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Hernes are described as aggressive, orderly, and calculated warrior-sportsmen daedra. They do not cast spells, and have little health, so they should pose little threat in melee combat. They are intelligent and may give up some information if you speak to them, but they will attack you when you finish talking. The Herne Clan is a brotherhood that serves Clan Shardai as Huntsmen and Guards.

In the Chimera of Desolation, they are participating in the Ritual of the Innocent Quarry, where they take on the role of the Huntsmen, as outlined in The Posting of the Hunt. The Frost Daedra function as the Lesser Dogs, Fire Daedra as the Greater Hounds, and a Dark Seducer is the Master of the Hunt. The Hernes desire Herne Egahirn to take take on the role of Huntsman Bold, so that he may deliver the killing blow on you, the prey.

100 0 65 50 70 45 50 35 70 45
Location Level 5, Level 6
Spells None

Level 5: The Chimera of Desolation Dialogue[edit]


Hello little hare. I am a Huntsman. I hunt you in accordance with the laws of the Wild Hunt. How do you like our hunt?

Player Response Result
Well, not bad, for the provinces. Not a patch on the Imperial Hunts, of course, but making allowance for the lower status and sophistication of participants here, not a completely embarrassing shambles. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll think I'll go run circles around a couple of your cute little puppies. Goodbye. END &HerneMad
The best ever! Gosh, am I having fun. FAR too much fun to waste time talking with shabby rabble like you. So long. END &HerneMad
Why me? Reply 5
What a complete and total bore. Stop it right now. Lost its entertainment value ages ago. So just stop it. Reply 1

Reply 1[edit]

The Wild Hunt cannot end until the sacred Spear of Bitter Mercy takes the life of the prey, and the victor Calls the Dark Seducer to View the kill. All must be done in accord with the Law. So you see we are not quite finished yet.

Player Response Result
By the way, why aren't YOU attacking me? Reply 2

Reply 2[edit]

I see no reason to not tell you, since you are mere moments from death. We desire that our younger Oathkinsman Egahirn collect the kill. We left our Spears sealed away, so that we are not tempted to kill you in the excitement of the chase.

Player Response Result
So, you won't kill me? Reply 3

Reply 3[edit]

Well, we'll TRY not to kill you. It would be a waste. But you are such fragile vessels, and sometimes we get excited. When provoked. When the chase is hot.

Player Response Result
Where'd you leave your Spear? Reply 4

Reply 4[edit]

Wouldn't you like to know.

Player Response Result
Why are you doing this? Reply 5

Reply 5[edit]

Why? To gain power from the rich magica currents around this isle. The Hunt is but a means to that end, and your death merely a fortunate byproduct.

Player Response Result
Where are the keys that allow me to escape? Reply 6

Reply 6[edit]

Ho, ho! I will never tell you. They are hidden in strict keeping with the Law of the Wild Hunt.

Player Response Result
Nuts. Well. It's been grand talking with you. Hope you choke. Goodbye. END
[&Egahirn] Right. In strict keeping with the Law, eh? Egahirn has the sixth key tucked inside his invulnerable little trousers, and you call that 'in strict keeping with the Law'? You should be ashamed. Reply 7

Reply 7[edit]

You amaze me, mortal. How did you find that out?

Player Response Result
Now how am I suppose to get a key from an invulnerable Huntsman? That's hardly sporting. Reply 8

Reply 8[edit]

I have followed the Law of the Hunt to the letter, mortal! Else the Hunt would be over before it started.

Player Response Result
You may have observed the LETTER of the Law, but perverted its SPIRIT. Reply 9

Reply 9[edit]

You amuse me, mortal. MOST gratifying. To dispute the Law with the Hare. Hah. I shall feast free forever on the charm of this tale. I thank you, Hare, and promise that you shall be immortalized in my glorious account of this Hunt. But, now I fear our chat is over, for the Hunt must continue. Run well, little Hare, and give us good sport.

Player Response Result
Always good to be appreciated, milord. And rest assured, Huntsman, that you'll not lack for surprises from your little Hare, though some may be very much less to your liking. END


[[Apparently the daedra has nothing to say to you.]]

[[The daedra looks almost fondly upon you, but doesn't say a word.]]

Level 6: Havok Wellhead Dialogue[edit]

Herne Oathkin Dialogue[edit]

  • A manling. As promised. For our sport. Very good.
  • Oh. Look. An itsy-bitsy eentsy-weentsy toy. Just for us to play with. Isn't our Lady thoughtful.
Player Response Result
The last Herne who thought I looked like good sport is steaming in the Abyss, clown. You know Egahirn? Reply 2
[&Payem] OR [&Cess] Hey. Look at the amulet. Ah-ah-ah! Look, but don't touch. So your Ladyship and I Faydra [sic] have a little plan. Pity she hasn't seen fit to inform you, but -- I guess that given the way the Hunt worked out, you guys don't smell so sweet, eh? So keep your distance, and give the Real Operator some room to move. Reply 1
[&Payem] OR [&Cess]This amulet says keep your hands off. Is that clear? And stay out of my way, or what happened to Egahirn could happen to you. Reply 3
Look, but don't touch, gristle-wit. I have an important message for Faydra, and she'll give me hell if I get your fat, greasy juices all over it. So do yourself a favor, and get out of my way, or I'll have to tear a hole in you big enough to poke a barrel through. 01-33: Reply 3
34-66: Reply 4
67-00: Reply 6

Reply 1[edit]

Dogs can wear amulets. And find them in rubbish bins, where they root for their sustenance. Come hither, little dog, and we'll find some nice slops for you to suck.

Player Response Result
Okay. You've really stung my pride now. I think I'll hurl myself upon you in a rage. Ready? END MonsteraAttack &HerneMad

Reply 2[edit]

Yes. Yes. Egahirn is our Oathkin, Playbrother, Lapmate, and Lipfast. What of him?

Player Response Result
He fancied himself a Huntsman, but he misjudged the Hare. I just poked him with the Spear of Bitter Mercy, and I think he'll be bouncing around the Cruel, Dark, and Deep for quite a while. So. Anyone else here fancy a wrestle? END MonsteraAttack &HerneMad

Reply 3[edit]

Yeah? Well, get about your business, mortal, and stop stinking up my air.

Player Response Result
You have the nerve to talk about my smell. Have you sniffed those britches you're wearing lately? Oh. Sorry. Not britches. So maybe you could wash that tail of yours. Or shave it. END MonsteraAttack &HerneMad

Reply 4[edit]

Oh. Oh. Oh. A message for Faydra. Give me the message, NOW, mortal, and I'll let you live.

Player Response Result
Oh. Okay. Here's the message. THE LOOT IS IN THE DEEP DARK HOLE TO THE NORTH. EXTRA DOUBLE SECRET. TELL NO ONE. No signature. You know what it means? Reply 5

Reply 5[edit]

Hmm. No idea. Excuse me. I think I hear my OathKin calling. North Pit, you say? Yes. Well. Carry on. Faydra's throne room? Well, just ask anyone.

Player Response Result
Well. That was easy. END Teleport_0

Reply 6[edit]

Ah. So a message disappears. She'll never know. I just have to have me some HOT FRESH PEOPLE FLESH RIGHT NOW! WHOOPIE!

Player Response Result
Would you settle for a couple of handfuls of hair? No? END MonsteraAttack &HerneMad

Greeting 2[edit]

Lady Faydra is gone. I no longer feel the thrill of her in my heart. No, it couldn't be that YOU had anything to do with that, could it, manling?

Player Response Result
Hoh. Sure. It was me. I just tossed her Ladyship where the stars don't shine. And good riddance. Mean old witch. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't carry that sort of muscle. And losing her Ladyship kicked some ants into my dinner, too, big boy. We had some plans cooking. So. I was thinking of waltzing over and putting a hurt on Xivilai and his bunch. You up for that? 01-50: Reply 7
51-00: Reply 8

Reply 7[edit]

Maybe you did Faydra, and maybe you didn't. Doesn't matter to me, now. It's just us, and our personal matters. And time to settle up for what you did to my Oathkin, Egahirn.

Player Response Result
That's old history. But I can see it bothers you. Okay. Let's take care of unfinished business. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad

Reply 8[edit]

Things are a little confused right now, manling. I think I'll sit this one out, see which way the wind blows. So perhaps a temporary truce is in order. You play nice, and I'll play nice. And later, when things settle down, come see me, and we'll have a nice little chat.

Player Response Result
Can't promise anything. But I am feeling a little tuckered out from bursting torsos and ripping off arms. So let's both take a little breather. END PCTeam


  • [[His eyes glow with fury, but he says not a word.]]
  • [[He sizes you up as he ignores your offer to parlay.]]
  • [[He gazes at you indifferently, and keeps his own counsel.]]

Greeting 3[edit]

Goodness. What have we here? An ape? A battlemage in donkeyform? An animated manikin for our sport? Now, if it were a manling, then we would have to leave it be, for such are my Lady's orders. But surely, it cannot be the manling, so we may use it for our jests.

Player Response Result
Seriously? You don't recognize me? Oh. I see. If that's the way you want to play, it suits me fine. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad

Herne Oathkin 2 Dialogue[edit]

  • You! You Took our Playbrother Egahirn! And now he is GONE, the poor sweet thing! We WEEP! We cry! We rip our skins! We HATE our pain. And YOU, mortal, shall share our pain, and drape the WALLS with your gaudy GUTS! For JOY of pain! For WASTE of loss! We MISS our Playbrother! And BURST his Taker!
  • So. You are the manling who has Taken our Playbrother from us. You do not look like much. We must not give way to weeping -- not until we spread upon the ground your separate parts in all their glory.
Player Response Result
Look. I said I was sorry. But -- I admit -- not very sorry. Hah-hah-ha! He got what he deserved, the dirty little cheater. Reply 1
[&Payem] OR [&Cess] All that is in the past. Most unfortunate. Now I wear her Ladyship's amulet, and serve her as you do. May we not work together? Or, if you should desire satisfaction, I'll not deny you -- but first let us take care of the Clannfear rabble. 01-50: Reply 2
51-00: Reply 3
[&Payem] OR [&Cess] This amulet says keep your hands off. Is that clear? And stay out of my way, or what happened to Egahirn could happen to you. Reply 1

Reply 1[edit]

Die. Die a thousand times, and beg for a thousand more.

Player Response Result
One death is quite enough for me, and I'll save it for my old age, thank you. END MonsteraAttack &HerneMad

Reply 2[edit]

This is a personal matter, concerning close Oathkin, manling. You couldn't understand. And will not live long enough to worry about it.

Player Response Result
I understand plenty, jerk, and considering all the scores I've got to settle, I might as well start with you. Come on. END MonsteraAttack &HerneMad

Reply 3[edit]

For the moment, manling, you may hide behind the amulet. But later, I promise you, there will be an accounting for your actions.

Player Response Result
That suits me fine, goat-breath. Reply 4

Reply 4[edit]

What did you call me, little manling?

Player Response Result
Oh. Nothing. Just clearing my throat. Reply 5
Oh. Beg pardon. MISTER Goat-Breath. END MonsteraAttack &HerneMad

Greeting 2[edit]

Goodness. What have we here? An ape? A battlemage in donkeyform? An animated manikin for our sport? Now, if it were a manling, then we would have to leave it be, for such are my Lady's orders. But surely, it cannot be the manling, so we may use it for our jests.'

Player Response Result
Seriously? You don't recognize me? Oh. I see. If that's the way you want to play, it suits me fine. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad

Reply 5[edit]

You should be more careful, manling. We are sensitive creatures, and quick to take offense.

Player Response Result
I'm really, really sorry. I'm ashamed of myself. Please forgive me. Reply 6
You're right. I'm really sorry. Mister Goat-Breath. END MonsteraAttack &HerneMad

Reply 6[edit]

In the spirit of universal brotherhood among mortals and immortals, I graciously forgive you.

Player Response Result
Handsomely done. Spoken like a gentleman. So let's go whack lizards, shall we? END PCTeam
And in turn, I graciously forgive you for dressing like a goat. END MonsteraAttack &HerneMad

Greeting 3[edit]

Lady Faydra is gone. I no longer feel the thrill of her in my heart. No, it couldn't be that YOU had anything to do with that, could it, manling?

Player Response Result
Hoh. Sure. It was me. I just tossed her Ladyship where the stars don't shine. And good riddance. Mean old witch. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't carry that sort of muscle. And losing her Ladyship kicked some ants into my dinner, too, big boy. We had some plans cooking. So. I was thinking of waltzing over and putting a hurt on Xivilai and his bunch. You up for that? 01-50: Reply 7
51-00: Reply 8

Reply 7[edit]

Maybe you did Faydra, and maybe you didn't. Doesn't matter to me, now. It's just us, and our personal matters. And time to settle up for what you did to my Oathkin, Egahirn.

Player Response Result
That's old history. But I can see it bothers you. Okay. Let's take care of unfinished business. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad

Reply 8[edit]

Things are a little confused right now, manling. I think I'll sit this one out, see which way the wind blows. So perhaps a temporary truce is in order. You play nice, and I'll play nice. And later, when things settle down, come see me, and we'll have a nice little chat.

Player Response Result
Can't promise anything. But I am feeling a little tuckered out from bursting torsos and ripping off arms. So let's both take a little breather. END PCTeam


  • [[His eyes glow with fury, but he says not a word.]]
  • [[He sizes you up as he ignores your offer to parlay.]]
  • [[He gazes at you indifferently, and keeps his own counsel.]]

Herne Oathkin Homeguard Dialogue[edit]

  • What have we here? A mortal? Abroad in the great wide world with no one to save him? Oh, how tired he must be of the long days and nights. Come, fall upon your weapon, and end the pain. Else I fear we must feed you your own dainty parts, and spoil that pretty skin with teeth and fire.
  • You are in the wrong place, little one. This is your last mistake. Come now. If you kill yourself, you are promised a swift death. If your leave the matter to us, we may spend a long time dying.
Player Response Result
I laugh at death. Hah-hah-hah! And at you. Hah-hah-hah. And at your goofy-looking boots. Reply 1
[&Payem] OR [&Cess] I have the Lady's leave to come and go as I wish. If you doubt that, ask her yourself. But if you lay hands on me -- or whatever those things are at the ends of your arms -- you shall draw back a pair of bloody stumps. 01-50: Reply 1
51-00: Reply 2

Reply 1[edit]

Hoofs, mortal. Not boots. And all the better to kick in your silly teeth.

Player Response Result
And the tail -- hah-hah-hah! You slay me. END MonsteraAttack &HerneMad

Reply 2[edit]

We shall see about your amulet, manling, when we place it before my Queen, along with whatever pieces of you decide to accompany it.

Player Response Result
I'll go where I wish, and when I wish, fuzzy wuzzy. END MonsteraAttack &HerneMad

Greeting 2[edit]

I'm inclined to take that amulet and stuff it down your throat. But I have other things to do. Get out of my sight.

Player Response Result
I'll go because I want to, not because you tell me to. Nyah-nyah. END PCTeam

Greeting 3[edit]

Goodness. What have we here? An ape? A battlemage in donkeyform? An animated manikin for our sport? Now, if it were a manling, then we would have to leave it be, for such are my Lady's orders. But surely, it cannot be the manling, so we may use it for our jests.

Player Response Result
Seriously? You don't recognize me? Oh. I see. If that's the way you want to play, it suits me fine. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad

Greeting 4[edit]

Lady Faydra is gone. I no longer feel the thrill of her in my heart. No, it couldn't be that YOU had anything to do with that, could it, manling?

Player Response Result
Hoh. Sure. It was me. I just tossed her Ladyship where the stars don't shine. And good riddance. Mean old witch. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't carry that sort of muscle. And losing her Ladyship kicked some ants into my dinner, too, big boy. We had some plans cooking. So. I was thinking of waltzing over and putting a hurt on Xivilai and his bunch. You up for that? 01-50: Reply 3
51-00: Reply 4

Reply 3[edit]

Maybe you did Faydra, and maybe you didn't. Doesn't matter to me, now. It's just us, and our personal matters. And time to settle up for what you did to my Oathkin, Egahirn.

Player Response Result
That's old history. But I can see it bothers you. Okay. Let's take care of unfinished business. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad

Reply 4[edit]

Things are a little confused right now, manling. I think I'll sit this one out, see which way the wind blows. So perhaps a temporary truce is in order. You play nice, and I'll play nice. And later, when things settle down, come see me, and we'll have a nice little chat.

Player Response Result
Can't promise anything. But I am feeling a little tuckered out from bursting torsos and ripping off arms. So let's both take a little breather. END PCTeam


  • [[His eyes glow with fury, but he says not a word.]]
  • [[He sizes you up as he ignores your offer to parlay.]]
  • [[He gazes at you indifferently, and keeps his own counsel.]]

Herne Oathkin Boxers Dialogue (Arena)[edit]

  • Well. If it isn't the manling master of war. Far from home, and all alone. Come to dance? Come to play? Come to sing? Come to paint the world red with your heart's blood? Or would you fight in the Arena with us?
  • Manling. Mark me. For Egahirn, I will take your spirit. And better yet, in the Arena of Challenge. For his glory, and mine, I send your spirit into the dark.
Player Response Result
Blah, blah, blah. If words could kill, I'd be digging my grave. Come on, goat-britches. Show me some action. Reply 2
Hey. Look at the amulet. Faydra and I have come to an accommodation. So let's let bygones be bygones, and get on with serving her will, and our own welfares. Reply 1
[&Payem] OR [&Cess] This amulet says keep your hands off. Is that clear? And stay out of my way, or what happened to Egahirn could happen to you. Reply 3

Reply 1[edit]

So you say. But such amulets are easy to come by. Would you prove your loyalty to Faydra? Then mark this Clannfear on the floor of the Arena. Take his WarAxe of Profane Vitality as your prize, if you can. Then talk to me of common interests and actions.

Player Response Result
And all I have to do is pin this Clannfear's ears back? They ARE ears, aren't they? Nuts. My little sister could take him. So. If I slap him silly and take his stuff, we're the fastest of friends? Reply 4

Reply 2[edit]

No, manling. Not in the arena. You'll not provoke me into lawless riot here. But outside the Arena, watch your delicate skin.

Player Response Result
Oh. I can't provoke you, eh? We'll see about that. END &HerneMad

Reply 3[edit]

Silly manling! Amulet means NOTHING! You TRESPASS upon the Lord's land, and show no token of his pleasure. Perhaps he will be pleased with your SKIN!

Player Response Result
Say. You wouldn't have a drink of water handy? 'Cause this skinning Clannfear is thirsty work. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad

Reply 4[edit]

As close as Oathbrothers, manling. Friends forever and ever and ever.

Player Response Result
Won't that be cozy. Okay. Let me at 'im. And watch my back, comrade. I don't like the look of that crowd. END &HerneFite

Greeting 2[edit]

Well, manling. Very impressive. You dazzle me with your footwork. And your swift changes of allegiance.

Player Response Result
Ah. Well. You haven't seen anything yet. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad
[&WarAxe] I told you. A piece of cake. He never knew what hit him. So. What now? Want to go clean up the rest of these reptiles? Reply 5
[&Dagger] Look. An honest mistake. It's dark in here. He started it. I've got this old inner ear problem, spoils my balance sometimes, get confused. Accident. Didn't mean to hurt him. I just -- well -- you know -- slipped. And they cast a spell on me, yeh. That's it. A spell. Couldn't help myself. Reply 6

Reply 5[edit]

Perhaps for a while our paths may intertwine, manling. Don't think I'll forget about Egahirn. But there's plenty of time for that accounting. For now, let's see to those capering, lisping green reptiles, shall we?

Player Response Result
After you, my dear. END PCTeam

Reply 6[edit]

I understand. An accident. They happen all the time. In fact, I think a very serious accident is about to happen right here.

Player Response Result
Oh. You too, eh? Got a touch of the old sight, right? See the future coming, eh? Did you see -- LOOK OUT! BEHIND YOU! HE'S GOT AN AXE. Ha-ha. Worth a try. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad

Greeting 3[edit]

Lady Faydra is gone. I no longer feel the thrill of her in my heart. No, it couldn't be that YOU had anything to do with that, could it, manling?

Player Response Result
Hoh. Sure. It was me. I just tossed her Ladyship where the stars don't shine. And good riddance. Mean old witch. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't carry that sort of muscle. And losing her Ladyship kicked some ants into my dinner, too, big boy. We had some plans cooking. So. I was thinking of waltzing over and putting a hurt on Xivilai and his bunch. You up for that? 01-50: Reply 7
51-00: Reply 8

Reply 7[edit]

Maybe you did Faydra, and maybe you didn't. Doesn't matter to me, now. It's just us, and our personal matters. And time to settle up for what you did to my Oathkin, Egahirn.

Player Response Result
That's old history. But I can see it bothers you. Okay. Let's take care of unfinished business. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad

Reply 8[edit]

Things are a little confused right now, manling. I think I'll sit this one out, see which way the wind blows. So perhaps a temporary truce is in order. You play nice, and I'll play nice. And later, when things settle down, come see me, and we'll have a nice little chat.

Player Response Result
Can't promise anything. But I am feeling a little tuckered out from bursting torsos and ripping off arms. So let's both take a little breather. END PCTeam


  • [[His eyes glow with fury, but he says not a word.]]
  • [[He sizes you up as he ignores your offer to parlay.]]
  • [[He gazes at you indifferently, and keeps his own counsel.]]

Greeting 4[edit]

Goodness. What have we here? An ape? A battlemage in donkeyform? An animated manikin for our sport? Now, if it were a manling, then we would have to leave it be, for such are my Lady's orders. But surely, it cannot be the manling, so we may use it for our jests.

Player Response Result
Seriously? You don't recognize me? Oh. I see. If that's the way you want to play, it suits me fine. END MonsterAttack &HerneMad


  • Hernes were originally planned to be included as a favored Daedra of Hircine in ESO. One later appeared serving Clavicus Vile.
  • It is not known where the second Oathkin dialogue from Level 6 appears.
  • In certain data files, the Herne are instead referred to as the Mastema, of which there are two types; the Mastema Boxer, and the Mastema Homeguard.