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Blades:Ultimate Items

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Ultimate items are uniquely-named and enchanted items available from the Sigil Shop. All standard Ultimate items, besides the jewelry and Dragonplate items, are divine for use by higher-level players who are Level 45 and above. LT Ultimate items were announced with 1.13, each corresponding to a standard Ultimate item, but with lower stats for use by lower-level players from Level 30 to Level 44.


Name Rarity Required Level Buying Price Selling Price Damage Damage Per Second Block Rating Bash Damage Armor Rating Maximum Condition Description

Areldur's Armor Divine Areldur's Armor Legendary 45 00000555555Sigils 000062876,287Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 302.4 675 This highly-enchanted suit of armor was the prized possession of a great Altmer battlemage, who wore it until his death during Tiber Septim's conquest of the Summerset Isles at the end of the Second Era. It counts as Dragonscale for the Matching Set perk.
Band of the Wraith Band of the Wraith Legendary 45 00000399399Sigils (?)(?)Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No one knows the origins of this powerful ring, but it has been said you can tell of its nearby presence simply by the chill in the air that follows it around.
Baridan's Axe Divine Baridan's Axe Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils 0001623416,234Gold 192 (?) 168 N/A N/A 507 Once the prized heirloom of a family of arena champions, this Axe has defeated more combatants than any other weapon in the history of Imperial gladiatorial fighting.
Boots of Dispersion Divine Boots of Dispersion Legendary 45 00000499499Sigils 000062876,287Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 123 675 These were part of a set crafted for a Breton battlemage that specialized in the conjuration of Storm Atronachs. The rest of the set - and the battlemage - were lost when his tower burned down. It counts as Dragonscale for the purposes of the Matching Set perk.
Breathtaker Divine Breathtaker Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils 0001623416,234Gold 240 (?) 216 N/A N/A 675 An ancient claymore found in The City of the Dead, this voracious blade will suck the spirit and resolve out of opponents with each devastating blow.
Captain Kordan's Saber Divine Captain Kordan's Saber Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils 0001623416,234Gold 240 (?) 216 N/A N/A 675 No one knows for sure who Captain Kordan was, but his unique weapon has been carried by many famous - and infamous - warriors since it surfaced during the Oblivion Crisis.
Conjurer's Gloves Divine Conjurer's Gloves Legendary 45 00000444444Sigils 000062876,287Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 122.4 675 These prized gauntlets, which count as Dragonscale for the Matching Set perk, are highly sought-after by conjurers for their ability to absorb and regenerate Magicka, as well as for the protection they offer when summoned entities prove uncooperative.
Flame Monarch's Crown Divine Flame Monarch's Crown Legendary 45 00000333333Sigils 000062876,287Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 172.8 675 Some claim this helmet was worn by the Daedric demiprince Fa-Nuit-Hen when he visited Infernace, home of the Flame Atronachs, but others insist this is only conjecture. It counts as Dragonscale for the purposes of the Matching Set perk.
Gauntlets of the Companions Gauntlets of the Companions Legendary 45 00000444444Sigils 000062876,287Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 164 675 These ancient Dragonplate gauntlets are believed to have been gifts from Ysgramor to his most trusted companions, to ensure they had the fortitude to keep up with him in his conquest of Skyrim.
Grand Inquisitor's Ring Grand Inquisitor's Ring Legendary 45 00000399399Sigils 000099699,969Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tradition holds such rings were worn centuries ago by the high-ranking Dunmer jailmasters who ran the floating prisons known as the Ministry of Truth.
Lichslayer Divine Lichslayer Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils 0001623416,234Gold 192 (?) 168 N/A N/A 507 This ancient Daedric longsword was forged with one goal in mind: to annihilate the most powerful of all undead, the dreaded Lich, and in capable hands it will do just that.
Master Ring of Shock Master Ring of Shock Legendary 45 00000399399Sigils (?)(?)Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Keep in mind that this ring, rumored to provide total mastery over the elemental force of Shock, will *not* give its wearer protection against said element.
Maul of the Aureal Divine Maul of the Aureal Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils 0001623416,234Gold 240 (?) 216 N/A N/A 675 Legend has it these terrifying weapons gave the Aureal their greatest military victory, though it is not quite clear against whom. The mauls are thought to be made from gold, moonstone, and Daedra hearts.
Mephala's Teacher Divine Mephala's Teacher Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils (?)(?)Gold 204 521 168 N/A N/A 507 Legend says the Daedric spider queen Mephala used this fearsome implement when she needed to remind wayward underlings that discipline is the key to any well executed plan.
Paladin's Helmet Divine Paladin's Helmet Legendary 45 00000333333Sigils 000062876,287Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 231 675 This life-sustaining helmet is said to have been used by the founder of the Order of the Hour, one of the oldest chivalrous orders in all of Tamriel. It counts as Dragonplate for the purposes of the Matching Set perk.
Paladin's Mail Divine Paladin's Mail Legendary 45 00000555555Sigils 000062876,287Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 403.2 675 Legend says this highly enchanted suit of armor belonged to the founder of the oldest orders of knighthood in Imperial history, the Order of the Hour. It counts as Dragonplate for the purposes of the Matching Set perk.
Purifier's Cocoon Divine Purifier's Cocoon Legendary 45 00000555555Sigils 000062876,287Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 302.4 675 Originally designed to shield its wearer from toxic ash, this armor will protect against all kinds of dangerous diseases and impurities. It counts as Dragonscale for the purposes of the Matching Set perk.
Ring of Cinders Ring of Cinders Legendary 45 00000399399Sigils 000099699,969Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A This ring belonged to a renowned fire mage who ended up accidentally burning herself down to a crisp, with nothing left of her but the ring and a few ashes.
Ring of Preservation Ring of Preservation Legendary 45 00000399399Sigils 000099699,969Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Some scholars argue these fabled pieces of jewelry were crafted in the Second Era for the Arch-Mages of Winterhold, to help with their personal protection.
Serpentstrike Divine Serpentstrike Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils 0001623416,234Gold 192 (?) 168 N/A N/A 507 This highly venomous weapon is said to have been tempered in basilisk's blood, before those foul creatures were wiped out from Valenwood by the Altmer.
Shield of Stasis Divine Shield of Stasis Legendary 45 00000777777Sigils 0001629916,299Gold N/A N/A 360 240 N/A 675 This powerful shield is known for sapping the will to fight from even the most battle-hardened of warriors. No one knows of its origins, though some suspect it was not made on Tamriel.
Shield of Chorrol Shield of Chorrol Legendary (?) 00000777777Sigils (?)(?)Gold N/A N/A 360 240 N/A 675 According to some, this massive shield was once gifted to the Hero of Kvatch by the Countess of Chorrol for returning an ancient heirloom, the Honorblade, to her family.
Spiderfang Divine Spiderfang Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils (?)(?)Gold 247 458 216 N/A N/A 675 This monstrous battleaxe is rumored to have been infused with the venom of a thousand giant spiders at some point during the First Era, though no one knows how anyone could have achieved such a feat.
Stormkiss Divine Stormkiss Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils (?)(?)Gold 247 458 216 N/A N/A 675 This enchanted axe, which belonged to the son of a First Age King of Skyrim, was lost for centuries until the Nerevarine unearthed it from an ancient tomb in Morrowind.
Sunderblade Divine Sunderblade Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils 0001623416,234Gold 240 (?) 216 N/A N/A 675 This legendary weapon belonged to the first leader of the Akaviri Dragonguards, who were sworn to the protection of Emperor Reman Cyrodiil, and who eventually became the order of the Blades.
Thunderfell Divine Thunderfell Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils 0001623416,234Gold 192 (?) 168 N/A N/A 507 This dangerous weapon, also sometimes called "Skeleton's Bane" for its effect on these creatures, is rumored to be imbued with the power of a hundred storm atronachs.
Witsplinter Divine Witsplinter Legendary 45 00000899899Sigils 0001623416,234Gold 144 (?) 72 N/A N/A 338 This agile blade is used to seal the minds of spellcasters, making them easy targets for skilled fighters.

LT Ultimate[edit]

Name Rarity Required Level Buying Price Selling Price Damage Damage Per Second Block Rating Bash Damage Armor Rating Maximum Condition Description

Akaviri Blade Akaviri Blade Legendary 30 00000720720Sigils 0001270312,703Gold 210 (?) 189 N/A N/A 600 These superb katanas, fashioned to look like the legendary Sunderblade, was [sic] used for centuries by high-ranking imperial Blades before the order was disbanded.
Axe of the Frost Gladiator Axe of the Frost Gladiator Legendary 30 00000720720Sigils 0001270312,703Gold 168 / 193 (?) 147 N/A N/A 450 This weapon was inspired by the famous axe once possessed by a family of arena champions, and while it is not quite as powerful as the original, it remains extremely deadly in capable hands.
Battlemage Armor Battlemage Armor Legendary 30 00000444444Sigils (?)(?)Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 353 600 These suits of armor, used by Altmer battlemages in the Third Era, were fashioned after that of the great Areldur, who fell defending Summerset from Tiber Septim's forces. They count as Ebony for the Matching Set perk.
Deathsting Deathsting Legendary 30 00000720720Sigils (?)(?)Gold 173 / 193 (?) 147 N/A N/A 450 This sword was an attempt to replicate the highly poisonous Serpentstrike using giant scorpion venom instead of basilisk blood after the Altmer hunted the latter to extinction.
Disciple's Mail Disciple's Mail Legendary 30 00000444444Sigils (?)(?)Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 353 600 Used for centuries by the knights of the Order of the Hour, these magically protective suits of armor were made to honor the memory of the order's founder. It counts as Ebony for the purposes of the Matching Set perk.
Flame Knight's Helmet Flame Knight's Helmet Legendary 30 00000265265Sigils 000042874,287Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 201.6 600 After Fa-Nuit-Hen returned from Infernace, plane of the Flame Atronachs, skilled armorsmiths tried to replicate the helmet that made the trip possible. It counts as Ebony for the Matching Set perk.
Jailmaster's Ring Jailmaster's Ring Legendary 30 00000320320Sigils 000079697,969Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A These rings were worn by Dunmer jailmasters to honor their predecessors, including those who perished when the Ministry of Truth came crashing down.
Lesser Boots of Dispersion Lesser Boots of Dispersion Legendary 30 00000400400Sigils 000042874,287Gold N/A N/A N/A N/A 142.8 600 These boots were inspired by those crafted for a Breton battlemage who specialized in the conjuration of Storm Atronachs, though they are not quite [sic] durable. They count as Ebony for the purposes of the Matching Set perk.
Lichburner Lichburner Legendary 30 00000720720Sigils 0001270312,703Gold 168 (?) 147 N/A N/A 450 Though not as powerful as the Deadric [sic] weapon that inspired it, this fiery Ebony sword still excels at its intented purpose: to destroy the powerful undead beings known as Liches.
Shield of Apathy Shield of Apathy Legendary 30 00000620620Sigils 0001270312,703Gold N/A N/A 315 210 N/A 600 Crafted [sic] smiths were able to replicate the legendary shield that was said to sap the will to fight from battle-hardened warriors, and they did so to near perfection.
Stormcaller Stormcaller Legendary 30 00000720720Sigils 0001270312,703Gold 168 / 193.2 511 147 N/A N/A 450 Inspired by the mythical weapon known as "Skeleton's Bane" for its effect on these undead, this mace is said to contain the power of forty storm atronachs.