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Bloodmoon:Sabinus Oranius

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Sabinus Oranius (Sabinus Oranius)
Home City Fort Frostmoth / Raven Rock
Location Docks / Mine
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 20 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 217 Magicka 144
Alarm 50 Fight 30
Follower During Establish the Mine
Faction(s) East Empire Company 0(Underling)
Sabinus Oranius

Sabinus Oranius is an Imperial commoner, and one of the three men you will escort to Raven Rock. He later becomes a miner in the Ebony mine and refuses to be hired as a guard.

Related Quests[edit]

East Empire Company[edit]





"My lungs must be as black as these rocks by now."
"Yes, %PCName? What is it?"


Carnius Magius
"He's a very busy man, what with running the local branch of the East Empire Company."
Fort Frostmoth
"Reminds me a bit of home. Except for the gigantic piles of snow everywhere, of course."

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

Establish the Mine[edit]

When first spoken to:

"Pardon me, but I'm waiting for someone. If it's important, ask Gidar." Goodbye

After getting the assignment:

"If you're going to act as our escort, I suggest you speak with Gidar. He knows the way." Goodbye

After speaking to Gidar:

"Can we maybe just concentrate on getting there safely? I don't like it out here." Goodbye

At Raven Rock:

"Thanks for bringing us. I'd better get to work." Goodbye

Missing Supply Ship[edit]

seen anything
"What? No, no sign of a ship. Sorry, %PCName."

Setting up Shop[edit]

"Hmm, tough question. I think I'd rather see a trader here; maybe that way, more people would be interested in stopping by. Then maybe some of them might want to stay, and that would make the work load lighter for all of us."

If asked after the choice is made:

"It was decided already, %PCName. Aren't there better things to talk about?"

Hiring Guards[edit]

hire guards
"Ha ha! No."