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This category lists audio played when attacking in The Elder Scrolls: Legends.
Media in category "Legends-Audio-Attack"
The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.
- LG-audio-Ageless vampire attack.ogg 1.9 s; 33 KB
- LG-audio-Angry villager attack.ogg 1.6 s; 27 KB
- LG-audio-Deshaan avenger deshaan sneak attack.ogg 1.7 s; 28 KB
- LG-audio-M aiq the liar attack.ogg 2.2 s; 36 KB
- LG-audio-Pahmar-raht renegade attack.ogg 1.9 s; 31 KB
- LG-audio-thieves guild fence attack.ogg 2.4 s; 37 KB