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Better Cities:Reputation in Leyawiin

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Build up your reputation in Leyawiin.
Quest Giver: None
Location(s): Leyawiin
Reward: Title of Honorary Citizen of Leyawiin
ID: BANLeyawiinReputationQuest

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Gain reputation by doing quests in Leyawiin.
  2. Talk to On-Staya Sundew.
  3. Gather all the necessary recommendations.
  4. Return to On-Staya.
  5. Receive your title from the count.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

This quest is special, in that it is influenced by every other quest in Leyawiin. When you complete a quest, you'll gain reputation points; this quest silently tracks the points and unlocks other quests. When you've gained enough points, you'll get a journal entry informing you of new benefits - increased merchant gold, better reaction adjustments, etc. Refusing or failing quests will also lose you reputation points, so be careful - if at any time your reputation drops below 0, you'll fail this quest.

The list of quests, what actions you can take, and their reputation modifiers, is as follows:

Leyawiin Reputation Points[edit]

Quest Action Modifier
Ahdarji's Heirloom Retrieve the ring and pay off any blood price. +1
Alchemical Competitors Complete the quest. +1
Allies for Bruma Convince the count to send soldiers to Bruma. +1
Blood and Wine Recover the wine. +2
Blood and Wine Tell Lebon Dombale the shipment was lost. +0
Buying a House in Leyawiin Buy the house +2
Concerning Primates Complete the quest. +1
Curious Notes Complete the quest. +1
Drunk and Disorderly Complete the quest +1
Foolish Youth Help Gunnar escape. +1
Foolish Youth Gunnar dies, or you refuse to help. -5
Fruit Thief Complete the quest. +1
Knights of the White Stallion Kill Black Brugo without Mazoga dying +1
Leyawiin Recommendation Complete the quest. +1
Life After Life Complete the quest. +2
Light the Dragonfires Complete the quest. +3
Mazoga the Orc Help Mazoga gain her revenge and keep her alive. +1
New Greyland Complete the quest. +1
New Greyland, Same Old Trouble Complete the quest. +1
Nocturnal Complete the quest. +1
Peace for Olivia Set Olivia's spirit to rest. +1
Peace for Olivia Destroy Olivia's spirit -10
Raid on Greyland Complete the quest. +1
Reshaping the Skooma Den Complete the quest. +2
Shipping Obstruction Complete the quest. +2
Skooma Trade Complete the quest. +1
Tears of the Savior Complete the quest. +1
The Hist Complete the quest. +1
Tragic Travels Complete the quest. +1
Treasure of Topal the Pilot Complete the quest. +1
Trust Questioned Return the papers and keep Jacques safe. +2
Trust Questioned Sell the papers and kill Jacques. *
Trust Questioned Sell the papers and Jacques escapes. **
Whom Gods Annoy Complete the quest. +1

* Your reputation will drop to 0 - in other words, any good deeds you've already done will be wiped out.
** Your reputation will drop to -1, and the quest Reputation in Leyawiin ends. Citizens of Leyawiin will have a lowered disposition toward you.

Note: Quests that are marked "Complete the quest" have only one resolution; as long as you successfully complete it, you'll get the reputation bonus.

Aside from quests, there are two other things that will gain reputation: opening an account at the local branch of the Bank of Cyrodiil, which gives you +1 reputation; buying and furnishing the player house in Leyawiin, which gives you +1 reputation.

Gaining Reputation[edit]

When you've gained enough reputation from doing vanilla quests, you'll unlock new quests (which you still have to start through the Town Gossip topic, as noted in the individual quest descriptions). The quests and their prerequisites are listed below.

  • 1+ Reputation: White Stallion Knight's Armour (assuming you've become a Knight of the White Stallion).
  • 5+ Reputation: Fruit Thief, Ghost in the Graveyard, Skooma Trade.
  • 10+ Reputation: Blood and Wine, Concerning Primates, Treasure of Topal the Pilot.
  • 15+ Reputation: Alchemical Competitors.
  • 20+ Reputation: Trust Questioned.

Additionally, you'll get journal updates for this quest when you reach +5 and +10 reputation.

When you've gained 1 reputation, if you've completed Mazoga the Orc and Knights of the White Stallion, you'll get the quest White Stallion Knight's Armor. At 5 and 10 reputation, you'll receive journal updates informing you of increased bonuses.

When you reach 40 reputation, you'll get a letter from the count - he wants to grant you a special title for all your hard work. You'll have to talk to the steward, On-Staya Sundew; she'll tell you that you need to get endorsements from various prominent citizens. Of course, these people have associated quests, so if you haven't done them yet, you'll need to do so now:

Once you've gathered all those, return to On-Staya; she'll start the process and tell you to come back tomorrow. The next day, she'll send you to see the count, and he'll confer upon you the title of Honorary Citizen of Leyawiin.

Journal Entries[edit]

Reputation in Leyawiin (BANLeyawiinReputationQuest)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 My reputation within the community of Leyawiin has increased and now the locals are more willing to give me discounts. Also, the amount of gold in Leyawiin's shops has slightly increased.
15 My reputation with the people of Leyawiin has increased significantly and now the merchants are much more willing to serve me goods at a discount, and the amount of gold in Leyawiin stores has increased again.
20 It feels like every person in Leyawiin knows who I am now, and is pleased to see me. I received a letter with an invitation to Leyawiin Castle. The steward, On-Staya Sundew, is waiting for me.
25 The steward told me about the petition by some residents of Leyawiin to grant me the status of Honourary Citizen of Leyawiin, which is a very high rank. But I require recommendations from Rosentia Gallenus, Manius Valerius, Kantav Cheynoslin, Agata from the Mages Guild and Lerexus Callidus from the Legion.
30 I have all the necessary documents for steward On-Staya Sundew. The recommendations should be given to her so that she can begin the registration of the title of Honourary Citizen of County Leyawiin.
40 The steward told me to return to her tomorrow. She will have all the papers ready by then.
45 I need to see Count Marius now.
100 Finishes quest☑ I have been honoured with the high title of Honourary Citizen of Leyawiin. Count Marius Caro solemnly presented me with the Hammer of Justice and the Honourary Citizen Diploma. Glory to Zenithar! Glory to the Nine! The recognition of the townspeople and the authorities of Leyawiin warms my soul.
200 Finishes quest☑ My reputation in Leyawiin dropped to nothing. Leyawiin has become a rather unfriendly city.

  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in random order.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • On PC It is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage BANLeyawiinReputationQuest stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages. See SetStage for more information.