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Better Cities:Arras Uthlun

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Arras Uthlun
(RefID: xx00256F)
Home City Imperial City, Waterfront Tunnel
Location Imperial Trading Company Warehouse
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 3 Class Publican
RefID xx00256F BaseID xx16680D
Available 8am to 6pm, Morndas, Middas, Fredas

8am to 8pm every other day

Gold 1 Mercantile Apprentice (33)
Sells Potions
Other Information
Health 35 Magicka 230
Respons. 45 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) IC Beggars; IC Citizens; Imperial Trading Company
Arras Uthlun

Arras Uthlun is a Dark Elf publican who tries to make a living by selling various alcoholic beverages, as well as skooma. He can't afford a stall in the Waterfront Tunnel, so he wanders around selling the stuff on his own.

Arras gets up at 6am every morning and spends a couple of hours wandering around the warehouse. At 8am, he leaves to go sell his wares; the location varies, depending on the day. On Morndas, Middas, and Fredas, he stands in front of the door to the Abandoned House; on Tirdas and Turdas, he goes to the Arena District; and on the weekends, he hangs out at the base of the stairs on the southern end of the Undermarket Tunnel. He works until 8pm, except on Morndas, Middas, and Fredas, when he knocks off at 6pm. In any case, he returns to the warehouse and wanders around for awhile before he goes to bed at 10pm.

Arras can't afford a place to live, so he beds down in the Imperial Trading Company Warehouse with a few others like him.

If you run into Arras, he'll try to flag you down: "Heeeeey! Hey buddy! Hey, I bet... urp... I bet I got EXAC-ETLY... what 'churr lookin' for!" If you ask what he's got, he says: "I jussst happen to have in my pooosession... a selection of fine wines, ales and gen-<hick>-eral hooch fer the interested customer..." If you note that he's likely drunk, he replies: "I take GREAT offense to that un-floun-dered accuuuusation! I am as sober now as I was when I was BORN! A little sip, here and there, ne'er killed anyone! So? Do you want to peruuuuuse my goods, or not?"