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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Eranir

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(RefID: xx074580)
Location Bruma Fighters Guild
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Level PC×1 (range=15-40) Class Warrior
RefID xx074580 BaseID xx05BC23
Other Information
Health 50×? Magicka 50×?
Stamina 50×?
Primary Skills Archery, Heavy Armor, One-handed, Block
Perks Block: Shield Wall 3, Disarming Bash, Deadly Bash, Deflect Arrows
Heavy Armor: Juggernaut 3, Conditioning
One-handed: Bonebreaker 2
Two-handed: Devastating Blow
Class Details CombatWarrior1H
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Faction(s) CYRCrimeFactionBruma; CYRFightersGuildFaction; CYRTownBrumaFaction

Eranir is a Wood Elf warrior and member of the Bruma Fighters Guild.

After waking up at 8am, Eranir will eat a quick breakfast at the guild before starting his training regime at 10am. For the next five hours you will find him honing his swordsmanship while hacking away at the dummies in the guild's training area. If it's Tirdas or Turdas, he will then head over to Northern Arms to work on his weapons until 6pm. On all other days, he visits The Restful Watchman for some drinks. He returns to the guild at 6pm for a quick dinner and relaxes until his bedtime at midnight, at which point he heads downstairs to his room in the basement.

Eranir wears iron armor, gauntlets and boots, and is armed with a steel mace and an iron shield. He also carries the key to the guildhall and a random selection of gold, lockpicks, gems, jewelry, food and drink.


Eranir isn't the most cordial of people, as is evident when first meeting him:

"Oh, look. A tourist. What do you want?"
"Y'ffre's bones, what in Oblivion do you want?"

If you ask what he's doing up in Bruma, he explains:

"Used to be part of a mercenary company down in Valenwood. We were good. One of the best, and most feared, companies in all the provinces."

If you ask what changed, he will continue:

"The Great War came. Things got bad. Pay was poor, jobs were dangerous. Commander tried turning against an employer, tried to swindle them. It didn't end well. Now I'm here, doing the only thing I know how to do."

You can then offer three responses:

It must have been tough: "Tough? Of course it was tough. But so am I! I tire of this topic. Is there anything else you need?"
So you joined the Fighters Guild: "And now I'm bound by a charter so long I could wipe my arse with it a thousand times! At least the Nibenese branch is better than those coddled fools in Colovia. Cyrus is a tough champion that runs this place right. I tire of this topic. Is there anything else you need?"
Thanks for telling your story: "Don't mention it. I just love helping incredibly nosy people out when I could be doing other things instead!"

If you ask what it means to be in the Guild, he will scoff:

"What does it mean? Pfft. It doesn't mean anything. We're fighters. Mercenaries. Hired blades. We butcher and kill for money and wine."

If you note that sounds cynical, he agrees:

"Svenja will go on and on about how she thinks this is all about helping the poor people of Cyrodiil. How this is about protecting them and saving them from the things they cannot stand against."

If you then argue that's how it should be, he spits:

"Guar dung! Those poor fools who actually need our help can't afford it, and those who buy it only use it to further their own gains. At the end of the day when we return to the guild hall encrusted in blood, our pockets heavy with gold, we don't sit and think about the good we did. We drown ourselves in ale and try to forget the terrible things we have done. That's what it means to be in the Fighters Guild."

If you instead ask where you can join up he dismisses you:

"Hah! With that attitude I'd more than happily help you. Unfortunately, Cyrus has closed recruitment while the guild goes through some reforms."

If you press him, he will say:

"Those fence-sitters in Colovia are still recruiting. But who wants to fight with uncommitted bastards like them, anyway?"

Asking what he does around the guild will net you:

"Fight, kill, train. What? You were expecting something else?"

If you inquire further he will be irritated:

"Bug... Svenja... instead."
"You really have nothing better to do with yourself?"
"I'm always polite to people who needlessly waste my time."

If you ask what he thinks of the guildhall he replies:

"It's cold, harsh and there's plenty of opportunity for work thanks to the low member count. I like it."

On the topic of the Colovian guilds, if you ask him to explain the differences:

"You fall over and bang your head on a rock or something? Or have you just been living under one? The guild's been split since the Great War because the Colovians were too scared to fight the Thalmor. Svenja could probably tell you the history better than I could, though. Meaning, go ask Svenja..."

If you ask why he doesn't like them, he explains:

"They're soft, their training is lax and they probably find a scuffle with a skeever to be the fight of their lives. You don't send a Colovian guild member to do a true fighter's job, let's just leave it there."


  • Eranir was meant to have a conversation with Neremus Agrecian about the his sins, but will never get a chance as he never visits the Cathedral:
Eranir: "Priest Neremus?"
Neremus: "Yes? What is it, my child?"
Eranir: "Saint Martin was not a good man to start with, correct?"
Neremus: "Well, no, he was part of a Daedric cult in his youth, but he overcame that...why do ask?"
Eranir: "I just...want to know if the Divines above are forgiving. Of - of bad men."
Neremus: "...Oh. are not a bad man. And whatever wrongs you think you have committed, I'm sure you will find forgiveness for them in the eyes of the gods."
Eranir: "You don't know me. I'm a killer, Imperial. Nothing more."
Neremus: "I know you won't believe me, but you're wrong, Eranir. I know that, and so do the gods." ?