Online:Temple Canton
Zone | ||||
Vvardenfell | ||||
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Vivec City |
The Temple Canton is located north of Vivec's Palace in Vivec City. Prelate Sabinus is located next to the statue of Vivec and the Shalk.
Archcanon's Office[edit]
The Archcanon's Office is located on the eastern side of the upper floor of the canton. It is divided into two floors. The first floor has a wardrobe, the Archcanon's desk, two bookcases, and a shrine. The upper floor contains the Archanon's bed, a bedside table, a lockbox, and a dresser[verification needed — maybe forgetting something?]. During Divine Blessings, a Strange Mirror will be on the dresser, the Archcanon's Signet will be in the lockbox, and the Archcanon's Journal will be on the bedside table.
Depending on which quest you are on, you may find Archcanon Tarvus, Canon Llevule, Seryn, or Barilzar here.
Hall of Justice[edit]
The Hall of Justice consists of three offices. Unel Darano, High Ordinator Vermethys, and Armiger Urnsi are in the largest office. Across the hall, Beleru Omoril and Traylan Omoril each have their own office. The Omorils are the questgivers for the daily Bounty and Exploratory quests.
Library of Vivec[edit]
The Library of Vivec is one large two-level room. Bookcases line the walls of the upper level. On the lower level is a large model of Vvardenfell that is filled in as you find ancestral tombs across the island and collect rubbings for Librarian Bradyn.
Related Quests[edit]
Divine Conundrum: Help a canon fulfill a mission from Vivec.
Divine Inquiries: Investigate potential causes of the Warrior-Poet's loss of divine power.
Divine Intervention: Help the clockwork mage create a tonal inverter to counteract the power of Sunna'rah.
Divine Restoration: Seek guidance from the Lady of Twilight against a common foe.
Divine Blessings: Help Lord Vivec reward those who assisted in restoring his divine power.
- A Call For Aid: Report to the Hall of Justice for contract work.
The Anxious Apprentice: Stop a mad mage's experiment before it causes any more harm.
A Creeping Hunger: Kill a hunger so that researchers can access a ruin.
Culling the Swarm: Kill the excess kwama of Missir-Dadalit Egg Mine and defeat the Queen's Consort.
Daedric Disruptions: Prevent Worm Cultists from completing their Daedra summoning rituals.
Kwama Conundrum: Investigate a new breed of kwama.
Oxen Free: Collect unique mushroom samples and kill a dangerous nix-ox.
Planting Misinformation: Disrupt a moon-sugar grow operation by planting false instructions.
Salothan's Curse: Banish the lingering spirits of a distressed war council.
Siren's Song: Defeat a powerful nereid and recover cargo from a wreckage.
Tax Deduction: Recover stolen taxes from a bandit den.
Tribal Troubles: Collect several pieces of Dwarven scrap for the Ashlanders of Zainab.
Unsettled Syndicate: Disrupt the Camonna Tong's slave trading activities at Khartag Point.
- The Ancestral Tombs: Take rubbings at tombs across the island to unlock a trove of ancient knowledge.
- The Lost Library: Help recover the genealogies of the Dunmer Great Houses.
Shrine of Father of Mysteries — A rededication shrine dedicated to Sotha Sil in the Temple Canton of Vivec City (map)
Shrine of Mother Morrowind — A shrine where players can perform the Ritual of Mara dedicated to Almalexia in the Temple Canton of Vivec City (map)
Shrine of Warrior-Poet — A rededication shrine dedicated to Vivec in the Temple Canton of Vivec City (map)
In addition, you can find two shrines for The Pilgrim's Path achievement.
Vivec Temple Wayshrine — Located on the southeast side of the Temple Canton of Vivec City. (map)