era -mistress, lady NPC OB
Ungolim Lat. ungula -hoof, bird claw/talon, toe nail NPC OB
Skingrad skin -shine, shimmer, brightness (Icelandic) from skína -to shine (Old Norse) + grad -city (Slavic) NPC OB
Mercator Hosidus Lat. mercator -trader, merchant NPC OB
Erthor earth + -or Latin suffix that makes nouns from verbs NPC OB
Sulinus Vassinus Lat. sulinus from sulum -everything NPC OB
Valandrus Abor Lat. abor from absum, abesse -be away, absent, distant NPC OB
Sinderion sinder -cinder, ashes (Old English), he was alchemist NPC OB
Toutius Sextius Lat. tutius -without risk, danger, safely, securely Sextius -Roman gens name, sextus -sixth NPC OB
Seridur Lat. serum -late hour + durus -hard, cruel NPC OB
Morahame mora -nightmare (Slavic) + hamme -home (Middle Low German) Place OB
Meridia Lat. meridies -midday, noon God OB
Sanguine Lat. sanguis, sanguinis -blood God OB
Dibella di- -prefix signifying twofold, double, twice + bella -beauty, beautiful woman (Italian) (she was goddess of beauty) Goddess OB
Nornalhorst horst -the nest of a bird of prey, thicket (German) Place OB
Bruma Lat. bruma -winter, winter cold/weather, winter solstice, shortest day Place OB
Sacellum Arden-Sul Lat. sacellum -shrine ardens, ardentis -burning, glowing, shining, brilliant sulum, suli -everything Place SI
Umaril Lat. umerus -shoulder, bearing a burden il -of a, pertaining to, in a condition of
Hieronymus Lex 'ιερος (hieros) -holy Lat. lex -law NPC OB
Welkynd Stone welkin -sky (archaic) + Kind -child (German) In book Magic from the Sky Welkynd literally means sky child. Item OB
Flame of Agnon αγνως (agnōs) -unknown, dark, obscure
Umbacano Lat. umbo -boss (of a shield) + canus -white, gray, aged, old NPC MW OB
Sontaire Lat. sons, sontis -guilty NPC SI
Haskill Haskell -an English patronymic surname derived from Old Norse name Áskell (áss, óss -god + ketill -(sacrificial ) cauldron, helmet) NPC SI
Namira Lat. na from nare -swim, float mira, mirus -wonderful, strange, extraordinary
Suurootan सूर्य (sūrya) -sun (Sanskrit) + tan NPC OB
Viator Accius Lat. viator -traveler from via -way, road accire -send for, summon, invite NPC OB
Bhisha भीषा (bhīShā) -act of frightening, intimidation (Sanskrit) NPC SI
Volanaro Lat. volare -fly + nare -swim NPC OB
Elytra elytron -sheath or outer covering over the hindwings of certain insects (Coleoptera), plural is elytra from ελυτρον (elytron) -sheath Creature SI
Ruma Camoran Lat. ruma, rumen -throat NPC OB
Carac Agaialor Lat. carus -dear, beloved, costly, precious, valued + ac -having a tendency αγαιομαι (agaiomai) -(in good sense) admire,(in bad sense) look on with jealousy or envy (Ionic for αγαμαι (agamai) αγαιος (agaios) -enviable + lorica -leather cuirass, enclosure, defense of any kind (name of Mankar Camoran's Palace) Place OB
Caldana Monrius Lat. caldanus from caldus, calda -warm, hot, fiery, rash munire -fortify, strengthen, protect, defend (on her key name is spelled monirus) NPC SI
Lake Rumare Lat. rumare archaic form of ruminare -chew over again, ruminate (figuratively to think again and again, to meditate, reflect) Place OB
Ungarion Lat. ungere -anoint/rub with oil, smear with oil/grease NPC OB
Muurine Lat. murinus, murina -gray mouse (NeoLatin) NPC SI
Talos ταλως (talōs) -sun (Cretan) 'ηλιος (hēlios) -sun (name of metal construct around Crete from Greek mythology), θαλος (thalos) -scion, child
Umbra Lat. umbra -shadow, shade, ghost NPC MW OB
Ushnar उष्ण (uShNa) -hot, warm, ardent, passionate (Sanskrit) NPC SI
Una Armina Lat. una -one (used for feminine nouns) or una -together, along with armina from armum -arms, weapons, armor, equipment NPC SI
Branwen Gaelic/Celtic name daughter of sea god NPC OB

Skyrim Etymology[edit]

Word Etymology Object Type Seen
Farkas farkas -wolf (Hungarian) NPC SR
Vilkas vilkas -wolf (Lithuanian) NPC SR
Nimhe nimhe -poisonous (Irish) Creature SR

ESO Etymology[edit]

Word Etymology Object Type Seen
Ard Irish Ard-Rí meaning High King Title ESO
Ashur Ashur, the national god of the Assyrians (Sumerian) NPC ESO
Faolchu faolchu -wolfhound (Irish) NPC ESO
Mathgamain Mathgamain mac Cennétig, a king of Munster on southwest Ireland Creature ESO
Orpheon French orphéon meaning a male choral society, derived from the Greek Orpheus, a legendary bard, poet, and prophet NPC ESO

Explanation of some Latin verbs meanings[edit]

amo -I love, amare -to love, amavi -I have loved, amatus -having been loved, beloved (root is am)

beo -I bless, beare -to bless, beavi -I have blessed, beatus -blessed (root is be)

video -I see, videre -to see, vidi -I have seen, visus -having been seen (root is vid)

venio -I arrive, venire -to arrive, veni -I have arrived, ventus -arrived (root is ven)

-or makes noun from verb like: amor -love (from amare -to love), timor -fear (from timere -to fear)

-or can also be for present passive like: beor -I am blessed, amor -I am loved

Sources used[edit]

Free software:

Whitaker's words for Latin, can guess from which words is combined from and recognizes grammar forms

Diogenes, largest free dictionary for Greek and Latin

Monier Williams Sanskrit dictionary

Freelang has many dictionaries

Aksharamala input from Google groups (for writing Sanskrit and Hindi)


Wiktionary has many languages and can guess words, Wikipedia has names from many countries with etymology very extensive with etymology example how real place names were made from Old name