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A baby speaking

The following is a list of dialogue that is used radiantly by generic NPCs.


  • Goo goo ga ga<End mark>
  • Flblblbl...
  • Dada<End mark>
  • Mama<End mark>
  • Baba<End mark>

Most phrases for baby are built from presets of combinations of random <End mark> and <Syllables>, which are randomly picked from a list of possible terms. Possible variety and combinations:

  • <Syllables><Syllables><End mark>
  • <Syllables><Syllables><Syllables><End mark>
  • <Syllables><Syllables><Syllables><Syllables><Syllables><End mark>

Note that Endmarks will not be present in the conversation; this applies to both fixed and randomly generated phrases.


  • D'agon<End mark>
  • Shhh...
  • Ooh dada<End mark>
  • *sniff* Pooh-pooh!



Condition Phrase
(random among)
If not Khajiit: I never liked it here anyway.

If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> never liked it here anyway.

That place smelled terrible anyway.
If not Khajiit: My prayers have been answered.

If Khajiit: <Subject name>'s prayers have been answered.

Argonian I'm going back to Black Marsh!
Orc It's a long walk to Orsinium...
Family So much for family!
(random among)
This is no way to treat your elders!
The old Ruler would never do this!
Fine! Kick an old <man / woman> out of their home!
Calamity Blight One less mouth to feed, is that it?
Magic Curse Happy to leave this accursed castle!
Pestilence If not Khajiit: *cough* Fine! I'll find a better castle! *ACHOO*

If Khajiit: *cough* Fine! Khajiit will find a better castle! *ACHOO*

Trait Haunted If not Khajiit: My ghost never liked <King / Queen> <Subject name> anyway.

If Khajiit: <Subject name>'s ghost never liked <King / Queen> <Subject name> anyway.

(random among)
If not Khajiit: I might be a clown, but this castle is the real joke!

If Khajiit: <Subject name> might be a clown, but this castle is the real joke!

If not Khajiit: I'll find a castle that appreciates my humor.

If Khajiit: <Subject name> will find a castle that appreciates their humor.

Must have told one "arrow in the knee" joke too many...
Melodramatic This is just like the story of Lady Thronebane, exiled to the island of Cespar in the Second Era!
Pestilence If not Khajiit: You're lucky I didn't start more fires!

If Khajiit: You're lucky <Subject name> didn't start more fires!

Sophisticated If not Khajiit: I'm going to the Imperial City where they respect people like me!

If Khajiit: <Subject name> is going to the Imperial City where they respect people like <him / her>!



  • *ACHOO!*
  • *cough*
  • *cough* *cough*
  • *cough* Oh dear...
  • *sniffle*
  • *ACHOO!* *sniffle*
  • If Argonain: My scales are so dry...
If Khajiit: Khajiit feels terrible.
Other: I feel terrible.
  • Will this plague ever end?
  • I miss breathing out of both nostrils.


  • Scared:
  • Eek!
  • Ack!
  • Enough already!
  • Go away!
  • Skeevers!
  • Help!
  • No!
  • Adult:
  • Get these beasts out of here!
  • If not Khajiit: If I see one more skeever...
If Khajiit: If <this one / Khajiit> sees one more skeever...
  • Why do bad things keep happening to us?
  • Child:
  • A skeever! Wow!
  • Those are what's eating all our food?
  • If not Khajiit: I want to pet a skeever!
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> wants to pet a skeever!
  • Those things sure look hungry.
  • Kitchen:
  • Can anyone find the <Missing Ingredient>?
  • Who ate all the <Missing Ingredient>?
  • If not Khajiit: I can hear skeevers behind the pantry.
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> can hear skeevers behind the pantry.
  • Skeevers keep eating all the <Missing Ingredient>!
  • Wedding Guest:
  • Who invited the skeevers?
  • Strange time for a wedding...

Charming Ruler[edit]

  • We are lucky to have such a charming <king / queen>.
  • If not Khajiit: I caught sight of the <king / queen> and nearly swooned.
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> caught sight of the <king / queen> and nearly swooned.
  • It's hard to concentrate with the <king / queen> around.
  • If not Khajiit: Where can I buy the <king / queen>'s portrait?
If Khajiit: Where can <this one / Khajiit> buy the <king / queen>'s portrait?


  • Could do with some <beverage> right now...
  • If not Khajiit: What I wouldn't do for <Food>...
If Khajiit: What this one wouldn't do for <Food>...
  • Hmm, <meat> stew. Really need that recipe...
  • If not Khajiit: I could do with <Food> right now...
If Khajiit: Khajiit could do with <Food> right now...


  • Feeling good. Must be those exercises.
  • Oh, my feet...
  • If not Khajiit: I need a holiday.
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> needs a holiday.
  • If not Khajiit: I feel old...
If Khajiit: <Subject name> feels old...
  • Oh, to be young again...
  • <Pain exclamation>, my <Body part>...


  • If not Khajiit: I hear the Thieves Guild will steal anything...
If Khajiit: <Subject name> hears the Thieves Guild will steal anything...


  • Sometimes I feel like someone's watching me...
  • These are strange times we live in...


  • Foolish <boy / girl> said <he / she> saw <monster>. Rubbish!
  • If not Khajiit: I wonder who would win, a single <monster (Big)> or <large number> <monster (Small)>?
If Khajiit: <Subject name> wonders who would win, a single <monster (Big)> or <large number> <monster (Small)>?
  • Maybe <monster (no group)> are just misunderstood.


  • Happy:
  • If not Khajiit: I'm feeling <mood (Happy)> today!
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit / Subject name> is feeling <mood (Happy)> today!
  • Nice enough day. Hope it lasts.
  • Oh, that joke about the <adjective (joke)> <subject (joke)>. So funny.
  • Neutral:
  • If not Khajiit: I could do with some excitement.
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit / Subject name> could do with some excitement."
  • If not Khajiit: I need a hobby. Like <hobby>. Or <hobby (dark)>.
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> needs a hobby. Like <hobby>. Or <hobby (dark)>.
  • Sad:
  • If not Khajiit: I hate Morndas.
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit / Subject name> hates Morndas.
  • Wish we had a jester right now...
  • Ah, what's the use...
  • If not Khajiit: I feel <mood (Sad)>...
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit / Subject name> feels <mood (Sad)>...


  • If not Khajiit: Wish I could play the <Musical instrument>.
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit / Subject name> wishes <he / she> could play the <Musical instrument>.


  • If not Khajiit: Did I forget the <king / queen>'s birthday? AGAIN?"
If Khajiit: Did <this one / Khajiit / Subject name> forget the <king / queen>'s birthday? AGAIN?


Scenario 1[edit]

[verification needed — whether the internal scenarios represent something specific]

Responder Phrase
Subject 1 Child Toiling hard or hardly toiling, <son / daughter>?
Lover Toiling hard or hardly toiling, dear?
Other Toiling hard, or hardly toiling?
Subject 2 Scenario 1 Lover Please stop, dear.
Parent Please stop, <mother / father>.
Sibling Please stop, <brother / sister>.
Other Please stop.
Scenario 2 Khajiit Khajiit is toiling very hard.
Parent Toiling hard, <mother / father>.
Other Toiling hard, I guess?
Scenario 3 Lover Good one, sweetie!
Other Good one!
Scenario 4 I'm not listening to you.
Scenario 5 For the glory of the <king / queen>!

Scenario 2[edit]

[verification needed — whether the internal scenarios represent something specific]

Responder Phrase
Subject 1 Khajiit Khajiit needs a break.
Lovers I really need a break, dear.
Parent I really need a break, <mother / father>.
Other I really need a break.
Subject 2 Scenario 1 Child Don't we all, my child.
Lovers Don't we all, my love...
Parent Don't we all, <mother / father>.
Other Don't we all, <Subject name>.
Scenario 2 Elder Nonsense, you had one last week, <boy / girl>...
Other Nonsense, you had one last week!
Scenario 3 Ha! You wish.
Scenario 4 *You* need a break? Pff...
Scenario 5 You and me both.

Scenario 3[edit]

[verification needed — whether the internal scenarios represent something specific]

Responder Phrase
Subject 1 Aunt / Uncle What are you doing after, <aunt / uncle> <Subject name>?
Lover What are you doing after, my dear?
Parent What are you doing after, <mother / father>?
Sibling What are you doing after, <brother / sister>?
Other What are you doing after?
Scenario 1
Subject 2 Sleeping.
Subject 1 Lovers Can I join you?
Scenario 3
Subject 2 Eating the equivalent of a horse.
Subject 2 Child <mother / father>, remember what the apothecary said about eating meat...
Other scenarios
Subject 2 Working some more, probably.
None of your business.
Don't know yet... Any ideas?

Scenario 4[edit]

Responder Phrase
Subject 1 I wish *I* was <king / queen>...
Subject 2 (?) I bet you would.
You shouldn't say that out loud...
Well, I'd vote for you.
I'd make a better <king / queen> than you!
Maybe you can. If everyone else dies first.

Scenario 5[edit]

Responder Phrase
Subject 1 If not Khajiit: Did I tell you the one about the <adjective (joke)> <subject (joke)> and <the <priest / priestess> of <divines> / the <numbers (2 to 10)> <subject> / the <noble (title)> of <noble (domain)>>?

If Khajiit: Has Khajiit told you the one about the <adjective (joke)> <subject (joke)> and <the <priest / priestess> of <divines> / the <numbers (2 to 10)> <subject> / the <noble (title)> of <noble (domain)>>?

Subject 2 (?) You did. Many times.
Please don't talk to me.
If not Khajiit: I believe you already did.

If Khajiit: <Subject name> believes you already did.

That sounds a bit offensive...
That's not funny.

Scenario 6[edit]

Responder Phrase
Subject 1 The day is really flying by, isn't it?
Scenario 1
Subject 2 It is indeed.
Scenario 2
Subject 2 If not Khajiit: I think it's taking forever.

If Khajiit: <Subject name> thinks it's taking forever.

Subject 1 If not Khajiit: Huh. To each <his / her> own, I guess.

If Khajiit: To each <his / her> own, yes?

Scenario 7[edit]

Responder Phrase
Subject 1 So, what's new with you, <Subject name>?
Scenario 1
Subject 2 Not much. Mostly work.
Subject 1 Same here.
Scenario 2
Subject 2 Living the castle life.
Subject 1 If not Khajiit: I hear you.

If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> hears you.

Scenario 3
Subject 2 Not much. How about you, <Subject name>?
Subject 1 Very Happy Things are great!
Happy No reason to complain.
Neutral Meh.
Sad Things aren't great.
Angry Things are awful right now!
Scenario 4
Subject 2 Same old, same old.


Scenario 1[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 It’s hard to get any work done with these accursed ghosts!
Subject 2 Trait Haunted Now you know what my life is like.
Other Shh! They’ll hear you!
Scenario 2[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 Why are these ghosts tormenting us?
Subject 2 Rumor is the <king / queen> stole something of theirs.
Subject 1
(random among)
Now why would <he / she> do that?
Hope it was worth it.
Scenario 1[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 Doggie!
Subject 2 Family No, darling, that's a skeever.
Other No, <Subject name>, that's a skeever.
Scenario 2[edit]

Most likely, the next conversation will happen only if the player has chosen marriage during specific ruling as a way to get rid of this Calamity.[verification needed]

Responder Phrase
Subject 1
(random among)
If not Khajiit: I could do with fewer skeevers on my wedding day.

If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> could do with fewer skeevers on their wedding day.

If not Khajiit: I hope you're not disappointed, <Subject name>.

If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> hopes you are not disappointed.

Subject 2
(random among)
One day we’ll look back on this and laugh.
Perhaps skeevers are a sign of good luck?

Charming Ruler[edit]

Scenario 1[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 If not Khajiit: Who would win in a beauty contest? Me or the <king / queen>?

If Khajiit: Who would win in a beauty contest? <This one / Khajiit> or the <king / queen>?

Subject 2 You, of course.
The <king / queen>.
Did you just compare yourself to the <king / queen>?
You both have your own charms.
Scenario 2[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 If not Khajiit: I heard the <king / queen> has admirers from all over the Empire.

If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> heard the <king / queen> has admirers from all over the Empire.

Subject 2 As <he / she> should.
I don't understand it.
Preposterous! The only admirers the <king / queen> needs is us, <his / her> people!


Scenario 1[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 If not Khajiit: The more I work with you, the more I hate you.

If Khajiit: The more Khajiit works with you, the more Khajiit hates you.

Subject 2
(random among)
If not Khajiit: I hate you too.

If Khajiit: <Subject name> hates you too.

If not Khajiit: Not as much as I hate you.

If Khajiit: Not as much as <this one / Khajiit> hates you.

If not Khajiit: I hate you more.

If Khajiit: <Subject name> hates you more.

You don't say?
Tell it to someone who cares.
At least we know where we stand.
Coming from you that's a compliment.
Ah, shut up.
Scenario 2[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 If not Khajiit: My only hope is that you'll die before me.

If Khajiit: <Subject name>'s only hope is that you'll die before <him / her>.

Subject 2 If not Khajiit: Well, you do bore me to death.

If Khajiit: Well, you do bore <this one / Khajiit> to death.

Better start saving up, Dark Brotherhood isn't cheap!
Scenario 3[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 If not Khajiit: What did I do to deserve working with you?

If Khajiit: What did <this one / Khajiit> do to deserve working with you?

Subject 2 If not Khajiit: You? What did I do?

If Khajiit: You? What did <this one / Khajiit> do?

Something stupid, as usual.
Scenario 4[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 One of these days, <Subject name>...pow! Right to Secunda!
Subject 2 Yeah? You and what army?
If not Khajiit: Ooh, I'm shaking...not!

If Khajiit: Ooh, <Subject name> is shaking... Ha! No <he / she> is not!

If not Khajiit: Violence isn't the answer, but for you I'll make an exception.

If Khajiit: Violence isn't the answer, but for you <Subject name> will make an exception.

Scenario 5[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 Come on, pick up the pace you incompetent fool!
Subject 2 If not Khajiit: I swear to the Divines I will throw you in the moat.

If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> swears to the Divines <he / she> will throw you in the moat.


Responder Phrase
Subject 1 It's nice to be working with a friend.
Subject 2 Yes, it really is.
It is nice.
I wouldn't have it any other way.


Scenario 1[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 Want to snuggle up after work?
Subject 2 Oh, you...
Assuming we stop working at some point, yes.
Do you ever think of anything else?
If not Khajiit: I would love to!

If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> would love to!

Concentrate on your work, dear.
Yes. Yes I would.
Scenario 2[edit]
Responder Phrase
Subject 1 Please stop distracting me by being so <handsome / beautiful>.
Subject 2 If not Khajiit: I can't help it, love.

If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> can't help it, love.

You're not so bad yourself.

Waiting outside[edit]

The subject will say the following phrases while waiting outside the Castle:

Trait Phrase
Any Finally here...
Bossy If not Khajiit: They'd better not make me wait long.

If Khajiit: They'd better not make <subject name> wait long.

Charming What a lovely castle!
Considerate Would it be rude to knock?
Devious Everything is going according to plan...
Emotional What... what if the door never opens?
Envious Their food smells delicious!
Haunted If not Khajiit: Surely the spirits haven't followed me this far...

If Khajiit: Surely the spirits haven't followed Khajiit this far...

Headstrong This castle was an excellent choice.
Heartless If not Khajiit: One day I'll be <King / Queen> here.

If Khajiit: One day <subject name> will be <King / Queen> here.

Jester This castle looked a lot smaller from far away!
Leader If not Khajiit: I pledge my loyalty to you, <King / Queen> <subject name>!

If Khajiit: Khajiit pledges <Pronoun> loyalty to you, <King / Queen> <subject name>!

Mighty This castle could use some more muscle.
Melodramatic This castle is quite impressive!
Sounds like they're having fun in there.
Was that booing I heard?
Pyromaniac Must remember to be careful this time.
Reckless If not Khajiit: Just point me at whatever needs to be done.

If Khajiit: Just point this one at whatever needs to be done.

(married Ruler)
Hopefully they know how to cook here.
(unmarried Ruler)
I wonder if <King / Queen> <subject name> still unwed?
Tribal Looks like a nice place to raise a family!
Volatile They had better open that door soon...



  • If not Khajiit: Nothing gets past me.
If Khajiit: Nothing gets past <this one / Khajiit>.


  • Is it treason to be more charming than the <king / queen>? If so... guilty!"
  • If not Khajiit: It's only natural that my charms are oft compared to the <king / queen>'s.
If Khajiit: It's only natural that <This one / Khajiit>'s charms are oft compared to the <king / queen>'s.


  • If not Khajiit: Sometimes I'm so happy I feel like my heart will burst.
If Khajiit: Sometimes <Subject name> is so happy <he / she> feels like <this one / Khajiit> heart will burst.

Calamity Pestilence[edit]

  • Uninfected:
  • If not Khajiit: I'm next to get sick and die, I just know it!
If Khajiit: <Subject name> is surely next to get sick and die! Surely!
  • If not Khajiit: Did I just cough? Oh Arkay, please no!
If Khajiit: Did this one just cough? Oh Alkosh, please no!
  • Infected:
  • If not Khajiit: I've never been this sick, NEVER!
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> has never been this sick, NEVER!
  • The Sloads are behind this plague, aren't they?


  • Ha! Look at that, another mindless drone.
  • If not Khajiit: I'd call you ugly but that would be insulting to ugly people.
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> would call you ugly but that would be insulting to ugly people.
  • What a loser...

Calamity Pestilence[edit]

  • Uninfected:
  • If this plague culls the weak, so be it.
  • Ew, so many sick people. Gross.
  • Maybe you wouldn't get sick if you weren't so filthy.
  • Infected:
  • If not Khajiit: I'm not sick.
If Khajiit: <Subject name> is not sick.
  • *spit* Ach, that feels better.
  • If not Khajiit: Ugh, someone get me some medicine.
If Khajiit: Ugh, someone get <Subject name> some medicine.


See on the Jokes article


  • Bah! Humbug!
  • If not Khajiit: I wish to be left alone.
If Khajiit: This one wishes to be left alone.
  • It’s enough for one to understand his own business, and not to interfere with other's.
  • If one isn't ready to work for their keep, just throw them over the wall!
  • If not Khajiit: A septim saved is a septim me!
If Khajiit: A septim saved is a septim Khajiit!

Happy Castle[edit]

  • All this merriment is insufferable!

Sad Castle[edit]

  • The castle feels a lot less joyous - as it should be!

Touched by Saturalia[edit]

  • If not Khajiit: I will honor Saturalia in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.
If Khajiit: Khajiit will honour Saturalia in <this one / Khajiit> heart, and try to keep it all the year.
  • If not Khajiit: I am a changed person.
If Khajiit: This one is a changed person.
  • If not Khajiit: I feel the spirit of giving inside of me!
If Khajiit: Khajiit feels the spirit of giving inside of <him / her>!


  • If not Khajiit: I feel like someone's following me.
if Khajiit: <Subject name> feels like someone's following <him / her>.


  • If not Khajiit: I see dead subjects.
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> sees dead subjects.


  • Eeek!
  • Ghost!
  • Help!
  • Aaaah!
  • No! Not again!
  • The dead are among us!
  • Begone, spectre!
  • Does no one else see?!
  • Leave me be!
  • The dead are calling!


  • Hopefully that witch Morga is gone for good.
  • If not Khajiit: I still feel marked by that witch's magic...
If Khajiit: <Subject name> still feels marked by that witch's magic...


  • If not Khajiit: I always feel like everyone is staring at me...
If Khajiit: This one always feels like everyone is staring at <him / her>...
  • If not Khajiit: Is it my imagination, or are people following me?
If Khajiit: Is it <Subject name>'s imagination, or are people following <him / her>?
  • If not Khajiit: Why do people keep looking at me?
If Khajiit: Why do people keep looking at this one?
  • If not Khajiit: I’ve become quite popular since being kidnapped by that witch.
If Khajiit: Khajiit has become quite popular since being kidnapped by that witch.


  • If not Khajiit: Morga still haunts my dreams, even after all these years.
If Khajiit: Morga still haunts this one's dreams, even after all these years.
  • If not Khajiit: That witch’s mark... I still feel it.
If Khajiit: That witch’s mark... Khajiit still feels it.


  • If not Khajiit: No one's stronger than me!
If Khajiit: No one's stronger than <this one / Khajiit>!

Calamity Pestilence[edit]

  • Uninfected:
  • If not Khajiit: I'm not afraid of a any flu!
If Khajiit: This one is not afraid of a any flu!
  • If not Khajiit: Others might get sick, but not me.
If Khajiit: Others might get sick, but this one.
  • Infected:
  • If not Khajiit: I've never felt this weak.
If Khajiit: This one has never felt this weak.
  • If not Khajiit: Short of breath? I'm never short of breath!
If Khajiit: Short of breath? Khajiit is never short of breath!


  • The world is a stage, they say.

Theatrical Stories[edit]

See on the Theatrical Stories article



  • The unexamined life is not worth living.
  • As the great scholar Radsii Andules once said: "out of my way, n'wah!"
  • The greatest virtue is that of curiosity.
  • If not Khajiit: I wish we had more books here.
If Khajiit: <Subject name> wishes there were more books here.


  • If not Khajiit: Now who should I make miserable today...
If Khajiit: Now who should <Subject name> make miserable today...


  • Come on <Everyone (v)>, we can do it!
  • For the glory of <King / Queen> <Subject name>!
  • Keep at it, <Everyone (v)>!
  • Keep it up <Everyone (v)>, we're almost done!
  • Ask not what the <king / queen> can do for you, but what you can do for the <king / queen>!
  • Come on ye hardy cook, you can do it!
  • Hurry it up, <his / her> <Highness (v)> is hungry!
  • Look alive <Everyone (Kitchen v)>, we have mouths to feed!
  • Faster <Everyone (Mill v)>, we need those materials!
  • Pick it up <Everyone (Mill v)>, but mind your fingers and toes!
  • Come fine laborers, let's show the <king / queen> what we're made of!
Oil Press[edit]
  • Oilers, now is the time to shine!
  • Come on <Everyone (Oil Press v)>, oil's not going to press itself!
  • Let's go <Everyone (Oil Press v)>, squeeze that oil!


  • If not Khajiit: I wonder who I could help right now?
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> wonders who <he / she> could help right now?
  • When you give to others, you give to yourself as well.
  • If not Khajiit: I feel like giving a present to someone.
If Khajiit: <Subject name> feels like giving a present to someone.


  • Dunmer: Why can't I be <king / queen>? What a kwama pile!
Khajiit: Why can't <Subject name> be <king / queen>, huh? Khajiit deserves it.
Ruler: Why can't I be <the Dragon Emperor / the Dragon Empress>? It's not fair.
Khajiit Ruler: Why can't <Subject name> be <the Dragon Emperor / the Dragon Empress>? It's not fair.
Youth: Why couldn't I be <king / queen>, huh? It's not fair.
Khajiit Youth: Why couldn't <Subject name> be <king / queen>, huh? It's not fair.
Other: Why can't I be <king / queen>? It's all a bunch of bull!


  • Why do today what you can do tomorrow? Or next week?
  • Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> would rather be sleeping.
Other: I'd rather be sleeping.
  • Khajiit: All work and no play makes <Subject name> a dull Khajiit.
Ruler: All work and no play makes <Subject name> a dull <king / queen>.
Other: All work and no play makes <Subject name> a dull <boy / girl>.
  • Khajiit: Maybe if <this one / Khajiit> just pretended to work...
Ruler: The best part of being <king / queen> is sitting back and watching everyone else work.
Youth: At least us youths don't have to work.
Other: Maybe if I just pretended to work...
  • Khajiit: Idleness is the root of... something great, <this one / Khajiit> bets.
Other: Idleness is the root of... something great, I bet.
  • Ruler: The crown rests heavy on this head... Time for a royal nap.
Other: The person who invented work was cruel indeed.
  • Ruler: Wonder what it's like to have to work all day...
Youth: Study all day, for what? Play sounds better.
Other: Work all day, for what? A mere pittance?


  • If not Khajiit: I love this music. So soothing.
If Khajiit: <This one / Khajiit> love this music. So soothing.
  • Youth:
  • If not Khajiit: When I grow up I'll play music for the Emperor.
If Khajiit: When <Subject name> grows up <he / she>'ll play music for the Emperor.
Other: We need more music in our lives.
  • Do, re, re, sol... no, that's not it.
  • There's music everywhere, if you stop to listen.
  • If not Khajiit: I'd rather be playing music right now.
If Khajiit: <Subject name> would rather be playing music right now.


  • This is a placeholder for a special Trait-related Bark.

Work Stations[edit]

The following are the list of Work Stations that have unique dialogues for the involved Subjects:

Special Subjects[edit]

The following are the list of Special Subjects that have unique dialogues: