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Castles:Easter Eggs

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Easter Eggs are secrets that the developers put in the game to give people a laugh when they find them. Easter Eggs differ from in-game references in that they have been intentionally hidden from the player and are unusual with regards to their surroundings.

Cultural References are objects, characters, or events in the game that refer to a specific element of popular culture; they differ from Easter Eggs in that they are usually integrated into the game world, and strong parallels can be drawn between the in-game event and the specific work being referenced. Cultural references also include allusions to elements of real-world culture, such as historical events and folklore.

If you think you have found an Easter Egg or reference, please post your idea on this article's talk page before adding it to this article.

Easter Eggs[edit]

Arrow to the Knee[edit]

  • An obituary reads, "After fighting an infection due to an unexpected arrow to the knee, [Subject Name] finally found peace in eternal rest at the respectable age of [Subject Age]."

Bucketed Shopkeeper[edit]

  • The key art for Castles includes a man wandering around with a bucket on his head. This is a reference to a game mechanic from Skyrim where you could place a bucket over an NPC's head to block their line of sight, allowing you to steal items right in front of them.



  • During courtship, subjects discussing the topic of the "Wayrest vs Orsinium" war may sometimes say, "War never changes." This is an iconic phrase from the Fallout franchise.

James Bond[edit]

  • Tiber Septim's phrase "My name is Septim. Tiber Septim." is a reference to James Bond's catchphrase: "The name's Bond, James Bond."

John F. Kennedy[edit]

  • Rulers may sometimes say, "Ask not what the king can do for you, but what you can do for the king!" This is a reference to the famous John F. Kennedy quote, "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

UI Cat[edit]

The UI Cat
  • The UI Cat was an image included the game files, seemingly as an easy method of detecting if there was an issue with a UI asset.

You Might Remember Me from...[edit]

  • Tiber Septim's phrase "Hi, I'm Tiber Septim. You may remember me as Talos the Ninth Divine, or Ysmir the Dragon of the North." makes use of the You Might Remember Me from... trope, where an actor introduces themselves to the audience with reference to a popular past role. This trope is most closely associated with Troy McClure from The Simpsons.