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Skyrim:Aloe Vera Leaves

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Aloe Vera Leaves
Aloe Vera Leaves
Added by _ResourcePack.esl
Value 1 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Restore Health Restore Health
2nd Restore Stamina Restore Stamina
3rd Damage Magicka Damage Magicka
4th Invisibility Invisibility
Plant Aloe Vera
Garden HF 2
Merchant Avail. Khajiit Traders
Aloe Vera Leaves

Aloe Vera plant

Aloe Vera Leaves are an ingredient that were added via the official _ResourcePack.esl file that was included with Special Edition Patch 1.6.1130, released on December 5, 2023. They can usually be purchased from the Khajiit caravans (see bugs).

Notably, Aloe Vera Leaves are fully compatible with the Greenhouse mechanic introduced by Hearthfire. This means that you can plant it in any plot of Fertile Soil and harvest two samples of the ingredient from the resulting Aloe Vera plant.


3 Effects[edit]

Desired Effect Combine with:
Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Restore Health Restore Health Restore Stamina Restore Stamina Eye of Sabre Cat

2 Effects[edit]

Desired Effect Combine with:
Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Invisibility Invisibility Bittergreen PetalsCC (1.33×Magnitude,1.36×Value) (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), Chaurus Eggs, Luna Moth Wing
Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Restore Health Restore Health Butterfly Wing, Daedra Heart
Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Restore Stamina Restore Stamina ChokeweedCC (1.33×Magnitude,1.36×Value) (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), Spiddal StickCC (1.33×Magnitude,1.36×Value) (0.4×Magnitude, 0.36×Value)
Invisibility Invisibility Restore Health Restore Health Flame StalkCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value) (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value)
Restore Health Restore Health Restore Stamina Restore Stamina Charred Skeever Hide, SaltriceCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value) (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value)

1 Effect[edit]

Desired Effect Combine with:
Restore Health Restore Health AmbrosiaCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), Ash Hopper JellyDB, Blisterwort (0.6×Magnitude,0.57, Blue Dartwing, Blue Mountain Flower, Corkbulb RootCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), Felsaad Tern FeathersDB, Heart of OrderCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), Imp Stool (0.6×Magnitude,0.57×Value), Ironwood FruitCC, MarshmerrowCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), Rock Warbler Egg, SpadefishCC, Void EssenceCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), Wheat
Restore Stamina Restore Stamina Bear Claws (0.8×Magnitude, 0.78×Value), Bee, GoldfishCC, Hackle-Lo LeafCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), Hawk Beak, Histcarp, Honeycomb, Large Antlers, Mudcrab Chitin, Netch JellyDB (2×Magnitude), Orange Dartwing, Pearl, PearlfishCC, Pine Thrush Egg, Pygmy SunfishCC, Powdered Mammoth Tusk, Purple Mountain Flower, Sabre Cat Tooth, Salmon RoeHF (0.4×Magnitude, 0.36×Value), Scrib JerkyCC (1.2×Magnitude,1.22×Value), Silverside Perch, Small Pearl, Torchbug Thorax, Wisp Wrappings
Damage Magicka Damage Magicka Glow Dust, Hagraven Feathers, Hanging Moss, HarradaCC (1.33×Magnitude,1.36×Value), Human Heart, Jarrin Root, Mort FleshCC, Namira's Rot, Nordic Barnacle, Trama RootDB
Invisibility Invisibility Ash Creep ClusterDB, Blister Pod CapCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), BloodgrassCC, Crimson Nirnroot, Daedra SilkCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), Elytra IchorCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), GlassfishCC, Green Butterfly WingCC, Ice Wraith Teeth, Nirnroot, Redwort FlowerCC (1.5×Duration,1.56×Value), Screaming MawCC (0.25×Duration,0.22×Value), Vampire Dust



  • Aloe Vera Leaves may be unavailable on existing save files.
  • Nintendo Switch Logo.svg They are not currently available on the Nintendo Switch version. ?