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Home Town Town
Race Redguard
Gender Female

Noura is a Redguard warrior who is in charge of the local arena.

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]

Bloodfall Queen[edit]


Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Lair of the Sorcerer-King[edit]

"Hello, Warrior. Did you have something to ask me?"
I'm interested in undead sightings...
"Ah, sorry, can't help you there." or "Undead? In gladiatorial combat? That would scare away all our customers!"

A Snake in the Grass[edit]

"Ah, Warrior. What can I do for you?"
Noticed anyone acting suspicious lately?
"Strange you should ask that. I just saw the priest, Guthrum, storm out of town. Apparently he was headed for the ruins to the North, which sounds dangerous given that undead creatures have overrun the area."

Tournament: Practice with Noura[edit]

"Good morrow, Warrior! I have something that might interest you."
I'm listening.
Not interested.
"But... you don't even know what it is! Come on, hear me out at least..."
All right.

Both will lead to:

"My partners and I are setting up an invitational tournament to showcase the best fighters in Tamriel. This will be separate from official ranked fighting and will not affect combatants' official standings. The point is to give a good show and rekindle interest in our trade. Many famed combatants have already agreed to participate. Naturally, the tournament will also be open to skilled amateurs. I've put your name on the list for the qualifying trials.
So, what do you say, <PlayerName> Are you in?"
Sure, why not?
"That's great! I knew you'd be up for it. I'll let you know when we're ready for the first fight of the trials."
I need some practice first.
"Okay, we can do that if you think you need it. Let's head to the Old Arena and see what you're made of."
I think I'll pass.
"That's disappointing. I was hoping you'd be one of our champions."

If spoken to again if you said you needed to practice:

"I'll let you know when we're ready for the qualifying round."

When in the arena with her:

"Fighting combatants in the arena isn't quite like fighting goblins or skeletons. Your opponents are more skilled and resourceful. You'll need to analyze their fighting style."
Got it.
"What type of combatant would you like to learn more about?"
"Most of your opponents will fall in this category. They will have weapons and shields in addition to strong armor. These combatants don't cast spells. They will instead rely on blocking and dodging for protection. They can be vulnerable to Power Attacks and offensive spells."
"These fighters typically use versatile weapons with both hands, foregoing the use of a shield. This sacrifices some defense to increase damage, so they will usually have a few defensive spells to compensate. They will also use dodging and Power Attacks in order to keep you on your toes. Use their tactics against them if you can."
"Some fighters will use both weapons and magic in combat. The combination can be deadly. Cast the Resist Elements spell at the beginning of combat if you know it. Learn it if you don't. Weapons that reduce Magicka, or that do shock damage, can help prevent them from using their spells."
Heavy Fighters.
"These combatants favor heavy two-handed weapons. No shield, no spells, just massive amounts of damage. You need to survive their Power Attacks long enough to wear them down. Dodging and defensive spells are a must against these fearsome opponents."
Enough talk. Let's fight.
"Okay, show me what you can do."

Once you defeat her:

"All right, that's enough. You're definitely ready, at least for the first few rounds. Let's head back to town."

When you both return to town:

"I must say, some of your techniques exceeded my expectations! You'll make a fine combatant. I'll let you know when we're ready for the qualifying round."

Tournament Trials: Connelain of the Reach[edit]

"Hello, <PlayerName>! We're finally ready to begin the qualifying trials. Are you as excited as I am?"
"Wonderful! I knew you'd like it."
Probably Not.
"Be sure to save some of that fire for the actual tournament, Warrior..."

If you have fought Connelain in jobs before Noura will say:

"Your first bout will be against a young warrior from the Reach named Connelain.
I believe you two have fought before, isn't that right?"
Yes, we have.
"Well then, you already know what to expect. Have a good fight!"

If you haven't fought Connelain in jobs before she will instead say:

"Your first bout will be against a young warrior from the Reach named Connelain.
He's a bit green, but he's got a lot of spirit."
I'll crush it.
"Heh. I know you will..."
Maybe he'll defeat me.
"Sure, anything's possible. Head up to the Arena, and we'll find out!"

If spoken to again:

"Remember, the point isn't just to defeat your opponent, but to demonstrate you can put on a good show."

After defeating Connelain:

"Well, that was brutal... Good job! There are three more fights in the qualifying trials, so stay sharp. I'll let you know as soon as the next one is ready."

Tournament Trials: Najeepa Swims-in-Blood[edit]

"Hello warrior. The next combatant is ready for you! Her name is Najeepa, and she insisted that we put her up against the best fighter we had. Sounds like she has something to prove..."

If spoken to again:

"Your opponent Najeepa is ready. Have a good fight!"

If spoken to again in the arena after defeating Najeepa:

"Are you all right? You took some heavy blows...
Let's head back to town."

Once you return to town:

"So, I just talked with Najeepa, and she wanted me to thank you... for defeating her? Maybe you hit her on the head a bit too hard..."
She knows the value of failure.
"I guess so!"
"In any case, this means only two more fights to qualify for the tournament! I'll let you know when the next qualifying fight is ready as soon as I can."

Exhibition Fight: Wolves[edit]

"Glad to see you, Warrior. I've got some good news! We've convinced a number of high-profile combatants to take part in the next rounds. This includes the current grand champion of the Imperial Arena, Martius Silius! He arrived a few moments ago, along with his team of combatants. Due to his status, he'll only join during round five, but in the meantime, you'll be able to go up against some of his mates."
When do we start?
"Before any of that, we have set up a special exhibition fight against wild beasts. Crowds tend to enjoy these a lot. I guess people like to see warriors slay dangerous animals and monsters. It makes them feel safer in these troubled times. Also, it's a nice change of pace for everyone."
What kind of beasts?
"We have a pack of ravenous dire wolves to kick off round one. Are you up for it?"
"Splendid! I'm sure you'll give a good show."
Seems like a waste of time.
"You're missing the point. It'll bring more people to the arena, which is what we want."

If spoken to again:

"Better get ready, you don't want those wolves to be *too* hungry, right?"

Once you return to town:

"What can I say, Warrior? The crowd loves you! My only suggestion would be to make these exhibition fights against animals last a bit longer... It all went by a little too fast. I guess dire wolves are a bit too easy for you... we'll try something fiercer next time. Go get some rest now. I'll send for you when we're ready for your first fight."

Tournament: Garzul gro-Durgoth[edit]

"Ready for the next fight, <PlayerName>?"
"Garzul gro-Durgoth, a heavy fighter who favors the warhammer. Have you fought him before?"
I haven't.
I have. He's good.
"He's also highly motivated to fight you. Seems he claims *he* should be the queen's champion, not you."
Does he, now?
"I wouldn't worry about that too much. The Queen likes you. Stay alert, and you should be fine. You're a better fighter than him."
Maybe he's right.
"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure you're more the Queen's type."
Doesn't matter.
"All right, I'll take your word for it."

Once you return:

"I must say, I was a bit worried for you there. Garzul is a formidable fighter."
Well, he lost.
"That he did. We'll see how you fare against the next opponent. Once we know who it is, that is."
He has heart.
"Yes, I agree. Too bad his head is so far up his... well, you know."
Who's next?
"I don't know yet. Either Volusianus Didius, one of Martius Silius' teammates, or a Bosmer named Aragoth."

Tournament: Aragoth[edit]

"I just came back from the fight between Volusianus and Aragoth. Looks like the Bosmer won... barely. We offered to postpone the next fight so he'd have time to heal, but he says he's fine. I assume you're ready as well?"
I am.
"Okay, let's head out to the Arena then!"

Once you return:

"That fight was a bit one-sided. You can't expect the next ones to go that quickly."
I know.
"Good. I'll let you know when your next opponent is ready."
Just watch me.
"Oh, I will... Come back a bit later, I'll have more information about your next fight."

Tournament: Severa Calvina[edit]

"Ah, there you are! You're up for the next fight, this time against a woman called Severa Calvina."

If you have fought her before:

I know her.
"Yes, she spoke rather highly of you. She knows a lot of arena fighters, too, so it's not empty praise. Come, let's get you ready for the fight."

If you haven't fought her before:

Is she with Martius Silius?
"No, she's not affiliated with anyone. Her father was a famous combatant, however, so she knows her way around the arena. She may not look dangerous, but don't be fooled. She's more experienced than most gladiators you've fought so far."

Once you return:

"<PlayerName>... congratulations on your win."
Did you enjoy the fight?
"It was a bit hard to watch, to be honest..."
How come?
"I didn't want to tell you this before, but Severa is a good friend of mine. I was torn between the two of you... but in the end, you were the better fighter. You deserved to win. I'm going to go see her now... I'll let you know who you'll be facing in the round one finals as soon as I know."

Tournament - Round 1 Finals[edit]

"We're setting up for the round one finals. I hope you're ready!"
"The last qualifying match was cut short when one of the opponents declared forfeit."
Really? Why?
"I guess they were too scared to fight Wanum. He is a bit... intimidating, to say the least."
Wanum is participating?
"You didn't know? Well... this is awkward. Will that be a problem?"
It's fine.
"Good. Remember, this is a friendly competition, nothing more."
I am. Who's my opponent?
"You mean you don't know? I guess you haven't been watching the fights..."
I've had other things to do.
"I understand. You'll be fighting Wanum."
The Queen's Wanum?
"Indeed. He is by far the strongest competitor we've had yet. Have you two fought before?"
Not yet, no.
"Well, now's the time. Better go get prepared!"

Once you return from the fight:

"What a fight! I hope Wanum will be okay..."
He'll be fine.
"Yeah, he does seem pretty tough. Some of the blows you landed might have killed a weaker opponent."
What's next?
"Well, the good news is that this first round was very successful. That means we will continue the tournament in the next venue, Dragonwood Arena. We'll have to wait a bit, though. One of the fighters from Martius Silius' team has gone missing."
Which one?
"Volusianus Didius. He disappeared soon after his defeat against Aragoth. No one has seen him since. Silius has asked that we wait until we find him before continuing, else he and his fighters will go home."
Does it matter?
"Silius has asked that we wait until we find him before continuing, else he and his fighters will go home."

Either will lead to:

So what?
"You don't understand. Famous combatants like Silius or Angarion the Bold draw big audiences. I don't think we can continue if Silius and his team pull out of the tournament. Don't worry, I'm sure Volusianus will turn up. He probably got drunk after losing and passed out in a ditch somewhere. I'll keep you informed as soon as I know more."

A Question of Murder[edit]


Exhibition Fight: Bears[edit]

"Ah, <PlayerName>. Any news?"
Nothing solid yet.
"Okay. We can continue asking around in the coming days. In the meantime, we're ready to start round two of the tournament."
His partner isn't saying much.
"Yes... people on Silius' team mostly keep to themselves."
Think one of them did it?
"I doubt it. They're all fiercely loyal to each other. Anyway, we're ready to start round two of the tournament."

Either option leads to:

"We'll start with another exhibition fight against dangerous beasts. Turns out this was quite popular with the crowd!"
What am I fighting this time?
"A small group of strong bears."
I'm ready.
"Okay, let's do this then!"
How strong?
"Very strong. Come on, let's give the people a good show!"

If spoken to again:

"Better get ready for the next fight, Warrior!"

Once you return after fighting the bears:

"Good work, <PlayerName>! I almost felt sorry for those bears."
Guess they weren't strong enough.
"We'll have to think of something else for the beginning of round three...if you make it that far!"
We'll see.
"I have full confidence in you. I'm sure you'll make it to round four, at least!"
I intend to win this.
"That would be great! Having a champion in town would help sell a lot more seats for future events!"

Either option leads to:

"Get some rest in the meantime. I'll call for you when the first combatant is ready."

Tournament: Molriel[edit]

"Hello Warrior. The next combatant is ready..."

There are two possible replies to this, with the first being:

Who is it?
"She is called Molriel. Have you heard of her?"
I've fought her.
"Ah, then you're aware of her quest to slay the combatant who killed her lover."
I am.

The other reply is:

You seem hesitant.
"We've had some issues with her before. She used to always try to kill her opponents."
Sounds familiar.
"Her name is Molriel. She's on a personal quest to slay the combatant who killed her lover."
Yeah, I know her.

No matter which option you pick it will lead to:

"She assured us that she'll refrain from doing this for the duration of the tournament."
Let's hope she's telling the truth.
Think she killed Volusianus?
"She claims she didn't, and that she would have killed him in the Arena if he were her target."

Either option leads to:

"I don't think you should worry too much about her. She's a tough opponent, but you can beat her."
And if I don't?
"I guess... It was nice knowing you? I'm kidding! You'll be fine..."
I'm sure I will.
"That's the spirit! Still, do watch your back...she sure knows how to use that greatsword of hers."

Once you return after defeating Molriel:

"That was quite the duel, Warrior! The crowd loved it! And no one died, either..."
That wasn't in doubt.
"I know, I know. Still, I was a bit nervous. We don't need another... incident right now."
The day's still young.
"Ah, yes, very funny."

Either option leads to:

"I have a lot riding on this tournament being a success, you know?"
What about my next opponent?
"We're still waiting for the fight between Metundus and Dalan Silver-Skin. I'll let you know as soon as the fight's over."

Tournament: Dalan Silver-Skin[edit]

"All right, Warrior, the results are in. You'll be fighting against Dalan Silver-Skin."
Makes no difference to me.
"It should. Metundus is a skillful combatant, but Dalan Silver-Skin managed to send him to the infirmary. I believe he's still there as we speak, nursing his wounds."
Metundus lost, huh?
"Oh yeah, he was knocked down hard. We had to take him to the infirmary after the fight. Don't worry, he'll live. He just needs to rest a bit while the bones heal."

Either option leads to:

"But I'm sure you'll do fine! Come on, let's get you ready."

Once you return after defeating Dalan:

"<PlayerName>...I have some bad news."
What is it?
The fight wasn't entertaining?
"What? No, that was fine... More than fine. You really showed some skill out there."

Either leads to:

"It's Metundus. He was found dead in the infirmary, his throat slit. Just like Volusianus."
Anyone see anything?
"No, everyone was watching you fight. Well, everyone but him and the murderer."
Who knows about this?
"So far, just you, me, the other promoters, and Martius Silius. Everyone wants to keep this quiet and continue with the tournament while we try to catch who did it."

You then have three options to pick from:

Got it.
"Okay. Thank you. I... I'll come get you when the next fight is ready."
Even Silius?
"He's the one who insisted on it. He says he won't be intimidated by whoever is doing this."
The other combatants should know.
"I'm sorry, we can't afford to risk people dropping out. Let's just act as if nothing happened. I'll let you know when your next fight is ready to go."

If spoken to again:

"Thank you for your help, <PlayerName>. I'll come get you when the next fight is ready."

Tournament - Round 2 Finals[edit]

"All right, <PlayerName>, we're ready to begin the round two finals. As far as everyone knows, nothing has changed. Still just, uh, the one murder. Divines, I can't believe this is happening..."
Who am I fighting?
"Right, sorry. You'll be fighting Malanwen. Do you know her?"

You have two options with the first being:

She's Henrik's friend.
"If you say so. Is that a problem?"
"Great, better go get prepared, then. Good luck out there, <PlayerName>"

The other option is:

Saved her life once.
"Okay, well... let bygones be bygones, I guess?"

If you speak to her again:

"Better get prepared for the round two finals, Warrior."

Once you return to town after defeating Malanwen:

"You did it, <PlayerName>, you finished round two!"
When is round three?
"As soon as possible, Martius Silius has threatened to pull out of the tournament if we postpone it."
I'm ready.
"We're not. Well, not quite."
Well, we wouldn't want that.
"I know you're being sarcastic, but we really wouldn't. He's a huge draw for audiences."

Either option leads to:

"We'll start setting up the opening exhibition match and tell you when we're ready. It's a bit more complicated this time as we're using conjurers to summon some flame Atronachs."
Should be fun.
"I know, right? I'll send for you when we're ready."
You're kidding right?
"Why? Are you afraid of fire, or something? Come on, you'll be fine! Just... don't use a wooden shield."

Exhibition Fight: Atronachs[edit]

"We're ready to start round three. Are you all set? You may want to stock up on potions of fire resistance, and use a Frost weapon, if you have one. Orcish scaled armor will also help against the Flame Atronach's attacks."
I understand.
"Great. Let's get to it, then!"

If spoken to again:

"If the audience isn't impressed after this..."

Once you return:

"<PlayerName>, that was unbelievable. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire fight, and so was the rest of the crowd! People will be talking about this one for years. Thank you!"
You're welcome.
Good. I'm not doing it again.
"Well, it'll be a while before we bring in conjurers to help us. At times the Atronachs could almost reach the front row... Everything turned out fine, though. That's what counts!"

Either option leads to:

"While we go on preparing the first fight, perhaps you can go ask more people about Volusianus' death?"

If spoken to again:

"I'll send for you when the first fight of round three is ready to start."

Tournament: Dalsa Veleth[edit]

"We're ready for the first bout of round three. You'll be going against a Dunmer combatant called Dalsa Veleth. Not the most pleasant woman, but a skilled fighter."
Anything to watch out for?
"She's a spellsword, so watch out for fire and poison attacks. She'll also try to get into your head with talk of Daedric princes and so on...don't let it get to you."
I won't.

If spoken to again:

"Watch out for those attack spells, and you should be fine."

Once you return:

"Well done, <PlayerName>. Once again, I worried about you for no good reason."
It was easy.
"Well, it didn't *look* easy. That's what made it an exciting fight to watch. Don't worry, fights will only become tougher as you go!"
It was tough.
"It certainly looked that way. And that makes for an exciting fight! I'm impressed by how you keep rising to the challenge."

Either option leads to:

"We'll be setting up the next fight as soon as we know who your next opponent is."

Tournament: Arielle Themond[edit]

"All right, <PlayerName>, we know who your next opponent will be. Arielle Themond, of High Rock. She's a highly skilled skirmisher. Very fast. You'll be fine as long as you keep track of where her blade is at all times. We head out as soon as you're ready!"

If spoken to again:

"Hopefully, there won't be any more... incidents."

Once you return after defeating Arielle:

"Another great fight, <PlayerName>. We're already gearing up for round three finals."
"As you know, we have, uh, fewer contestants on Martius Silius' team, so we've had to rearrange things a little."
Who will I be facing?
"Well, if Urzoga wins her match, you'll be going against your Queen next."
Of course.
"You seem to be taking this in stride... Aren't you a bit nervous?"
She's a worthy opponent.
The Queen is competing?
"She is. Does that surprise you?"

Either option leads to:

"I heard this is what she wanted to be when she was young. I guess fate had other plans..."
Who is she going up against?
"I think she's up against Thondar next. Should be a good fight, considering both of them are still undefeated."
He seems pretty tough.
"He is. Not very quick, or particularly smart, but still capable of landing devastating blows. The Queen will have her work cut out for her."
She'll win.
"Yes, well, let's hope so! She's been a great help in promoting the tournament so far. She's an experienced fighter, so she should be able to hold her own."

Either option leads to:

"I'll let you know as soon as the fight's over."

Tournament - Round 3 Finals[edit]

"I've got some good news, <PlayerName>! Well... not sure if it's *good* news for you... Queen Urzoga won her match against Thondar Thick-Skull."
She did?
"Yes. She got roughed up a bit but managed to avoid her opponent's strongest blows."
I'm not surprised.
"Neither am I, though there were a few times where her opponent staggered her with his powerful blows."

Either option leads to:

"In the end, her superior skills made the difference. So that means you'll be fighting her in the round three finals."
That's fine.
"Good to hear! I was afraid this might be awkward."
I won't be too hard on her.
"Actually, I was thinking that she might be your hardest opponent yet."
Think she can beat me?
"Maybe. I guess we'll find out, won't we?"

Either option leads to:

"But I'm sure you'll do fine. Did you learn anything about the murders?"
People are talking about Metundus.
"Yes, I've heard. Martius Silius still wants to keep it quiet, but we'll have to announce it at some point. Anything else?"
Volusianus was drunk that night.
"Are you sure? Silius' men are noted for their temperance. He won't tolerate drunken behavior..."
That's what I heard.
"All right. We'll keep trying to find more information later. In the meantime, you have the round three finals to worry about. Go get ready!"

If spoken to again:

"I have a feeling this will be a fight to remember..."

Once you return:

"You got some guts, <PlayerName>, I'll give you that! I didn't think you'd be able to go against your sovereign like that."
Was it a good fight?
"It was brutal. It feels like everyone in the audience held their breath for the whole fight. This is exactly the type of fight we do these invitational tournaments for. We'll move on to the next round soon. I'll send for you when we're ready."
She told me not to hold back.
"You turned out to be quite the obedient subject, didn't you? To everyone's benefit, might I add!"
Glad you enjoyed it.
"And I'm glad you won – but don't tell the Queen!"

If spoken to again:

"I'll keep you posted as to when we're ready to begin round four."

Exhibition Fight: Enchanted Statues[edit]

When first spoken to:

"Greetings, <PlayerName>! We're ready to kick off round four of the tournament with another special exhibition match."
What will it be now?
"It was hard finding something to top off the Flame Atronachs from last time, but I think we did it!"
"Come now, you know these are real crowd-pleasers. Only round finals have drawn in more people. This one is going to be a huge success, even bigger than the Flame Atronachs."

Either leads to:

"You'll be going up against enchanted statues of fearsome trolls. We thought of using real trolls, but the risk of them attacking the audience was too high. This way we can control them somewhat so that they all focus their attacks on you."
"Yeah, everyone thought it was a great idea. Maybe not as bloody, but still very impressive. You might want to pick your main weapon wisely for this one, though. Fire or poison won't hurt them much!"

If spoken to again:

"You should see the *size* of those troll statues..."

Once you return from the arena:

"Did you hear that crowd, <PlayerName>? They absolutely loved it! You're a natural at this. Have you ever considered doing this professionally?"
Should I?
"Once this is all over we should really sit down and talk about this. I know talent when I see it."
I have other duties to uphold.
"You should really think about it. I know talent when I see it, and talent such as yours is worth a *lot* of septims. Let's talk about this again once the tournament's over. Maybe I can change your mind."

Either leads to:

We'll see.
"All right then. Go get some rest and I'll tell you when we're ready for your next fight."

Tournament: Dinahan-Al-Rihad[edit]

When first spoken to:

"All right, we're ready to begin round fight matches! Your first opponent will be Dinahan-al-Rihad. Have you ever fought him before?"
Yes, I have.
"Good, so you'll know what to expect. Beyond his theatrics, he's a skilled and crafty combatant. Whatever you do, don't underestimate him. He's counting on it."
I don't think so.
"Let me get you a few pointers then. Dinahan is very smart, and will try to distract you with his banter. He'll go on about being a prince-in-exile, his political connections, and so on. The goal is to make you forget that he's a highly capable combatant. Whatever you do, don't underestimate him. He's counting on it."
I'm not sure.
"You'd remember him, he always talks about his status as prince-in-exile, how he'll retake his throne one day... The goal is to make you think he's a poser, a rich dilettante buying his way through the Arena. Whatever you do, don't underestimate him. He's counting on it."

If spoken to again:

"Don't leave the prince waiting, now..."

Once you return from the fight:

"Looks like the prince will need to spend some time in his manor to lick his wounds. Good job, <PlayerName>!"
I didn't let him get in my head.
"Good! Keep it up like this and you'll make it to the sixth and final round. I just had confirmation it'll take place in the Imperial Arena! This is like a dream come true, isn't it?"
It is.
"Okay, now I sense a little bit of sarcasm there... This is a big deal, you know. It wasn't easy to arrange. I'm sure you'll feel the excitement when, and if, you get there. Everyone does."
When's my next fight?
"I'll let you know when your next opponent has been determined."
Is he really a prince?
"You know what, some days I think it's all a show he's putting on to keep drawing crowds... But then he does have important-looking guests attending his fights from time to time. He also does seem to have lots of money, more than the typical combatant at his level. So who knows? Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. He's a great fighter and a good sport, that's all that matters."

Tournament: Thorbjold[edit]

When first spoken to:

"Hello, Warrior! You have another colorful character as your next opponent. Very different from Prince Dinahan, mind you. Not as skilled, but strong. He brings in a good crowd."
Tell me more.
"He's a Nord named Thorbjold. He hails from Windhelm, where his followers are... very rowdy."
"There have been riots after his fights before... Win or lose didn't seem to make much of a difference."
It'll be fine.
"That's what I'm hoping. We have extra guards stationed around the arena just in case."
I'll give them a reason to riot.
"Don't joke about that. If there's a riot, you're going to have to serve on security detail."
"Just... beat him, but don't make it look easy. Make it seem like a fair match."

If spoken to again:

"I don't know why I'm so nervous for your next match. You'd better win."

After the fight:

"Wow! What a tense battle. I got shivers every time he lifted that thing..."
It looked worse than it was.
"Apparently so. You barely look injured!"
It hurt.
"Maybe you should stop by Lea Jeanne's to get a potion or two."
"That reminds me. One of the trainees helping with the tournament is looking to talk to you. Borges? Bergis? Something like that. Last I saw him he was near the job board, next to the Town Hall."

If spoken to again:

"Have you talked to that Bergis fellow? It seemed important."

Tournament - Round 4 Finals[edit]

"Hello <PlayerName>, beautiful day, isn't it?"

You have two options to reply with, the first being:

It is.
"Great. We're ready for the round four finals. I have a good feeling about your next fight! You'll be going against Campanus Tetius."

The other option is:

I need to talk to you about something.
"Can't it wait? We're ready for the round four finals. It's going to be quite a fight! You'll be going against Campanus Tetius."

Either leads to another two replies, the first being:

He's with Silius, right?
"Yes, he's their best fighter. After Martius himself, naturally. You have your work cut out for you. It'll be a great match to end this round... And then we'll be moving on to the Imperial Arena! This is so exciting! Can you imagine?"
I'm excited.
"You wouldn't believe how difficult this was to arrange... Have you found anything else about the murders?"
I might. I need to go and see.
"Now? But we're ready for your next fight... I'm sorry, but right now the fight is more important. Go show Tetius what you're made of, and then you can go north or wherever."

The other is:

I'm going north.
"You're going north? Now? You can't do that... The fight is all ready to go!"
It's about the murders.
"What, did you find something new? Wait, no. I don't want to hear it... I'm sorry, but right now the fight is more important. Go show Tetius what you're made of, and then you can go north or wherever."

Once you return from the fight:

"Well done, Warrior! That smug bastard had it coming."

You have two options, the first being:

That he did.
"I guess you'll be going north now? What do you think is up there, anyway?"

The other option is:

Is everything all right?
"Sorry, I guess I shouldn't talk like that about any of our participants. But that one... He's been harassing me ever since I told them we'd take care of finding the murderers."
I got that.
"Let's hope you find something when you go north... What do you think is up there, anyway?"

Either leads to:

Answers, I hope.
"I hope so too. Come see me as soon as you get back. Oh, and don't worry about the exhibition match to start the final round, we've got it covered."
What will it be?
"We're be pitting all the beasts and monsters we've had so far together in the Arena. All against each other. It should be spectacular, right? What do you think? Be honest."
It'll be glorious.
"Yes, I think so too."
I wouldn't know.
"I think it'll work. I don't see why it wouldn't..."

The Long Shadow of the Past[edit]

"<PlayerName>, you're back already! We're not quite ready for the first fight of round five, unfortunately. That exhibition match didn't go so well, in case you're wondering."
What happened?
"The wolves and bears kept running away from the Flame Atronachs, who kept evading the animated troll statues. They all kept running around, and then some Imperial banners caught fire, some people got scared... Long story short two people in the audience got trampled to death. Thankfully the Emperor wasn't in attendance. What about you? Did you find anything?"
I found the murderer.
"You did? That's great news! Where is he?"
He's dead.
"Ah. Well, that's better than nothing, I suppose. You're quite sure it was him?"
He confessed to me.
"Right. Hopefully Martius Silius will accept that."
He attacked me...
"Right, so you had to kill him, is that it? I wish you hadn't done so. It's going to be more difficult convincing Martius Silius that you got the right person."

Either option leads to:

I'll go talk to him.
"That's not necessary..."
It is.
"Okay, if you think so. I'll get back to preparing the first fight."
I have a message for him.
"I really don't think it's a good idea, but I can't stop you. You're a grown man."

Tournament: Brynhildur War-Wind[edit]

When first spoken to:

"All right, <PlayerName>, we're all set to begin round five. You'll be going against the heavy fighter Brynhildur War-Wind."

You have two options to pick from, the first being:

I talked with Martius Silius.
"Right, you told him you killed the murderer. How did it go?"
As well as I imagined.
"Okay, so that's good, then. One less thing to worry about!

He was quite angry.
"He was? Why? Did he not believe you got the murderer?"
No, he believed me.
"Then what does he have to complain about? I'm telling you, these top-tier combatants sometimes... Well, whatever the reason, I'm sure he'll get over it."

The other option is:

She's good.
"That she is! Watch out for her Power Attacks."

Either option leads to:

"Thanks again, Warrior. I don't know what I'd have done without you. Better get ready now, we don't want to keep the crowd waiting!"

Once you return from the arena:

"What a fight, <PlayerName>! Looks like Brynhildur got in a few blows too! I believe she was undefeated until today."
I don't think that's true.
"Oh, and isn't it amazing to be fighting in the Imperial Arena? So much history in that place... With a few more fights like these, perhaps people will forget about the exhibition fight disaster..."
Don't worry about it.
"You say that because you weren't there... The rest of the tournament *must* go perfectly. Go get some rest, now. I'll tell you when we're ready for the next fight."

Tournament: Garen Bethalas[edit]

When first spoken to:

"Hello <PlayerName>! Your next match is ready to start if you are."
Who am I facing?
"Garen Bethalas. I don't know much about him. Hails from Morrowind, didn't bring that many supporters either. He is certainly the dark horse of the tournament. But he's made it this far, so he must be good."
I'm ready for anything.
"Well, I knew that already! Good luck."
I'm a dark horse, too.
"I suppose that's true. May the best horse win!"

If spoken to again:

"Just wait until you see Garen's armor..."

Once you return from the fight:

"That must have been one of our most entertaining matches yet! You continue to impress me. Did you learn anything more about Garen?"
He's got some problems back home.
"Is that so? I guess he entered the tournament to help his family or something. Too bad..."
"Too bad. I would like to be able to follow his career. I'll try to track him down later."

Either leads to:

"There are only a couple of matches left in the whole tournament. Isn't that wild? It feels like we just started. I'll let you know when your next opponent is ready. Shouldn't be too long."

Tournament: Angarion the Bold[edit]

When first spoken to:

"The semifinals for round five are here already! Are you prepared?"
"Good, good. You'll need to be."
Who's my opponent?
"I'm so glad you asked."

Either leads to:

"You're up against Angarion the Bold. He's a mainstay of the arena. Have you fought him before?"
Yes, he's obnoxious.
"Yes, he is that. I've gotten more complaints about him than about any other combatant in the tournament. He makes unreasonable demands and treats everyone like dirt. And despite all that, I actually kind of like him. Couldn't tell you why."
I'm not sure.
"That's appropriate. He makes a point of not remembering his opponents either. He just relies on his prowess and ego to carry him through."
"Well, you're in for a treat. He's snooty, arrogant, and very skilled in combat. He will actively forget you once the fight is over."

All three options lead to:

"Anyway, don't let his attitude get in your head."
Don't worry about me.
"I won't. I'll worry about Angarion."

Once you return from the fight:

"You're back already? I thought you would be out for a few days."
How was the fight?
"What do you mean? It was incredible! It was the biggest turnout of the whole tournament so far. Now everyone's talking about how you defeated Angarion. It's great! The only opponent left now is Martius Silius himself, for the final fight of the tournament! We'll leave some time for the air to clear then schedule the match. I'll let you know when we're ready for you."

Tournament - Championship Fight[edit]

When first spoken to:

"This is it, <PlayerName>! This is the big one! You're one fight away from winning the tournament! All that stands in your way is the best arena combatant in all of Tamriel, eight times Grand Champion of Arena!"
You forgot "war hero".
"Come now, you're already a winner for coming this far. No one's going to think any less of you for losing to Silius. Thanks for talking to him, by the way. I don't know what you told him, but he sent me a nice thank you message today."
I just told him the truth.
"You'll continue to surprise me, <PlayerName>. All right, let's get you ready for the fight!"
It stops here.
"Ha! I applaud your spirit, but I'm not sure that'll be enough this time. Remember, there will be no shame when... if you lose to Silius. This is the big fight, <PlayerName>! Better go get ready!"

Once you return from the fight:

"You.... You... I can't even talk to you right now! How could you do this?"

You will have two options to pick from, the first is:

I can explain.
"Oh, you can explain... I'm sure it's all just a misunderstanding, right? You killed Martius Silius! The most popular combatant to ever grace the Arena! A bloody war hero!"
He was trying to kill me.
"Now why would he be trying to do that? You caught the bastard who was killing his men!"
Silius was no hero.
"Well, that's not for you to decide. The people loved him. They paid good money to come see him fight. Can you at least tell me why you think he deserved such a fate?"
He and his men were murderers.
"... Please go on..."
They butchered a whole town ten years ago.
"Oh. That's... horrible. I had no idea... Did you find out about this when you went North?"
"Okay. If you believe it to be true, then so will I. I understand you did what you think was right, and it probably was.... but I wish you had told me about it before. I just hope it was all worth it in the end."
The killer told me.
"And you believed him? Maybe he was lying to you."

The other option is:

I have my reasons.
"Whatever reason you had, I hope it was worth it in the end..."



The first time you speak to her:

"Hey, aren't you the town champion? I've heard a lot about you.
<PlayerName>, right?"
You got me.
"Rumor holds you're quite the warrior. Is this true?"
And you are?
"Right, where are my manners... I'm Noura, nice to meet you."
"I'm Noura. If I remember correctly, the Town Elder said you fought in the Great War."
Perhaps. What's it to you?
"I organize gladiatorial games with a group of former arena fighters. We're looking to gauge interest in our trade by holding an event in the old arena outside of town. Is that something that would interest you?"
Sure, how do I sign up?
"Ah, excellent! It's very simple, here, let me show you."
What's in it for me?
"Fame, glory, the reward... For some, it's simply the satisfaction of knowing they're the best. We make a point of treating our fighters well. You don't have to commit to anything."


Speaking to her again:

"Can I help you with anything else?"
Where are you form?
"I'm from Sentinel, though I haven't been there in years. I've spent most of my life in the arenas of Cyrodiil."
Are you a former fighter?
"Of course! This armor isn't just for show, you know? I have a record of thirteen victories and a single draw."
Were you here during the town fire?
"No, I wasn't. Looks like you're doing a fine job getting this place back on its feet, though."
Does the Bloodfall Queen know about this?
"Actually, she strongly believes the contests might help the local economy by attracting more people to the gladiatorial games. Come to think of it, when we spoke, I got the impression she was interested in participating. Perhaps I was imagining things."

Her goodbyes:

"Tell everyone to come to the arena, all right?"
"Until we meet again."
"Good luck out there, <PlayerName>."
"Stay sharp, warrior."
"I'll see you around, Warrior."
"I'll see you in the arena, champion!"
"For glory!"