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Better Cities:Kashmir

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(RefID: xx00A1EF)
Home City Bravil
Store Kashmir's Fresh Fish
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Level 5 Class Alchemist
RefID xx00A1EF BaseID xx00888F
Available 8am to 5pm every day
Gold 50 Mercantile Apprentice (30)
Sells Ingredients
Other Information
Health 44 Magicka 142
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Bravil; Bravil Docks

Kashmir is a Wood Elf alchemist who runs Kashmir's Fresh Fish, a shop on the Bravil Docks.

Kashmir rises at 7am every morning, takes a walk on the docks for an hour, then opens her shop. She remains behind the counter all day until 5pm, when she closes up. On Morndas, Middas, and Fredas, she will then go to the Bravil Warehouse for 2 hours to pick up new stock; every other day, she'll simply go walk around on the docks for the same period of time. At 7pm, she goes to the Bravil Bayside Inn for a bite to eat for a few hours, then she wanders about the docks for another two hours before retiring to bed at midnight.

She wears fishing waders and rough leather shoes; she carries a meat cleaver, a flawless diamond, 100 gold, some salmon, and the keys to her shop and the Bravil Warehouse.

Kashmir's Fresh Fish is housed in a three-story building just outside the Bravil Docks city gate. The lower floor is given over to the shop, along with a few tables for customers to sit and eat. The second floor is largely empty - it has one large common room and a smaller bedroom. The third floor is Kashmir's living quarters, and is quite bare - a bed and some containers for storage; she has a few tapestries on the walls, a rug, and some flowers on a table near the window.

Kashmir is a friendly sort; if you catch her when she's out of her shop, she'll tell you: "If you're looking to buy some fish, you'll have to see me when I'm working in my shop." If you talk to her during business hours, she'll promote her wares: "Fresh fish! Get your fish fresh-gutted today!" There are two dialogue branches here, one of which leads to a non-journal quest. The first occurs if you ask how fresh the fish are:

How fresh are they?

"I gutted them this morning! Fresh-gutted fish!"

When were they caught?

"Who knows? What does it matter? Get your fresh fish!"

They don't sound fresh then...

"What are you trying to say?! This is Kashmir's Fresh Fish! I sell fresh fish! These fish are fresh!"

They stink.

"Of course they stink! They're FISH! Fish stink, even fresh fish stink!"

They smell like they're rotting.

"What are you, a fish expert or something? That's the smell of a freshly-gutted fish! These fish are fresh fish, I just gutted them this morning!"


"Get out! Go on, get out of my store right now! FRESH FISH! Get your fresh fish! No adventurers allowed! Get your fresh fish!"

The other occurs if you comment on how fish are smelly: "Aren't they? You get used to it when working with them. I just wish I could get rid of the smell when I'm NOT working with them."

Doesn't soap remove the smell?

"No. The only soap that actually seems to get rid of the fishy smell is called "Emperor's Finest", but it's only available in the Imperial City. I can't afford to keep paying the transport costs to have it delivered here."

If you offer to get her some of the soap, she'll be ecstatic: "Really? That would be so kind of you! I can pay you of course. Perhaps, four soap bars?" If you bring the soap as promised, she'll pay you 150 gold.

Related Quests[edit]