This page contains images of interest taken from an old version of the official Elder Scrolls website.
Background Images[edit]
Book Images[edit]
Companion images to several in-game books hosted on the site.
Castle Images[edit]
A few images from the 1997 version of the site.
Morrowind Plugins[edit]
Thumbnails for the official plugins for Morrowind.
Morrowind Codex[edit]
The Morrowind Codex was a section of the website started in the lead-up to the game, and was hosted until around the time of Skyrim. The Codex entries covered a variety of topics, including lore, in-game books, and other pre-release media.
Race Concept Art[edit]
Thumbnail for an obscure alternative version of the Redguard render.
Thumbnail for an obscure alternative version of the Dark Elf render.
Skill Icons[edit]
Early versions of the skill icons used in the Codex for Morrowind.
Specialization |
Combat |
Stealth |
Magic |
E3 2001[edit]
Full sized images taken by Pete Hines during E3 2001.
Todd Howard meeting Lord British himself, Richard Garriott.
Photo of Morrowind posters on the doors leading into Bethesda's E3 showcase space.
Features renders of the Dark Elf and Argonian made by Christiane Meister.