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Better Cities:Arcane University

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Guild Hall:
Arcane University
(lore page)
Console Location Code(s)
ICArcaneUniversityResearchInstitute, ICArcaneUniversityResearchInstituteAlchemy, ICArcaneUniversityResearchInstituteArchaeological, ICArcaneUniversityResearchInstituteAstrological, ICArcaneUniversityResearchInstituteDwemerStudies, ICArcaneUniversityResearchInstituteHistory, ICArcaneUniversityResearchInstituteOffices, ICArcaneUniversityResearchInstituteSpecialDepository
Imperial City, Arcane University
The Arcane University entrance

The Arcane University is the Mages Guild's center of learning in the Imperial City, accessed via a bridge southeast of the Arboretum.

Access to the University is restricted to respected members of the Mages Guild. To gain entrance, a recommendation from all the guild halls in Cyrodiil must be obtained. See Join the Mages Guild for details.

Research Institute[edit]

The Research Institute

The Research Institute is accessed via two towers located in the restricted area of the Arcane University, just inside each gate. The ground floor of each tower is simply a bare room with a teleporter, which leads to a high balcony lined with more teleporters. These lead to the various sections


The Alchemy Department

This section is dedicated to the study of alchemy. It has several workstations, cabinets along the walls for storing ingredients, and a large tank holding the preserved remains of some strange creature.


The Archaeological Department

This section focuses on the study of the Ayleids and Tamrielic history. It has cabinets and display cases along the walls full of Ayleid artifacts, a full set of elven armor, and bookcases crammed with books. A small desk and table sit in the middle of the room.


The Astrological Department

This floor is dedicated to the study of the heavens. It is empty except for a sundial in the middle of the room, and scale models of Masser and Secunda hanging from the ceiling.

Dwemer Studies[edit]

The Dwemer Studies Department

This floor centres around the lost Dwemer race. It has several bookcases, a full set of dwarven armor, and numerous artifacts scavenged from Dwemer ruins on display.


The History Department

This floor resembles nothing so much as a small library. A desk and two tables are placed in the middle of the room, and the walls are lined with shelves and shelves of books.


The Offices

This is where the administrators do their work. It has several desks, a cupboard, and a chest of drawers.

Special Depository[edit]

Located below the tower, this is a large circular room with a hallway around it. It is currently empty and inaccessible.

Related Quests[edit]

Map Key[edit]

Arcane University District
  1. Research Institute