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Better Cities:Mikhail

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(RefID: xx0607EC)
Home City Imperial City, Diplomatic District
House Ra'Durik and Mikhail's House
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Level 10 Class Commoner
RefID xx0607EC BaseID xx178F19
Other Information
Health 99 Magicka 132
Respons. 90 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Communal Living; IC Citizens

Mikhail is a Khajiit commoner who lives in the Imperial City Diplomatic District with his roommate Ra'Durik.

Mikhail rises at 4am and eats breakfast; he then goes to The Thirsty Guar to drink for two hours, returns home to clean up, then heads over to the People's Library at 9am to engage in his favorite pastime: reading. He spends most of the day there, eats dinner at Palate's Imbuement at 4pm, then he goes to home to bed at 6pm.

He wears a wolfskin vest, grey trousers, and black half boots; he carries a copy of History of Daggerfall and a house key.

The house Mikhail and Ra'Durik share is located just south of the Diplomatic Hotel. The basement is filled with crates, barrels, and sacks of food and clutter. The ground floor is a large open space with a fireplace in one wall; a small table and two chairs sits nearby. On the other side of the room, below the stairs, there is a sitting area with two benches and a dresser. A bookcase with several books and urns sits at the base of the stairs. The upper floor consists of a two small bedrooms and a larger common area with a writing desk, a table that serves as another desk, a pair of storage cupboards, and two shelves. The bedroom nearer the stairs is Ra'Durik's; it has a single bed, clothes cupboard, and bookshelf. The other room is Mikhail's and has a bed, chest, two low dressers, and a bookshelf.

If you run into him in the library, he'll go on about his books: "This report on the history of bandit raids and activity in the High Rock province is absolutely fascinating." or I know I should be heading home, but I am just so engrossed in this book." Both greeting enable the "Books" topic, to which he replies: "Might I inquire about your tastes in literature?". There are several choices here:

  • A good biography: "Might I suggest Mannimarco, King of Worms. The Arcane University should have a copy."
  • A tale of bravery:' "Ah quite! The Ransom of Zarek is just what you need. If you'll find it anywhere, it'll be in the Arena District."
  • Something metaphysical: "Ah. Not quite my taste, but what you're looking for is in Leyawiin's Southern Books."
  • I like to read about rivalry: "The Armorer's Challenge should suit you quite nicely. First Edition should have it in."
  • A good romance: "I believe I came across a copy of Last Scabbard of Akrash in A Fighting Chance. That's the book for you."
  • No: "As you wish."