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Morrowind:Unused NPCs

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The game has Unused NPCs, which are listed in the Construction Set but cannot be found anywhere in the game world normally. They are not referenced by scripts or dialogue; they do not even appear in any of the game's test cells. The only way to make them appear is by using console commands.

Although some of these people in theory offer various services, they are not listed on any of the Services articles because their services are not normally available.

Most of the NPCs here are of the "Acrobat" class, which is the default class in the Construction Set. Had these characters been finalized, they presumably would've had different classes.


These NPCs all belong to one of the three vampire clans found throughout Morrowind, as can be seen by their attached scripts. It seems that originally, not every clan was to be composed of one race only, but instead was to be mixed with all kinds of different vampires.

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Aleri Duro Female Dark Elf Acrobat 5 65 86 0 90 Aundae vampire
Ano Dran Male Dark Elf Acrobat 5 70 86 0 90 Aundae vampire
Chulz Male Argonian Acrobat 5 65 86 0 90 Berne vampire
Dinere Hlen Female Dark Elf Acrobat 5 65 86 0 90 Berne vampire
Estalenya Female High Elf Acrobat 5 60 106 0 90 Aundae vampire
Garalo Andalas Female Dark Elf Acrobat 5 65 86 0 90 Quarra vampire
Gerrilgor Male Wood Elf Acrobat 5 60 86 0 90 Berne vampire
Morn gra-Khatub Female Orc Acrobat 5 78 86 0 90 Berne vampire
Ninimilk Addinibi Male Dark Elf Acrobat 5 70 86 0 90 Quarra vampire
Nush Female Argonian Acrobat 5 65 106 0 90 Aundae vampire
Peregrina Cnisia Female Imperial Smith 5 83 86 100 30 Berne vampire; Blacksmith; Merchant
Pustula Baenius Male Imperial Acrobat 5 70 86 0 90 Aundae vampire
Rangela Female Nord Acrobat 5 75 66 0 90 Quarra vampire
Silasson Male Redguard Acrobat 5 80 66 0 90 Aundae vampire
Varnis Stieve Male Breton Acrobat 5 65 106 0 90 Quarra vampire
Velis Thirothan Male Dark Elf Monk 5 61 86 0 90 Berne vampire
Waylas Male Redguard Acrobat 5 80 66 0 90 Quarra vampire

Ald'ruhn Underground[edit]

These NPCs are all somehow tied to unused content involving something that concerned the Thieves Guild and illegal activities in Ald'ruhn. They are either a member of the guild, carry the related key, or both.

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Ather Belden Male Dark Elf Pawnbroker Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 9 81 126 100 30 Merchant
Dalos Golathyn Male Dark Elf Thief Service Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 9 81 106 100 0 Trainer; Merchant
Fomesa Tharys Female Dark Elf Smith Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 9 111 92 100 30 Blacksmith; Merchant
Llandreri Selothan Female Dark Elf Master-at-Arms 9 114 92 0 35 Trainer


These NPCs duplicate NPCs that did make it into the final game, with only minor differences.

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Atúlg gro-Largúm Male Orc Barbarian 11 125 76 0 90 This character is identical to the non-relevant character Atulg gro-Largum, other than the accents in his name.
Selman Relas Male Dark Elf Ordinator Tribunal Temple Adept(Adept) 15 147 110 0 30 This character is almost identical to the non-relevant character Selmen Relas.
Yatúr gro-Shak Male Orc Barbarian 4 74 64 0 90 This character is almost identical to the non-relevant character Yatur gro-Shak, other than the accents in his name.


A small handful of NPCs that don't fit any of the above categories.

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Cinia Urtius Female Imperial Shipmaster 20 131 142 0 30 Transport; Master Trainer PC Only This bug is fixed by the Morrowind Patch Project.
Corrudus Secunia Male Imperial Agent 14 104 27 0 30 Merchant; likely an earlier version of Cunius Pelelius
Ulwaen Male Wood Elf Master-at-Arms Imperial Legion Spearman(Spearman) 6 83 88 0 30 Trainer


Tribunal characters who are listed in the Construction Set but cannot be found anywhere in the game.

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Dirver Relas Male Dark Elf Trader Service 20 160 140 100 30 Merchant
Dro'farahn Male Khajiit Commoner 10 93 100 0 30
Edre Retene Female Breton Bookseller 20 124 180 0 30 Merchant
Hulgarth Male Nord Barbarian 37 280 118 0 30
Myn Farr Male Breton Knight Berne Clan Lord(Lord) 15 142 130 0 90 Second highest rank of the whole Berne faction, surpassed only by clan leader Raxle Berne.


Bloodmoon characters who are listed in the Construction Set but cannot be found anywhere in the game.

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Cingor Male Wood Elf Alchemist 5 0 126 0 30 Early version of M'nashi.
Grandfather Frost Male Breton Alchemist 25 144 200 0 30 Early version of Uncle Sweetshare.
Hallvaror Male Nord Shipmaster 20 141 122 0 30
Kili the Long Female Nord Nightblade 44 208 154 0 30 Based on race and level, was likely meant to appear in Skaal Village.
Valgus Statlilius Male Imperial Guard Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 20 210 122 0 30 Based on race, class, and faction, was likely meant to appear in Fort Frostmoth.
Wind-In-His-Hair Male Argonian Shipmaster 20 126 142 0 30

See Also[edit]