Books:Codex Scientia/Advertisement
Ancient prophets wrote of a scroll whose possession could buy riches beyond imagination and had the power to crush one's enemies. A tome that could lead an adventurer through the trials and terrors that lurked within the world of Arena. Contained within, were illuminations worthy of those who would seek ultimate power!
- Complete maps of all dungeons, crypts, and outdoor regions necessary to complete the quest to recover the Staff of Chaos, including all 4 levels of Jagar Tharn's Imperial Palace!
- Detailed race and class descriptions, including racial base statistics, special class abilities, saving throws vs. all effects — magical or mundane, and strategy tips on strengths and weaknesses for each class!
- Complete list of all Artifacts, their powers, special effects and provincial locations, including the deadly Ebony Blade and Chrysamere, the Sword of Kings!
- Detailed lists of all weapons, armor and miscellaneous items available plus magical effects and modifiers based upon metal type, including spell effects!
- Complete list of all monsters, their statistics, special abilities, experience point values and tactics or strategies to use against them!
The Codex Scientia answers all the puzzles, riddles, and other conundrums that make The Elder Scrolls: Arena™ the most in-depth CRPG ever created! The Codex Scientia is the must-have survivor's guide to any who would call the Empire of Tamriel home!
This valuable manuscript may be acquired for a mere pittance of $19.95. If your local software purveyor is unable to supply you with a copy, you may also be able to convince Bethesda Softwork's direct mail department to part with one of theirs. To order your copy direct, remit $19.95 plus $6.50 shipping/handling ($8.50 outside U.S.). [CD, MD, NY and VA residents please add appropriate sales tax.] Phone, FAX, modem or mail your order to Bethesda Softwork's TES:Arena Codex Scientia offer at: