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Bloodmoon talk:Felsaad Coast

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The East of Solstheim[edit]

The felsaad coast is the eastern region of solstheim, but if it is the north eastern region, then where does it end? Not trying to start a war but if it is accurate and has evidence, one should put it in. So thus, if you can find evidence or a good argument to back it up, then both of us should put it in (for the sake of accuracy and the UESP). Right now, I strongly believe that the Felsaad coast is the entire eastern region from the very south eastern tip of Solstheim to the north of Skaal Village. Not trying to get into a fight of course, simply a mere point of view.

Regards, Mista.Chibbles

The North East of Solstheim[edit]

I understand that one may easily think that the Felsaad Coast is the entire eastern coast (I did so myself), but if you check the Construction Set or just walk along the eastern coast, you'll see that the Felsaad Coast is the north-eastern region delimited by the Isild River, Lake Fjalding, Thirsk and Glenschul's Tomb. To the south of the Felsaad Coast you have the Isinfier Plains and further south the Hirstaang Forest. --DrPhoton 13:19, 10 June 2006 (EDT)

Xbox vs. PC[edit]

That's odd, because when i'm travelling in the south eastern segment of solstheim, it says i'm in the felsaad coast and when I leave a cave on the very south eastern part of the island it says "large stone door to -felsaad coast region-" (just used large stone door as an example, it was something like that). I don't have Morrowind GOTY on the computer so it may be different on either. If this is the case, it should, for the sake of readers of the article, be mentioned that on xbox the felsaad coast region extends to the whole eastern side of solstheim while the computer is on the north eastern side.

regards, Mista.Chibbles 15:12, 14 June 2006 ((AUS)EST)

OK, this is interesting. I have Bloodmoon v1.6.1820 for PC, where the Felsaad Coast is the north-eastern region. You have Morrowind GotY for Xbox, where the Felsaad Coast is the whole eastern region of the island. Can anyone confirm what is the situation in earlier versions of Bloodmoon for PC? --DrPhoton 08:34, 14 June 2006 (EDT)

Final notes[edit]

In conclusion, it seems that the xbox version of the game is, in some respects, quite different to the PC version of the game. As usual, I write the article and additional notes and Dr Photon does the expert formatting and all the complexities of a typical UESP article and for that, I believe Dr Photon deserves a lot of credit and an applause. Hopefully, if one reads this, they will check out other articles like the Hirstaang Forest article, the Isinfier Plains article or various others that have been a combined effort of Dr Photon and myself. Thank you to all and remember that all information, no matter how random, can be valuable to someone, sometime.

regards, Mista.Chibbles 15:32, 16 June 2006 (EST)

Restarting the Debate[edit]

Okay, it's two years later and I'm afraid I simply don't agree with Mista.chibbles. There's no way Bethesda will change this kind of thing from one platform to another and, I hate to say it, but I think he's got confused with something else.

Look at the map and look at our own pages. Valbrandr Barrow, Lukesturm Barrow and Connorflenge Barrow are all clearly in the Isinfier Plains - and I just double checked that myself. Glenschul's Tomb is in Felsaad Coast region. Thirsk is in a region called Thirsk but three of the cells around it are in Felasaad Coast (the other is Lake Fjalding). The FC region extends west as far as Brandr and Erna's cell. So in other words, it's in the NE of the map with Isinfier Plains to the southeast.

This is on PC GotY edition. Please can somebody with an XBox settle this one way or another? –RpehTCE 15:45, 15 July 2008 (EDT)

I checked these locations with my Xbox GotY, and they all match what Rpeh says, as well as the online map. I'll amend the article. --BenouldTC 01:16, 18 July 2008 (EDT)


North of the Skaal village, I found a crashed boat, and the only storage it had was a barrel full of shoes. Can someone give an explanation for this? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 20 November 2010

It's just a little extra variety in the landscape. It's not relevant to anything else. rpeh •TCE 20:59, 20 November 2010 (UTC)