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< Skyrim: Services(Redirected from Dragonborn:Trainers)
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Amren, a trainer

Trainers can provide lessons that increase your skill level in their area of expertise in exchange for gold. You may train up to five times per level. Trainers cannot raise skills past 90 -- you must earn the last ten points by using the skill, reading skill books, or obtaining quest rewards.

Unfortunately, you cannot save these "trainer points". If you didn't use a trainer in previous levels, you missed those opportunities. After leveling up, you'll get five new "training points", but "training points" from previous level will be gone if not used. This is problematic at lower levels or for new players, who lack the gold to train or can't access the locations of the trainers they desire. Thus, before leveling up, you should consider training with a trainer to use up the remaining "training points" for the current level. Alternatively, remind yourself to train right after leveling up.


Common - Common (0-50), Expert - Expert (0-75), Master - Master (0-90)

Lvl Trainer Location Other
Alchemy Training
Alchemy (Common) Lami Morthal Merchant (Apothecary)
Alchemy (Expert) Arcadia Arcadia's Cauldron in Whiterun Merchant (Apothecary)
Alchemy (Expert) Milore Ienth(DB) Raven Rock(DB) Merchant (Apothecary)
Alchemy (Master) Babette The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary; you must join the Dark Brotherhood to use her services Merchant (Apothecary)
Alteration Training
Alteration (Expert) Dravynea the Stoneweaver Kynesgrove
Alteration (Master) Tolfdir College of Winterhold; you must be a member of the College of Winterhold to receive training from him Spell Merchant (Alteration)
Archery Training
Archery (Common) Faendal Riverwood Follower
Archery (Expert) Aela the Huntress Jorrvaskr in Whiterun; you must be a member of the Companions to receive training from her Follower
Archery (Master) Niruin Thieves Guild; you must be a member of the Thieves Guild to receive training from him
Archery (Master) Sorine Jurard(DG) Fort Dawnguard(DG) Merchant (General)
Block Training
Block (Expert) Njada Stonearm Jorrvaskr in Whiterun; you must be a member of the Companions to receive training from her Follower
Block (Master) Chief Larak Mor Khazgur; you must be Blood-Kin to receive training from him
Conjuration Training
Conjuration (Common) Runil Falkreath
Conjuration (Expert) Phinis Gestor College of Winterhold; you must be a member of the College of Winterhold to receive training from him Spell Merchant (Conjuration)
Conjuration (Master) Falion Morthal, inside his house Spell Merchant (General)
Conjuration (Master) Talvas Fathryon(DB) Tel Mithryn(DB) Spell Merchant (General) / Follower
Destruction Training
Destruction (Common) Wuunferth the Unliving Windhelm, Palace of the Kings Upstairs Spell Merchant (General)
Destruction (Expert) Sybille Stentor The Blue Palace in Solitude Spell Merchant (General)
Destruction (Master) Faralda The College of Winterhold, usually in the Hall of Countenance; you must be a member of the College of Winterhold to receive training from her Spell Merchant (Destruction)
Enchanting Training
Enchanting (Expert) Sergius Turrianus College of Winterhold, within the Hall of the Elements or the Hall of Countenance; you must be a member of the College of Winterhold to receive training from him
Enchanting (Master) Hamal Markarth, usually found in the Temple of Dibella; you must complete The Heart of Dibella to receive training from her
Enchanting (Master) Neloth(DB) Tel Mithryn(DB) Spell Merchant (General)
Heavy Armor Training
Heavy Armor (Expert) Gharol Dushnikh Yal; you must be Blood-Kin to receive training from her Merchant (Blacksmith)
Heavy Armor (Master) Farkas Jorrvaskr in Whiterun; you must be a member of the Companions to receive training from him Follower
Heavy Armor (Master) Isran(DG) Inside Fort Dawnguard(DG)
Heavy Armor (Master) Kuvar(DB) Bujold's Retreat(DB) or Thirsk Mead Hall(DB)
Illusion Training
Illusion (Expert) Atub Largashbur; you must complete The Cursed Tribe to receive training from her
Illusion (Master) Drevis Neloren College of Winterhold, within the Hall of Countenance; you must be a member of the College of Winterhold to receive training from him Spell Merchant (Illusion)
Light Armor Training
Light Armor (Common) Scouts-Many-Marshes The docks outside of Windhelm
Light Armor (Expert) Grelka Riften Market from 8am to 8pm, stays at Haelga's Bunkhouse at night Merchant (General)
Light Armor (Master) Nazir The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary; you must be a member of the Dark Brotherhood to receive training from him
Lockpicking Training
Lockpicking (Expert) Ma'jhad Ma'dran's Khajiit caravan—travels between Solitude and Windhelm Merchant (Fence)
Lockpicking (Master) Vex Ragged Flagon
One-handed Training
One-handed (Common) Amren Wanders inner Whiterun during the day, near the market at 6pm
One-handed (Expert) Athis Jorrvaskr in Whiterun; you must be a member of the Companions to receive training from him Follower
One-handed (Master) Chief Burguk Dushnikh Yal; you must be Blood-Kin to receive training from him
Pickpocket Training
Pickpocket (Expert) Silda the Unseen Windhelm, outside of Candlehearth Hall or Blacksmith Quarters Beggar (Blessing of Charity)
Pickpocket (Master) Vipir the Fleet Thieves Guild; you must be a member of the Thieves Guild to receive training from him
Restoration Training
Restoration (Common) Aphia Velothi(DB) Raven Rock(DB)
Restoration (Expert) Colette Marence College of Winterhold, inside The Arcanaeum; you must be a member of the College of Winterhold to receive training from her Spell Merchant (Restoration)
Restoration (Expert) Keeper Carcette The Hall of the Vigilant within The Pale: if you have Dawnguard installed, she will be killed when the hall is destroyed by vampires, probably before you ever visit the hall since it happens at level 9.
Restoration (Master) Danica Pure-Spring Whiterun, Temple of Kynareth; you must complete The Blessings of Nature to receive training from her
Restoration (Master) Florentius Baenius(DG) Fort Dawnguard(DG) Merchant (Apothecary)
Smithing Training
Smithing (Common) Ghorza gra-Bagol Markarth Merchant (Blacksmith)
Smithing (Expert) Balimund Riften, just outside The Scorched Hammer Merchant (Blacksmith)
Smithing (Master) Eorlund Gray-Mane Whiterun, at the Skyforge; you must be a member of the Companions to receive training from him Merchant (Blacksmith)
Smithing (Master) Gunmar(DG) Fort Dawnguard(DG) Merchant (Blacksmith)
Sneak Training
Sneak (Common) Khayla Ri'saad's Khajiit caravan—travels between Markarth and Whiterun
Sneak (Expert) Garvey Markarth
Sneak (Master) Delvin Mallory Ragged Flagon
Speech Training
Speech (Common) Dro'marash Ahkari's Khajiit caravan—travels between Dawnstar and Riften
Speech (Common) Revyn Sadri Windhelm, Sadri's Used Wares Merchant (General)
Speech (Expert) Ogmund the Skald Markarth
Speech (Expert) Ronthil(DG) Volkihar Keep(DG) Merchant
Speech (Master) Giraud Gemane The Bards College in Solitude
Two-handed Training
Two-handed (Expert) Torbjorn Shatter-Shield Windhelm
Two-handed (Master) Fura Bloodmouth (DG) Volkihar Keep(DG)
Two-handed (Master) Vilkas Jorrvaskr in Whiterun; you must be a member of the Companions to receive training from him Follower
Two-handed (Master) Wulf Wild-Blood(DB) Skaal Village(DB)


  • Sometimes it is beneficial to use only part of the total training allotment for each level. Because training counts towards the next level progression, training too much may cause the player to skip one or more levels, essentially wasting those training sessions. Saving the game before training can allow the player to train the maximum number of times without going over.
  • The best time to train a skill, to provide the maximum increase to your overall character level, is when you have levelled up to the next level.
  • Angi will offer you free practice at her home. You can increase your Archery skill by up to six levels if you accept. It is possible to max out Archery to 100 if you accept the quest with an archery level of 94.
  • The list of trainers in the Prima Official Game Guide incorrectly identifies several people as trainers: Ahkari (Pickpocket), Hermir Strong-Heart (Heavy Armor), and Melaran (Alteration) do not provide training. Given that these skills do not have a common level trainer, it is possible they were meant to be trainers at one point.
    • The factions and class of Ra'zhinda imply that she was at one point meant to be an Expert Lockpicking trainer, but she does not offer any training in the final game.
  • The cost for having a skill trained is calculated using the below formulas, based on your current skill level (not the level you are going to). Price adjustment effects, such as speechcraft level, persuasion level, and enhancements such as Fortify Persuasion and Fortify Barter, do not affect trainers' rates.
    • For advancement of skills less than or equal to 50:
      • n(10b + 5n + 45)
    • For advancement of skills greater than 50:
      • n(30b + 15n + 35)
    • For advancement of skills greater than 75:
      • n(50b + 25n + 25)
    • Where n is the number of times you wish to train and b is the current level of the skill. E.g.: If you wish to train a particular skill from level 20 to 50 (b = 20 and n = 50-20 = 30) the combined cost (250+260+270+...+540) would be 30(10*20 + 5*30 + 45) = 11850.
  • Training benefits from Sleeping and Standing Stone bonuses, though the XP so acquired will never result in advancing more than one level. Leveling a skill naturally when the XP bar is full allows for the most efficient use of XP bonuses.
  • If you are ready to level up, but do not do so, the "Times Trained This Level" stat, accessible through the Journal, will not reset.
  • Trainers that double as followers can train you for "free". They will still charge you, but you can get back the gold you spent by checking their inventory.
    • PC Only The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 1.2.6, addresses this issue. The patch makes the exploit no longer possible.
  • All trainers put the gold you pay them into their personal inventory. If they are also merchants, then the gold in their personal inventory is added to the gold they use to barter with. However, most merchants have a cap on their personal gold which is put into effect when you enter their stores, so if you leave the store and come back later, the gold will have disappeared. Notable exceptions to this are the merchant trainers added by the Dawnguard add-on.
  • The Pickpocket skill can be abused to obtain virtually free training from any Trainer in the game. Simply take one level of training and then steal the gold back for a "free" level of training. Note that this will increase the Pickpocket skill extremely quickly, causing the player to potentially over-level and miss some levels of training. At higher levels and with the Cutpurse perk, 2-3 levels worth of gold can be stolen back at a time. Though keep in mind that the cost of training a skill above level 50 and 75 thresholds greatly increases, making it severely harder to steal back the gold. Since Pickpocket is completely based on chance with little to no interaction between the player and target, it is advised to save before each attempt at pickpocketing. Even a Master Pickpocket always has at least a 10% chance of being caught.
  • Some trainers will continue to offer the dialogue option to train even if you've passed the skill level at which they can train you. Choosing this dialogue option in this circumstance will cause them to say things such as "You already know all that I know."


  • If you have an active Fortify Skill effect, the cost of training will appear to be for the increased skill. However, the trainer will only take the price for training at your actual skill level.
  • If a skill has some progress toward its next level, the training progress bar will fill and then empty. However, checking the Skills menu shows the initial progress was not lost.
  • If a skill is at 0% progress to its next level before you start training it, a purchased level may fail to actually increase the skill even though you paid for it and it used up one of your five training opportunities This appears to be because training does not add all of the experience needed to fill up the bar completely, so the bar will not fill up sufficiently to trigger a skill increase in one training session if it is completely empty.
    • On PC You can use, for example, advskill block 1 to get your proper Block level.
  • If you load a character which has used trainers since last leveling, and then quit to the main menu and start a new game, the game does not clear your new character's training stat and if you seek to use a trainer at level 1, you will be told that you have used however many training sessions the previously loaded character had used.