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Bloodmoon:Bar Brawl

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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written
Calm down an old man in the bar who is picking fights with everyone.
Quest Giver: Falco Galenus at Raven Rock,
or Carnius Magius at Fort Frostmoth
Location(s): Raven Rock, Bar
Prerequisite Quest: To Catch a Thief or Aiding and Abetting
Next Quest: Discovery in the Mine
Reward: 1500 Gold (Falco) or 2000 Gold (Carnius)
Reputation Gain: +12 (East Empire Company); see the notes below.
ID: CO_7
Suggested Items: Restore Fatigue (if your Fatigue is low)
Difficulty: Low
Seler wants to fight...

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Falco/Carnius about your next assignment and learn about Seler Favelnim picking fights in Raven Rock's bar.
  2. Approach the bar and be confronted by Seler's wife, Dralora, who will plead with you not to kill him.
  3. Enter the bar and be attacked by Seler as you approach him.
  4. Don't fight back and wait for Seler to talk to you again.
  5. Convince Seler not to die and that life is worth living.
  6. Return to Falco/Carnius for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Falco Galenus or Carnius Magius[edit]

You will have to wait three days from the previous quest until you receive a journal entry to see Falco/Carnius about the next quest (you will also have to leave Raven Rock and return). Who you speak to depends on who you've chosen to side with previously. Speak to Falco/Carnius about your next assignment to learn that Seler Favelnim recently has been picking fights with everyone at Raven Rock's tavern. He wants you to resolve the matter somehow.

Seler Favelnim[edit]

Find Seler in the tavern just northeast from Falco. As soon as you approach the entrance to the tavern, you will be greeted by Dralora Favelnim, Seler's wife. She will plead with you not to hurt her husband, explaining that he has been sick and tired lately. She asks you not to fight with Seler even if he attacks you, as he can't fight for very long anyhow.

Indeed, as soon as you approach Seler, he will attack you. He uses only Hand-to-hand, fortunately, and it is safe to fight him back the same way to knock him down until he talks. Even at a high difficulty level he doesn't hit you for very long before he asks you to fight him back. He begs for you to just kill him, and you are given a choice to fight or ask why he wants to die. If you don't give in to killing him, and continue questioning him, then after a short pep talk you should be able to convince him to give up his "suicide by adventurer" efforts. He'll remain, peacefully, in the Raven Rock Bar for the remainder of the game.

Alternatively, you can kill him – at the cost of an unhappy widow perpetually at the tavern door, and no reward if playing the Falco side.

Return to Falco/Carnius[edit]

Return to Falco/Carnius with the news and he will be impressed and reward you with some gold (1,500 from Falco or 2,000 from Carnius). If you killed Seler, you won't receive any reward from Falco, but Carnius still gives you the 2,000 gold.


  • If you are doing this quest for Falco, killing Seler will yield only a +6 Reputation gain for the East Empire Company.


  • Seler may disappear when this quest is accepted. This bug happens more often with MPP 1.6.5 because a syntax error that the Morrowind game engine and the Construction Set usually ignore was fixed. The issue resides in the PositionCell command in the script used in a wrong way. MPP 1.6.6 fixes this issue.
    • On PC This can be fixed by using the console command PlaceAtPC "Seler Favelnim",1,20,1 inside the Raven Rock Bar.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Bar Brawl (CO_7)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Falco needs me to deal with Seler Favelnim, who's on some sort of rampage at the Raven Rock bar.
20 Seler Favelnim has apparently gone crazy, and is on some sort of rampage in the bar. Carnius wants me to deal with him immediately.
30 Dralora Favelnim stopped me outside the bar, and begged me to not hurt her husband.
40 Seler Favelnim challenged me to kill him before he kills me.
50 Seler Favelnim stopped attacking me after he became too tired to fight.
60 I convinced Seler Favelnim to calm down and return home, so that he may live out the few years he has left in comfort with his family.
70 I have killed Seler Favelnim.
80 Finishes quest☑ Falco was satisfied that Seler Favelnim had been taken care of.
90 Finishes quest☑ Falco was disappointed to hear of Seler Favelnim's death, but does not hold it against me.
100 Finishes quest☑ Carnius paid me for dealing with Seler Favelnim.
110 Finishes quest☑ Carnius didn't mind that I'd killed Seler Favelnim, and thanked me for dealing with him.

Prev: To Catch a Thief (Falco) or
Aiding and Abetting (Carnius)
Up: East Empire Company Quests Next: Discovery in the Mine