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CompUSA Special Edition

Daggerfall:Former Student Part I

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Hunt down or befriend a former student practicing unsanctioned magic.
Location(s): Any Guildmagister of the Mages Guild
Reward: Random magical item
Reputation Gain: see Reputation Gain/Loss
ID: n0b11y18
Required Reputation: 11 reputation or more
Difficulty: Easy
Added by: CompUSA Special Edition
Baltham Greyman: Renegade Mage

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to the Guildmagister at a Mages Guild hall.
  2. Head to the town the Guildmagister points you to.
  3. Find Baltham Greyman and talk to him.
  4. Choose whether you kill him or let him go.
  5. Return to the Guildmagister within the time limit and collect your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

A Rogue Spellcaster[edit]

Speak to the Guildmagister, who says:

"You are loyal [sic] member of the Mages Guild, are you not, (player's guild title)? I have some guild business of the gravest import that I would like you to handle."


The Guildmagister goes on:

"Very good. There is a rebel mage that we need eliminated, by the name of Baltham Greyman. A former pupil of mine, showed some promise but lacked the loyalty to the ancient principles of the Guild that are so important to its continued survival. We have learned that he is currently doing some kind of unsanctioned research over in (town), apparently oblivious to his danger. You have (time limit) days to dispose of this menace and report back to me."


The Guildmagister answers:

"Perhaps you are not as loyal as I thought."

Find Baltham Greyman[edit]

Head to the town the Guildmagister named and learn the location of Baltham Greyman by asking around in town. Once you know where he is, meet him and talk to him. When confronted, he will say:

"So, (Guildmagister's name) has sent another of (his/her) lackeys to bring me to heel. The old women who run the Mages Guild have no sense of adventure, take no risks, dare nothing, and learn nothing. I have never lifted a finger against them, except to repudiate their control. Yet, simply because I refuse to abide by their rules, the Mages Guild would slay me! Why do you give them your blind obedience, killing on command like a hired assassin? Join me and we will defy them all!"

The choice is yours; either carry out your orders and kill him, or join him in his endeavors.

Refuse the Offer[edit]

Defenestration is not an option, you must fight the wily mage on his own terms
Baltham Greyman takes the fight outside

If you decline Greyman's offer, he will attack you, shouting:

"Well then, I shall have to convince you the hard way. Defend yourself, mageling!"

If you fail to kill him quickly, eventually he will teleport outside, mocking you with:

"Perhaps we should take this outside."

Once outside, locate and engage Baltham Greyman. When hit, he will again give you the opportunity to join him:

"Stop this pointless attack, and join me instead!"

If you (again) refuse and (again) fail to kill him, he teleports some distance away and calls out:

"Yoo-hoo, over here!"

Baltham Greyman will extend the offer and (should you refuse) teleport away again twice more before his patience runs out:

  • Offer 3: "Surely you are ready to concede my point. We could have such fun together!"
  • Taunt 3: "Did (Guildmagister's name) forget to tell you about my skill in magicka when (he/she) was preaching about my disloyalty and insubordination?"
  • Offer 4: "(Guildmagister's name) has taught you persistence, at least. But why remain a slave to the rules and regulations of the hidebound? Join my merry band of Guild defiers!"
  • Taunt 4: "Missed me again, my good Guild Drone. Why haven't your Guild masters taught you these tricks?"

Finally, your opponent will draw the line:

"You are beginning to try my patience, but I will give you one last chance. Cease your attack, and I will let bygones be bygones."

Baltham Greyman is not lying; if you wish to change your mind and join him, this is your last chance. The sorcerer will stand and fight to the death upon your refusal. Once Greyman is dead, collect any loot from his body and report back to the Guild for your reward.

Join Team Renegade[edit]

If you accept Baltham Greyman's offer at any time during the encounter, he will say:

"Wonderful! Just tell old (Guildmagister's name) that I was not here, but left this letter for (him/her). I must depart, but I will contact you as soon as I can cook us up a truly smashing adventure. Ta ta!"

Greyman gives you the letter and disappears to points unknown. The letter says:

Dear (Guildmagister's name),
So sorry I missed you. I would love
to catch up on old times with you. Do you
remember the days when I dutifully learned
at your knee, as if you had more to teach me
than the stale repetition of past greatness?
(Random name 1), the Archmagister (random name 2) --
in their day the Mages Guild was an institution
worthy of respect. No more. I cannot offer my
allegiance to a Guild whose sole purpose is to
quash all original thought.
If you send more of your enforcers against
me, I will be forced to defend myself. Consider
yourself warned.
Your humble pupil,
(Baltham Greyman)

Return to the Mages Guild and deliver the letter for your reward.


When you report back to the Guildmagister after killing Baltham Greyman, he says:

"Very good, (player's guild title). The Mages Guild cannot survive if we do not enforce our own rules, harsh as they may seem."

If you instead agreed to let Baltham Greyman escape, the Guildmagister reads his letter and stammers:

"Why...that impertinent! I am speechless! You can now see why (Baltham Greyman) must be stopped at all costs, before (he/she) undermines everything the Guild stands for. It is unfortunate that you missed that miserable little sot, but I have no doubt that we will soon track (him/her) down again."

Regardless of how the quest ends, the Guildmagister then gives you a magic item as a reward, adding:

"I made this (magical item) myself as a token of my appreciation for your service to the Mages Guild."

Reputation Gain/Loss[edit]

Whether you decide to kill Baltham Greyman or let him go, the quest will count as success if you return to the Guildmagister in time.

A successfully completed quest results in a reputation gain according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Mages Guild +5
The Mercenary Mages +5
Associated factions +2

A failed quest results in a reputation loss according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Mages Guild -3
The Mercenary Mages -3
Associated factions -2
Oblivion and all associated Daedra Princes +1
Sheogorath -1
The Night Mother +1
The Dark Brotherhood and its associated factions +1
Ebonarm -1
The Order of Arkay and its associated factions -1
The Benevolence of Mara and its associated factions -1
The Akatosh Chantry and its associated factions -1
The School of Julianos and its associated factions +1
The House of Dibella and its associated factions -1
The Temple of Stendarr and its associated factions +1
The Thieves Guild and its associated factions +1
Random Ruler -1
Daggerfall and its associated factions -1
Sentinel and its associated factions -1
Wayrest and its associated factions -1
The King of Worms and The Necromancers -1
The Underking and his agents -1
Orsinium and its associated factions -1
The Glenmoril Witches -1
The Dust Witches +1
The Daughters of Wroth +1
The Witches of the Marsh +1
The Beldama +1
The Tide Witches +1
The Merchants -1
The Bards -1
The Prostitutes -1
Wrothgarian Mountains and its associated factions +1

(Allies/Enemies affiliations for listed factions are not considered.)


  • Quest Target: One Mage


  • If you choose to let Baltham Greyman escape, this quest becomes the prelude for the first of two more quests with him. This follow-up quest will begin automatically after a set time has passed.
  • Baltham Greyman may sometimes appear in the guise of a female mage. He may even swap genders mid-battle after teleporting away, but is always represented in combat by the lone mage who appears. This is due to the way the game engine generates enemies.

Quest Log[edit]

Former Student Part I (n0b11y18)
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
0 (Date): I have undertaken to find and destroy a rebel mage, who currently resides in (town). Once I have disposed of this mage, (Baltham Greyman), I am to report back to (Guildmagister's name) of (guild town)'s Mages Guild. I have (time limit) days.
1 (Date): I agreed to spare (Baltham Greyman)'s life. (He/She) said I should just tell (Guildmagister's name) that I found no sign of (Baltham Greyman) in (town), except for a letter which (he/she) gave me.

Prev: None Next: Former Student Part II