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Online:Dungeon Lord

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ON-icon-achievement-Slayer.png Dungeon Ruler
ON-icon-achievement-Slayer.png Dungeon Lord
Type Dungeons Achievements
Points 10, 50
Dye Boss Butcher BrownBoss Butcher Brown
Defeat [100 / 1000] named enemies in Dungeons.

Dungeon Ruler and Dungeon Lord are awarded for defeating bosses while in Delves, Public Dungeons, Group Dungeons, or Trials. Dolmens also count. You do not need to land the killing blow, or indeed do any damage at all so long as you participate in the battle in some way, e.g. providing healing or tanking.

Bosses in Delves and Public Dungeons only count once towards the achievement; however, in Group Dungeons it's possible to get credit for killing the same boss multiple times. [verification needed — see talk page]